Port Vuepress to Vitepress
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text: "Download",
link: "https://download.kodo.moe/"
text: "Changelog",
link: "https://github.com/tachiyomiorg/tachiyomi/releases/latest"
text: "Contributing",
link: "https://github.com/tachiyomiorg/tachiyomi/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md"
function sidebarGuide() {
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text: "Frequently Asked Questions",
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{ text: "General", link: "/docs/faq/general" },
text: "Application",
link: "/docs/faq/application/",
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{ text: "Library", link: "/docs/faq/application/library" },
text: "Browse",
link: "/docs/faq/application/browse/",
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{ text: "Reading with Local Source", link: "/docs/faq/application/browse/reading-with-local-source" },
{ text: "Downloads", link: "/docs/faq/application/downloads" },
{ text: "Reader", link: "/docs/faq/application/reader" },
{ text: "User interface", link: "/docs/faq/application/user-interface" },
{ text: "Android 11+", link: "/docs/faq/application/android-11+" },
{ text: "Shizuku", link: "/docs/faq/application/shizuku" }
{ text: "Extensions", link: "/docs/faq/extensions" },
{ text: "Miscellaneous", link: "/docs/faq/miscellaneous" }
text: "Guides",
items: [
{ text: "Getting started", link: "/docs/guides/getting-started" },
{ text: "Troubleshooting", link: "/docs/guides/troubleshooting" },
{ text: "Source migration", link: "/docs/guides/source-migration" },
{ text: "Backups", link: "/docs/guides/backups" },
{ text: "Tracking", link: "/docs/guides/tracking" },
{ text: "Categories", link: "/docs/guides/categories" },
{ text: "Local manga", link: "/docs/guides/local-manga" },
{ text: "Reader settings", link: "/docs/guides/reader-settings" },
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// link: "/guide/migration-from-vuepress"
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// text: "Migration from VitePress 0.x",
// link: "/guide/migration-from-vitepress-0"
// }
// ]
// },
text: "Contribution",
link: "/docs/tachiyomi/contribution"
text: "Download",
link: "/download"
text: "Extensions",
link: "/extensions"
text: "Forks",
link: "/forks/"
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Layout: () => {
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// https://vitepress.dev/guide/extending-default-theme#layout-slots
enhanceApp({ app, router, siteData }) {
// ...
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* Customize default theme styling by overriding CSS variables:
* https://github.com/vuejs/vitepress/blob/main/src/client/theme-default/styles/vars.css
* Colors
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
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* Component: Custom Block
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* Component: Algolia
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# Contribution
Find out how to help translate or build the app and extensions.
### Code <a href="#code" id="code"></a>
Skilled at code? Know how to improve something or you generally want to support the creation of the app?
#### Application <a href="#application" id="application"></a>
The main application.
Current active repository
Planned rewrite repository
#### Extensions <a href="#extensions" id="extensions"></a>
Used to read from different manga services.
Current active repository
Planned rewrite repository
#### Website <a href="#website" id="website"></a>
The repository that hosts this very website you're reading on now.
Current active repository
### Translation <a href="#translation" id="translation"></a>

Want to help translate the app to your language? You can easily help by utilizing a service we use called **Weblate**.
**Helpful links**
* [Translators guide](https://docs.weblate.org/en/latest/user/translating.html)
* [Secondary-languages](https://docs.weblate.org/en/latest/user/profile.html#secondary-languages)
* [Subscriptions](https://docs.weblate.org/en/latest/user/profile.html#subscriptions)
* [Glossary](https://docs.weblate.org/en/latest/user/translating.html#glossary)
### Donation <a href="#donation" id="donation"></a>
If you can't contribute code or translations but you still wish to help, then you can choose to contribute directly to the projects founder, [Inorichi](https://github.com/inorichi/) using Ko-fi.
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# Android 11 and above
### What changed in Android 11?
In Android 11, Google began forcing users to use [Scoped Storage](https://developer.android.com/about/versions/11/privacy/storage), which was introduced in Android 5.0 Lollipop, but Google only began forcing developers to use it on Android 11. Some OEMs seem to better implement Scoped Storage than others, with some users not running into any issues while users using other phone brands have multitudes of problems.
### What does it mean for Tachiyomi?
The introduction of Scoped Storage means that many storage-related functions that Tachiyomi uses may be much slower due to the inherent slowness of Scoped Storage, as outlined [here](https://www.xda-developers.com/android-q-storage-access-framework-scoped-storage/). These include deleting chapters, library load times, accessing the folders outside the data folders to download to or read from, and more.
### Is there any way to improve performance?
You can try the command below if you know how to use ADB, a guide on installing it is also outlined on the site here.
adb shell cmd appops set eu.kanade.tachiyomi android:legacy_storage allow
This command enables general storage access for the app, allowing Tachiyomi to use the old general storage access interface.
If you are using a Tachiyomi Preview or a fork, replace `eu.kanade.tachiyomi` with the corresponding fork's package name.
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# Browse
### **Why can I not see sources that I have installed?**
**If it is an extension that is not the same language as your phone's primary language**
Enable the language of the source by going to Browse → Sources tab → Filter → Turn on the language of the source you would like to use.
**If it is an NSFW extension**
Settings → Browse → Check show in sources list.
### **How do I find a manga I am looking for?**
Sometimes you can struggle to find a source that has the manga you are looking to read. Here are some tips to help you find it: 
Tips to find your manga
1. Look up the manga on [Google](https://google.com/) or a manga database such as [MangaUpdates](https://www.mangaupdates.com/).
2. See if the manga has any alternate spellings or other title variations. Try searching again in your sources with the alternate titles you found.
3. If you still cannot find the manga in any of your sources, then try to search for an extension for the website you found in step 1 in the extensions list.
**If you find the manga on a specific scanlator or aggregator and they do have an extension**
Download the corresponding extension, tap on it under → **Sources**, and then search for the manga there.
**If you find the manga on a specific scanlator or aggregator and they do not have an extension**
Check if adding the site as an extension has [already been requested](https://github.com/tachiyomiorg/tachiyomi-extensions/issues) and that it is not on the list of extensions that will not be added back [here](https://github.com/tachiyomiorg/tachiyomi-extensions/issues/3475). If it has not been requested and it is not on the list, you can [request it here](https://github.com/tachiyomiorg/tachiyomi-extensions/issues/new/choose).
If the scanlator or aggregator does not have an online manga reader, you can download the manga from their website and set up the series as a local manga.
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# Reading with Local Source
### **How do I import my downloaded manga into Tachiyomi?**
We recommend you to read [this](../../../guides/local-manga.md) guide on how to do so.
### **What do I do if I cannot find the Tachiyomi folder?**
If you do not see the **Tachiyomi** folder, create one with a file manager.
### **How do I fix empty/blank covers on my local manga?**
Sometimes some covers for local manga are not displayed. Follow these steps to fix it:
1. Make sure you have created the right folder structure. To check that you have, open the manga with the missing cover and check if you can read chapters in the app. If not, follow this guide first.
2. Take a screenshot of which chapters you have read, and then remove manga from the library.
3. Go to → → and tap **Clear database**. This will only affect manga that are not in your library.
4. Go back to the → **Local source** and find the manga. The cover should be fixed now. Add the manga back to your library, mark your read chapters, and re-add tracking if needed. :::
Related GitHub issue: [#932](https://github.com/tachiyomiorg/tachiyomi/issues/932)
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# Downloads
## Downloads
### **How do I download several chapters or manga simultaneously?**
The app does not allow parallel downloads from one source to prevent IP bans caused by too many requests. We know that speed is being sacrificed, but it is better than an overall inaccessible source.
However, if you download several manga from different sources, the app will start downloading simultaneously from up to five different sources.
### **Why do my downloads sometimes stop midway through?**
It is likely an issue to do with your connection to your network or the source. Tachiyomi will notify you of what error it has encountered trying to download.
**Why aren't my downloads being detected?**
This can happen for a variety of reasons:
* The download location may be inaccessible. If you are using an SD card, make sure it's detected.
* The source name may have changed. Change the name of the source's folder to the new name.
* The source you downloaded the manga from may have changed the title. Change the title of the folder to the new title.
### **How do I cancel or change the download queue?**
Go to **More** → **Download Queue** and cancel items in the queue or cancel all items by tapping on the overflow next to a manga chapter or on the top right. If you would like the change the order of the queue, tap and hold the = on the side of an item in the queue.
### **Can you make it possible to store manga on both internal storage and external SD-card?**
At the moment, no. You could try using symlinks, but that requires having your device rooted.
Read more about rooting your device [here](https://www.xda-developers.com/root/)
### **Why can I see manga pages from my downloads in my device's photo gallery?**
Tachiyomi adds a `.nomedia` file to the Downloads folder by default to prevent this from happening, but sometimes it does not work, or something goes wrong. To fix this, all you need to do is create the file yourself. Name it `.nomedia` and place it in your downloads folder. If you have the same problem with your local manga, place the `.nomedia` file in the local folder.
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description: Frequently Asked Questions related to the Application.
# Application
## **What is Tachiyomi Preview?**
It is a weekly updated, beta version of the app. It contains features that may be added to Tachiyomi in the future and is more prone to bugs and crashes. It is intended for users who would like the bleeding edge of Tachiyomi as soon as it comes out.
If you are willing to use Tachiyomi Preview, be sure to turn on auto-backup to prevent losing your library due to potential bugs or crashes.
## Updating the application
### **How do I enable automatic updates?**
From version **0.9.0** and onwards, Tachiyomi has had automatic updates for the app enabled by default. The **Preview** version also has automatic updates enabled by default.
However, if you think you are on an outdated version, go to **More** → **About** and tap on **Check for updates**.
### **Why are automatic updates not working?**
Certain Android skins like MIUI have very aggressive battery saving, which can kill the app in the background. To whitelist Tachiyomi from your battery saver, go to **More** → **Settings** → **Advanced** and tap on **Disable battery optimization**. If that does not work, you can also visit [DontKillMyApp](https://dontkillmyapp.com/) to see what battery saving options your device has and how to disable or circumvent them.
## Uninstalling the application
### **Why am I unable to uninstall Tachiyomi?**
On **Android 10**, a bug was introduced that prevented users from uninstalling the app if the device had a MicroSD card. To fix the issue, please remove the MicroSD card from the device first, then uninstall Tachiyomi.
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# Library
### **How can I see how many chapters I have downloaded or unread?**
Enable badges by going to Library → Filter → **Display** tab and then checking **Download badges** or **Unread badges** at the bottom.
### **Why does global update skip some entries?**
By default, the app does not check for updates if an entry:
* Has unread chapters
* Hasn't been started
* Has "Completed" status
This helps avoid unnecessary heavy traffic to sources to help ensure that they stay available. If you have entries that get infrequent or no updates, you should consider using categories and excluding them from updates.
We recommend to **keep the defaults as they are** and read your unread chapters first.
If you don't want to see the skipped items notification, you can disable it at More → Settings → General → **Manage notifications** (Android 8+).
### **Why does the app warn about large bulk updates and downloads?**
Excessive server queries and unnecessary site interaction may cause sources to employ anti-Tachiyomi tactics. Also refer to the above question. Long running update checks and downloading may also negatively impact your battery life.
Tips to reduce server load As mentioned above, it is **recommended to keep the defaults as they are**, but if you are still seeing this warning message, try the following suggestions:
* Use categories (Reading, Plan to read and Completed, or anything else that segments your library).
* Update only the Reading category by going to More → Settings → Library → **Global update** then tap **Categories**.
* If the warning message still occurs, split your reading category down further by seperating entries in your library that are infrequently updated (such as monthly series or series that are on haitus) into a new category, then set global update to only update your more frequently updated reading category
### **How do I ignore duplicate chapters?**
Sometimes, you find a manga that is translated by more than one group. Because of this, you get multiple releases for each chapter in the manga. There are several ways to skip the duplicate chapters:
* Bookmark or mark as read the unwanted chapters, then tap on → **Filter** and double-tap **Bookmarked** or single-tap **Unread**, respectively. This will hide any bookmarked or read chapters and skip them as you read along, as long as you have **Skip filtered chapters** enabled under More → Settings → Reader → **Reading**.
* Migrate to another source that does not have duplicates. For more information on how to migrate a manga, see the migration guide.
### **Why are some cover thumbnails corrupted, white, showing a broken page, or wrong?**
The thumbnail download likely did not complete correctly. To fix this, refresh the covers in settings.
Refresh your covers by going to More → Settings → Advanced then pressing **Refresh library manga covers**.
### **Why have some manga chapters been marked as unread when I have not touched them?**
The URLs of the manga chapters have changed, so Tachiyomi detects the chapter(s) as new chapters.
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# Reader
### **Why are some images not displayed?**
Aside from network issues, sometimes Tachiyomi does not register the image as existing, exit, and re-enter the reader to fix this.
### **Will there ever be a dual-page reader option?**
The logic required to make a dual-page reader automatically work along with scanlator page inconsistencies and other issues means it is unlikely to be added at this time.
**How can I make Tachiyomi turn pages with the volume rocker? Can I reverse the tapping direction? Can I change the tapping zones?**
Refer to the guides section of the site here. Refer to here if you want to use your volume rocker to navigate pages.
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# Shizuku
#### What is Shizuku?
Tachiyomi can use Shizuku as an alternate way to install and update extensions. It accesses system APIs to install packages directly without user input. Shizuku requires setup with ADB or root privileges. Read more about it [here](https://shizuku.rikka.app/introduction/).
#### Do I need Shizuku?
No, only use Shizuku if you want to avoid being prompted during extension installations.
#### How do I set Shizuku up?
To learn how to set Shizuku up, go [here](https://shizuku.rikka.app/guide/setup/). Once you have set it up, enable it in Tachiyomi by going to **More** → **Settings** → **Advanced** → **Installer**.
#### What is the difference between the installers?
* **Legacy**: fallback method installer if the standard PackageInstaller has issues. This is the default for MIUI.
* **PackageInstaller**: The default installer. This has more features depending on the Android version, such as skipping user prompts on Android 12 when updating extensions.
* **Shizuku**: See above.
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# User Interface
### **Can I change the app language?**
No. It was removed due to it causing small bugs everywhere in **Tachiyomi**. Android does not provide a standard way of selecting a language that's not your device-language. You can improve the quality of the translations in your language [here](https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/tachiyomi/) or change your system language.
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description: Frequently Asked Questions related to Extensions.
# Extensions
## General
### **What are some recommended extensions? What source is the best? What is the replacement for source X? Where to read manga Y?**
Tachiyomi does not endorse or recommend any manga source, and there is no best extension. Instead, we encourage users to spend some time trying out a few sources themselves and discover what sources work best for them. What works well for somebody else might not work well for you.
Tachiyomi is not hosting any content, we are not affiliated with or responsible for any source that is; slow, down, missing chapters, or has subpar image quality.
### **What are scanlator sources?**
Manga that are not officially licensed are translated by scanlators, who either publish on their websites or **MangaDex**. This practice contrasts with official sources like **MANGA Plus By SHUEISHA** or **VIZ Shonen Jump**, which host officially licensed and translated manga.
Learn more about scanlation in this **Wikipedia** [**article**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scanlation).
**How do I request a new extension?**
Open an issue on [GitHub](https://github.com/tachiyomiorg/tachiyomi-extensions/issues) if one does not already exist. Make sure it is not on the removed extensions list [here](https://github.com/tachiyomiorg/tachiyomi-extensions/issues/3475) first.
You can find the list of extensions to download [here](https://tachiyomi.org/extensions/)
### **How do I allow third-party installations?**
When installing your first extension and you are prompted that your device _is not allowed_ to install unknown apps from that source, follow the prompt to allow it.
In _newer_ versions of **Android**, you need to enable **Install unknown apps** on a per-app basis.
When installing your first extension and you are prompted that your device _is not allowed_ to install unknown apps from that source, follow the prompt to allow it.
In _older_ versions of **Android**, you only need to enable **Unknown sources** globally.
If you need more help regarding this, read [this](https://www.theandroidsoul.com/how-to-allow-apps-installation-from-unknown-sources-on-android-9-pie/)
### **How do I uninstall an extension?**
Extensions for **Tachiyomi** are technically installed the same as standard apps. Either you uninstall them through the app section on your device's settings or do it in **Tachiyomi**.
To uninstall an extension from within **Tachiyomi**, go to → **Extensions** then tap **Uninstall** on the extension you want to remove.
## Removed Extensions
### **Why am I unable to download an extension that used to exist?**
Extensions tend to be removed for a variety of reasons:
* They become too much of a cat and mouse game to maintain due to the website owners changing the site frequently to deter scrapers.
* The site scrambles images in more than one way, making it impossible to make every image unscrambleable.
* A scanlator team requests the removal of their site from Tachiyomi.
* The site is paywalled.
* Require reverse engineering another app.
* The site has been shut down.
A list of extensions that have been removed is available [here](https://github.com/tachiyomiorg/tachiyomi-extensions/issues/3475), but it does not include sites that have gone offline.
## Split Extensions
Extensions have been split due to the sheer number of extensions in a single extension, with Madara reaching over 200 extensions at one point, making it unreasonable for both devs and users to filter through extensions. For a deeper explanation of the issue, [this](https://github.com/tachiyomiorg/tachiyomi-extensions/issues/4287) GitHub issue explains in more detail.
### **What extensions have been split?**
All of them have been split.
### **Why does my multisource extension show up as obsolete?**
The multisource extension is obsolete because it has been split. The multisource extension has been removed from the repository. It is not actually obsolete.
### **How do I move to a split extension?**
Install the extension that your manga is from, and then uninstall the multisource extension. If the manga shows the source as a bunch of numbers, force close the app. For known issues with split extensions, go to this [GitHub issue](https://github.com/tachiyomiorg/tachiyomi-extensions/issues/5672).
### **Do I need to migrate?**
No, unless expressly stated, the internal ID of sources has not changed, so migration is unnecessary.
### **What if I uninstall the multisource extension before I install the singular extensions?**
See what extension IDs correspond to what extensions [here](https://pastebin.com/raw/QX2scdRT).
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description: Frequently Asked Questions
# General
Frequently Asked Questions
## Will there be an iOS version?
No. There is no iOS version, and there are no plans for one. Since iOS and Android apps do not share code, it is hard to port.
## Will Tachiyomi ever be on the Google Play Store?
Google Play's content policy does not allow the APK based extension system to work. The content on some websites will lead to Google taking it down at some point, and Inorichi does not want to have to deal with it as they have stated before.
To report Tachiyomi copycats on the Google Play Store, you can fill out this form following these steps.
## How do I migrate from the F-Droid version?
Tachiyomi on F-Droid is not officially supported, so updates are not guaranteed. If you want to migrate to the official builds:
1. Create a backup.
1. Uninstall the F-Droid version (do not keep any app data if it allows you to).
1. Download and install Tachiyomi.
1. Restore your backup.
We have no intention to host our own F-Droid repo since Tachiyomi already manages updates by itself, making the usage of F-Droid redundant. For more detailed info, see this GitHub comment.
## Can Tachiyomi read light novels?
No. Tachiyomi is an image parser, not a text parser.
## Can Tachiyomi stream anime?
No. Any project that calls itself Tachiyomi that supports anime is not affiliated with the main project.
## Can Tachiyomi sync between devices?
No. But you can use Tachiyomi backup and restore features to save and load manga database and move manga content to another device.
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description: Frequently Asked Questions that does not fit the other categories.
# Miscellaneous
### **What is a fork?**
Forks are alternative versions of Tachiyomi with different features. Read more about them here.
### **Can I revert from the Material Design 2 update of Tachiyomi?**
While there will never be a toggle between the two UI versions, you can continue to use the old UI version by using TachiyomiAZ.
### **How do I pause reading history or go incognito?**
Enable Incognito Mode by going to **More** → **Incognito Mode**.
### **Can I make Tachiyomi only read my downloaded chapters? Why am I not able to disable downloaded only?**
Enable Download only by going to **More** → **Download only**.
### **What is DNS over HTTPS?**
DNS over HTTPS is an experimental way of providing, as the name implies, DNS resolution via HTTPS. It provides the advantage of not being vulnerable to Man-in-the-middle attacks (due to TLS encryption in HTTPS), preventing DNS spoofing. If you would like to learn more, go [here](https://www.cloudflare.com/learning/dns/dns-over-tls/). It allows some blocks to be circumvented without using a VPN.
You can enable this feature by going to **More** → **Settings** → **Advanced**.
### **What should I do if I cannot screenshot within Tachiyomi?**
You have Secure Screen on, disable it if you want to screenshot by going to **More** → **Settings** → **Security** → **Secure Screen**.
**How do I backup my library automatically? How do I move data from one phone to another?**
Learn how to use the backup and restore feature here, and learn how to enable automatic backups here
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description: >-
Backups are inter-compatible between Tachiyomi versions, with a few exceptions
listed under forks information.
# Backups
### What's in a backup?
Backups can hold the following information:
1. **Titles**
2. **Categories**
3. **Read chapters**
4. **Tracking settings**
5. **Reading history**
6. **Manga information** such as Author, Artist, Date Added to Library, Selected Viewer, etc.
You can do this by going to More → Backup and Restore and then selecting **Create backup** and select a location to save it.
### How do I restore a backup? 
Restoring is done from the Backup and Restore settings.
To restore a backup without issues be sure to:
* Log into the Tracking services that you previously used. 
### How can I make my new install of Tachiyomi detect my old downloads? <a href="#how-can-i-make-my-new-install-of-tachiyomi-detect-my-old-downloads" id="how-can-i-make-my-new-install-of-tachiyomi-detect-my-old-downloads"></a>
You can transfer downloaded manga chapters from one version of **Tachiyomi** to another.
### How do I make Tachiyomi automatically backup? <a href="#turning-on-auto-backups" id="turning-on-auto-backups"></a>
It is highly recommended you turn on auto backups, this will ensure you can recover if need be.
You can do this by going to **More → Settings → Backup** and then setting a **backup frequency**. In the case of a catastrophic failure, at least you will be able to recover.
### Forks information <a href="#forks-information" id="forks-information"></a>
This fork can only restore **MangaDex** entries in a backup. If there are entries from other sources that are a part of that backup then they will not transfer.
This fork have some built-in extensions, namely: **E-Hentai**, **Hitomi.la**, and **nHentai** for TachiyomiAZ while TachiyomiSY only has **E-Hentai**.
Titles from said extensions will not be restored when restoring a backup made by these forks to standard Tachiyomi. It is possible to restore titles to these forks, but it is not possible to back them up out of these forks.
This fork can only restore legacy backups, as it has not made the changes needed to support the new backup yet.
This fork have some built-in extensions, namely: **E-Hentai**, **Hitomi.la**, and **nHentai** for TachiyomiAZ while TachiyomiSY only has **E-Hentai**.
Titles from said extensions will not be restored when restoring a backup made by these forks to standard Tachiyomi. It is possible to restore titles to these forks, but it is not possible to back them up out of these forks.
This fork can only restore legacy backups, as it has not made the changes needed to support the new backup yet.
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description: >-
Categories help you store your bookmarked manga in custom tabs, which keeps
your library neat and organized.
# Categories
**Categories** can be named and sorted however you want according to your preference (ie. _Genre_, _Reading Status_, etc).
You can even add your bookmarked manga in multiple categories and can easily control the update options through Library settings and automatically download new manga chapters from certain categories (if **Download new chapters** option is enabled in **Downloads** settings).
### Create a category <a href="#create-a-category" id="create-a-category"></a>
To create a category, follow the steps below.
1. Go to More → Categories.
2. Press the **+ Add** button in the bottom right.
3. Enter a name and press **OK**.
### Edit a category <a href="#edit-a-category" id="edit-a-category"></a>
To edit a category follow the steps below.
1. Go to More → Categories.
2. Long press a category.
3. Tap EDIT on the top-right.
### Change category order <a href="#change-category-order" id="change-category-order"></a>
You can change the order of Categories, such as bringing a certain Category to the top. This category will appear as the first tab on Library.
To do this, follow the steps below.
1. Go to More → Categories.
2. Drag the category to your preferred position using the Reorder icon.
### Delete a category <a href="#delete-a-category" id="delete-a-category"></a>
To delete a category, follow the steps below.
1. Go to More → Categories.
2. Long press a category.
3. Tap DELETE on the top-right.
### Add manga to the category <a href="#add-manga-to-category" id="add-manga-to-category"></a>
To add manga to a category, follow the steps below.
1. Long press the manga you want to add.
2. Press the Set categories button.
3. Select which category or categories you want it in and press **OK**.
> You can also add multiple manga to a category by selecting them when you see the Set categories button.
### Remove manga from the category <a href="#remove-manga-from-category" id="remove-manga-from-category"></a>
To remove manga from a category, follow the steps below.
1. Long press the manga that you want to remove.
2. Press the Set categories button.
3. Deselect the category or categories you want to remove it from and press **OK**.
> You can also remove multiple manga from a category by selecting them when you see the Set categories button.
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# Getting started
### Installation <a href="#installation" id="installation"></a>
You can download the latest version of **Tachiyomi** by going to our download page. When you've completed the download, open the APK file and proceed with installing it.
### Installing an extension <a href="#installing-an-extension" id="installing-an-extension"></a>
Now that **Tachiyomi** is installed, open the app and navigate to Browse, and then switch to the **Extensions** tab.
Find the extension that you'd like to use then press the INSTALL button next to your desired extension and then accept the installation prompt.
You _might_ need to give **Tachiyomi** permission to _install unknown apps_, you can read how to do so here.
### Adding manga to your library <a href="#adding-manga-to-your-library" id="adding-manga-to-your-library"></a>
Now that you've installed the desired extension, it will show in the **Sources** tab. This page contains all of your sources, which is obtained through extensions, some extensions contain _multiple_ sources.
To find and add manga to your library, tap **Latest** for a source's most recently updated manga, or tap on the source itself to browse and search their catalog.
Now that you've presumably found manga that you want to add, click on it and then press the `Add to library` button, it should now appear in your Library ready to be read!
Other ways to search for manga
You can also search for manga globally across all your sources by using Search located in the top-right of Browse → **Sources**.
Trouble finding a specific manga
Check your spelling and try again, there's also the chance that your used source may not host the manga you're looking for.
* Some sources use **Japanese romanized** titles instead of **English** ones.
> For example **Boku no Hero Academia** instead of **My Hero Academia**.
* Some sources use different spellings.
> For example **Bungo Stray Dogs** instead of **Bungou Stray Dogs**.
* Some sources use different wordings
> For example **3-gatsu no Lion** instead of **Sangatsu no Lion**.
Find more potential answers to your questions here.
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description: >-
If you like to download and organize your media, then you want to know how to
manage your own manga in Tachiyomi.
# Local manga
## Creating local manga
1. Create a folder named `local` in the `/Tachiyomi/` folder.
> The `/Tachiyomi/` folder is located in the root of phone's **internal storage** or **external SD card** and it's **not related** to the `eu.kanade.tachiyomi/` folder or the download location in the settings.
2. Place correctly structured manga inside `/Tachiyomi/local/`.
> If adding manga in folders it is recommended to add a file named `.nomedia` to the local folder so images do not show up in the gallery.
3. You should now be able to access the manga in _explore_Browse → **Local source**.
If you add more chapters then you'll have to manually refresh the chapter list (by pulling down the list).
Supported chapter formats are folders with pictures inside (such as `.jpg`, `.png`, etc), `ZIP`/`CBZ`, `RAR`/`CBR` and `EPUB`. But expect better performance with directories and `ZIP`/`CBZ`.
Remember to give the app storage permissions on **Android 6** and newer.
### Folder Structure <a href="#folder-structure" id="folder-structure"></a>
Tachiyomi requires a specific folder structure for local manga to be correctly processed. Local manga will be read from the `Tachiyomi/local` folder. Each manga must have a `Manga` folder and a `Chapter` folder. Images will then go into the chapter folder. See below for more information on archive files. You can refer to the following example:
#### Example (Folder)
└───[the series title]
| cover.jpg
| | image_1
| | image_n
| | image_1
| | image_n
| image_1
| image_n
└───[the series title]
| cover.jpg
| | image_1
| | image_n
| | image_1
| | image_n
| image_1
| image_n
Tachiyomi will see four chapters in a single manga. The path to the folder with images must contain both the manga title and the chapter name (as seen above).
### Archive Files <a href="#archive-files" id="archive-files"></a>
Archive files such as `ZIP`/`CBZ` are supported but the folder structure inside is not. Any folders inside the archive file are ignored. You must place the archive inside the `Manga` folder where the name will become the `Chapter` title. All images inside the archive regardless of folder structure will become pages for that chapter.
Example (ZIP)
└───[the series title]
| cover.jpg
| | image_1.jpg
| | image_n.jpg
| | image_1.jpg
| | image_n.jpg
| image_1.jpg
| image_n.jpg
## Advanced <a href="#advanced" id="advanced"></a>
### Editing local manga details <a href="#editing-local-manga-details" id="editing-local-manga-details"></a>
It is possible to add details to local manga. Like manga from other catalogs, you add information about the manga such as the author, artist, description, and genre tags.
To import details along with your local manga, you have to create a JSON file. It can be named anything but it must be placed within the **Manga** folder. A standard file name is `details.json`. This file will contain the extended details about the manga in the `JSON` format. You can see the example below on how to build the file. Once the file is there, the app should load the data when you first open the manga or you can pull down to refresh the details.
You can copy the following example and edit the details as needed:
"title": "Example Title",
"author": "Example Author",
"artist": "Example Artist",
"description": "Example Description",
"genre": ["genre 1", "genre 2", "etc"],
"status": "0",
"_status values": ["0 = Unknown", "1 = Ongoing", "2 = Completed", "3 = Licensed", "4 = Publishing finished", "5 = Cancelled", "6 = On hiatus"]
If you don't want to manually create the `details.json` file, you can alternatively use [this tool.](https://tachi-local.netlify.app/?utm\_source=tachi-website\&utm\_medium=referral\&utm\_campaign=tachi-website)
### Using a custom cover image <a href="#using-a-custom-cover-image" id="using-a-custom-cover-image"></a>
It is also possible to use a custom image as a cover for each local manga.
To do this, you only need to place the image file, that needs to be named `cover.jpg`, in the root of the manga folder. The app will then use your custom image in the local source listing.
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description: >-
This section relates to the reading experience in the app and navigating the
# Reader settings
Page too complex to port in only a few minutes.
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description: >-
Migration is the process of moving manga between sources without losing
progress. This is most often used when a source is no longer accessible or
another source is more up-to-date.
# Source migration
Always make sure to have a backup in case anything unexpected occurs.
Downloaded chapter(s) do not transfer with migrations.
Migrations with downloaded chapter(s) may leave the download behind. You will need to remove these manually with a file manager.
**Migrating from Manga**
1. Tap into a **Manga** you would like to migrate.
2. Go to Overflow and tap Migrate.
> **Tachiyomi** will do a global search of all the sources you have installed and enabled.
3. Select the **Source** that you'd like to migrate _to_ by tapping the **Manga** thumbnail.
4. Choose which data you want to transfer over, and you're done.
**Migrating from Source**
1. Tap into Browse on the bottom navbar.
2. Press the Migrate tab at the top next to Extensions.
3. Select the **Source** that you'd like to migrate _from_.
4. Tap the **Manga** you'd like to migrate _from_ the **Source**.
> **Tachiyomi** will do a global search of all the sources you have installed and enabled.
5. Select the **Source** you'd like to migrate _to_ by tapping the **Manga** thumbnail.
6. Choose which data you want to transfer over, and you're done.
**Searching only pinned sources**
You can restrict global searching to pinned sources if you wish to declutter your search.
To do this, go to **More → Settings → Browse** then toggle the **Only include pinned sources** setting.
Pin sources in Browse using the pin icon next to the source name.
**Migrating multiple Manga**
1. Tap **Settings** → **Sources** → **Source migration**.
2. Select the **Source** you'd like to migrate _from_ and select **All**.
3. Select the **Sources** that you'd like to migrate _to_ and search by and tap the arrow at the bottom right.
4. Choose which data you want to transfer over.
5. Wait until all your **Manga** is found and hit the done at the top and you're done.
> If a manga is not found, or is wrong you can manually search it by pressing Overflow → **Search manually**.
**Migrating a single Manga**
1. Tap into a **Manga** in your Library.
2. Tap **Overflow** → **Migrate manga**.
3. Select the **Sources** you'd like to search and migrate _to_ and hit the arrow at the bottom right.
4. Wait until it is found and select _done_ in the top right and you're done.
> If a manga is not found, or is wrong you can manually search it by pressing Overflow → **Search manually**
**Migrating from Library**
1. Tap into **Library**.
2. Tap **Overflow** → **Source migration**.
3. Select the **Source** you'd like to migrate _from_ and select **All**.
4. Select the **Sources** that you'd like to migrate _to_ and search by and tap the arrow labeled Migrate. at the bottom right.
5. Choose which data you want to transfer over.
6. Wait until all your **Manga** is found and hit the done at the top and you're done.
> If a manga is not found, or is wrong you can manually search it by pressing **Overflow** → **Search manually**.
**Migrating from Source**
1. Tap into Browse on the bottom navbar.
2. Press the Migrate tab at the top next to Extensions.
3. Select the **Source** that you'd like to migrate _from_.
4. Select the **Source** you'd like to migrate _from_ and select **All**.
5. Select the **Sources** that you'd like to migrate _to_ and search by and tap the arrow labeled Migrate at the bottom right.
6. Choose which data you want to transfer over.
7. Wait until all your **Manga** is found and hit the done at the top and you're done.
> If a manga is not found, or is wrong you can manually search it by pressing **Overflow** → **Search manually**.
1. Tap into **Library**.
2. Tap **Overflow** → **Source migration**.
3. Select the **Source** you'd like to migrate _from_ and select **All**.
4. Select the **Sources** that you'd like to migrate _to_ and search by and tap the arrow at the bottom right.
5. Choose which data you want to transfer over.
6. Wait until all your **Manga** is found and hit the done at the top and you're done.
> If a manga is not found, or is wrong you can manually search it by pressing **Overflow** → **Search manually**.
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description: >-
Tracking helps you automatically send read manga chapters to supported
trackers, so you can keep track of what and when you read it online.
# Tracking
Tracking is currently supported on [MyAnimeList](https://myanimelist.net/), [AniList](https://anilist.co/), [Kitsu](https://kitsu.io/), [Shikimori](https://shikimori.one/), and [Bangumi](https://bangumi.tv/)
* Tracking must be done **manually** for every manga.
* You must read the last page of a chapter to mark the chapter as read and track it.
* You can manually set the chapter by tapping on the number and then entering the number in or dragging the ticker up or down.
* After being offline, Tachiyomi will send progress made offline to the tracker.
* Tachiyomi will attempt to automatically set the start date when starting a manga.
* Tachiyomi will also set the finished date and reading status to completed if the read chapter is equal to the tracker's total chapters.
* Tracking is one-way. Meaning updating status in Tachiyomi will update the tracker, but updating status in the tracker will not update Tachiyomi.
Unattended tracking is also supported for [Komga](https://komga.org/), and works a bit differently from other trackers:
* You don't need to login into the tracker, it uses the credentials from your Komga extension.
* Tracking is done automatically, you don't have to search and bind every manga.
* Tracking only works for the Komga sources.
* Tracking is two-way, and local chapters will be marked as read.
* You must read the last page of a chapter to mark the chapter as read and track it.
* If you mark a chapter as read manually, the tracker will not be updated right away. You can update the tracker status on the server-side by opening the tracker sheet.
* You can configure Tachiyomi to automatically track manga when adding to the library. Go to **More → Settings → Tracking** and then **Track silently when adding manga to the library**
### How do I login into trackers? <a href="#how-do-i-login-into-trackers" id="how-do-i-login-into-trackers"></a>
1. Go to **More → Settings → Tracking** to Login
2. Tap the tracker you would like to login to, it will automatically open the browser and lead you through the login process.
### How do I set up tracking for each manga? <a href="#how-do-i-set-up-tracking-for-each-manga" id="how-do-i-set-up-tracking-for-each-manga"></a>
1. Go to the manga you want to track.
2. Tap the Tracking button.
3. Tap **Add tracking** on the service you want to track the manga on.
> _You can also change the search query if there is no match._
### How do I log in with Kitsu? <a href="#how-do-i-log-in-with-kitsu" id="how-do-i-log-in-with-kitsu"></a>
To log in with Kitsu, you need to use your email address as your username.
### Why am I unable to find a manga in MAL's search results? <a href="#why-am-i-unable-to-find-a-manga-in-mal-s-search-results" id="why-am-i-unable-to-find-a-manga-in-mal-s-search-results"></a>
If you cannot find a manga by name, you can look it up on MAL and then search for it in Tachiyomi using the following format: `id:<id from manga URL>`. You can also search for a manga on your MAL profile list by searching in the following format: `my:<manga name>`.
Related GitHub issue: [#65](https://github.com/tachiyomiorg/tachiyomi/issues/65)
### How do I see which manga I have or have not tracked in my library? <a href="#how-do-i-see-which-manga-i-have-or-have-not-tracked-in-my-library" id="how-do-i-see-which-manga-i-have-or-have-not-tracked-in-my-library"></a>
Go to Library → Tap Filter on the top right → Go to the Filter tab and toggle Tracked. If you are logged into more than one tracker, toggle the tracker you want to include or exclude.
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description: This page is for when you encounter a problem with a source or the app.
# Troubleshooting
Page too complex to port in only a few minutes.
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# Download

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title: Forks
description: Forks are alternative versions of Tachiyomi with exclusive features.
# Forks
Forks are alternative versions of **Tachiyomi** with exclusive features.
## [Neko](/forks/Neko)
This **MangaDex** focused fork enhances your reading with native integration and recommendations.
Some features include:
* Option to merge missing chapters from another source
* Same UI and features of J2K minus editing manga/cover
* Built in manga recommendations
## [TachiyomiJ2K](/forks/TachiyomiJ2K)
This fork takes a new approach to the design of the base app along with several other enhancements.
Some features include:
* New Manga details screen and New Recents page
* Dynamic Categories
* Automatic background based on manga page
## [TachiyomiAZ](/forks/TachiyomiAZ)
This fork is based on **[TachiyomiEH](https://github.com/NerdNumber9/TachiyomiEH)**, it has most features and fixes from **Tachiyomi**, as well as features from **[TachiyomiJ2K](/forks/TachiyomiJ2K)**. It has decided to keep the old hamburger menu style of navigation, compared to the other forks that have moved to the new bottom navigation style.
Some features include:
* Built in sources of many popular hentai sources with additional features.
* Manga recommendations from MyAnimeList and AniList
* Grid view corner rounding configuration
## [TachiyomiSY](/forks/TachiyomiSY)
This fork is based on [TachiyomiAZ](/forks/TachiyomiAZ) and adds quite a lot of unique features. It has the same new UI as the latest Tachiyomi version. And at the same time, it also shares quite a lot of features from both **Tachiyomi** and [TachiyomiJ2K](/forks/TachiyomiJ2K).
Some features include:
* Enhanced pages for certain sources
* Latest tab preview configurable up to five sources
* Ability to enable and disable hentai specific features
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# Neko
This is a [MangaDex](https://mangadex.org/) specific fork of **Tachiyomi** and TachiyomiJ2K. This contains features specific to **MangaDex** that those versions cannot offer. It also features almost every feature that **J2K** has except for extensions (aka other sources), custom covers, and local manga.
### Download
Requires **Android 7.0** or higher.
### Mangadex specific features: <a href="#mangadex-specific-features" id="mangadex-specific-features"></a>
* Supports native login to **MangaDex** and supports 2FA
* MDList support
* Similar Manga recommendations
* Manually sync of Manga to and from **MangaDex** follows list
* MDList tracked manga can be auto-marked read in-app after reading on the website
* Ability to filter chapters and skip by scanlator group
### Credits <a href="#credits" id="credits"></a>
* [Inorichi](https://github.com/inorichi/) for making the original **Tachiyomi**
* [Jays2Kings](https://github.com/Jays2Kings/) for the wonderful new UI of **J2K**
### Disclaimer <a href="#disclaimer" id="disclaimer"></a>
The developer of this application does not have any affiliation with the content providers available.
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# TachiyomiAZ
This hentai-focused fork is based on **TachiyomiEH**, it has most features and fixes from **Tachiyomi**, as well as features from **TachiyomiJ2K**. It has decided to keep the hamburger menu style of navigation, compared to the other forks that are moving to the new bottom navigation style.
### Download
Requires **Android 5.0** or higher.
Requires **Android 5.0** or higher.
### Features <a href="#features" id="features"></a>
**Special Sources** (integrated plus added features)
* E-Hentai/ExHentai
* nHentai
* Hitomi.la
* 8Muses
* HBrowse
* Perv Eden
**Delegated Sources** (Sources with added features if installed)
* Puruin
* Tsumino
* HentaiCafe (Foolside)
**From EH:**
* Save Searches for use later
* AutoScroll
* Boost Page (force re-download page)
* Page download thread customization
* Pre-download the whole chapter while reading (Optional)
* Retry immediately instead of waiting for the rest of the preloaded pages to finish downloading
* Customize image cache size (how much space Tachiyomi has available to store future pages)
* Sync your favorites with your EHentai/ExHentai account
* Batch import E-Hentai/ExHentai URLs (import single URLs by pasting them into the source search box)
* Automatic CAPTCHA solving
**From EH and fixed/changed:**
* Auto Migration (Originally from EH, it was then improved in J2k, and we have reintegrated the J2k version)
* Merged Sources (Merge 2 or more versions of a manga to get chapters from all of them)
* App and notification lock with fingerprint and PIN unlock
* Restoring backups in the background
* Fixed Tsumino and Hitomi
* Language filtering search options for nHentai
* Tri-state filter when filtering in library
* Random bugfixes
**Original AZ Features:**
* Maintained hamburger navigation
* Grid view corner rounding configuration
* Manga recommendations
### Disclaimer <a href="#disclaimer" id="disclaimer"></a>
The developer of this application does not have any affiliation with the content providers available.
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# TachiyomiJ2K
**TachiyomiJ2K** is maintained by [**Jays2Kings**](https://github.com/Jays2Kings).
This fork takes a new approach to the design of the base app along with several other enhancements.
### Download
Requires **Android 6.0** or higher.
### Features <a href="#features" id="features"></a>
For a full list of features, visit the GitHub page.
* **New Manga details screen**
* **New Recents page**
* Providing quick access to newly added manga, new chapters, and to continue where you left on in a series
* **Android 10 Edge to Edge support**
* No more small ugly bar for the gesture navigation.
* Older versions get a translucent nav bar instead.
* **Automatic background based on the manga page**
* For those that like having a white background to match the content, this will automatically set the background to match for moments such as a flashback section of a manga.
* **Reader seekbar overrides switch app gesture in Android 10, so no more accidents for that**
* [**New material snackbar**](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Jays2Kings/tachiyomi/master/.github/readme-images/material%20snackbar.png)
* Removing manga now auto-deletes chapters and has an undo button in case you change your mind.
* **Library specific enhancements**
* Library Categories are stacked vertically
* Per-category/Drag & drop sorting
* Tri-state/Negative filters
* Multi-source migration
* Sort by Date Added (_Taken from Neko._)
* [**Share sheets upgrade for Android 10**](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Jays2Kings/tachiyomi/master/.github/readme-images/share%20menu.png)
* **Batch Auto-Source Migration**
* _Taken from TachiyomiEH._
* **Recently Read goes all the way back to the beginning of time**
* **Restoring backups in the background**
* _Taken from Neko._
* **Expanding manga thumbnails**
* **A lot more Material Design 2 additions**
### Disclaimer <a href="#disclaimer" id="disclaimer"></a>
The developer of this application does not have any affiliation with the content providers available.
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# TachiyomiSY
This fork is based on TachiyomiAZ and adds quite a few unique features, it also has new features from the latest Tachiyomi version as well as from other forks such as TachiyomiJ2K.
### Download
Requires **Android 6.0** or higher.
Requires **Android 6.0** or higher.
### Features <a href="#features" id="features"></a>
* Uses the new **Tachiyomi** UI
* Enhanced pages for certain sources
* Latest tab preview configurable to show up to five sources
* Ability to enable and disable Hentai features
* Automatic webtoon detection, allowing the reader to switch to webtoon mode automatically when viewing one
* Manga recommendations from both [MyAnimeList](https://myanimelist.net/) and [AniList](https://anilist.co/)
* Lewd filter so you can hide the lewd manga in your library if you want to
* Tracking filter so you can filter your tracked manga
* Search tracking status in the library
* Backup saved searches
* New E-Hentai/ExHentai features such as language settings and watched list settings
* Comfortable grid view
* Source categories
* Manga info edit
* Enhanced views for internal and delegated sources
* Numerous features from TachiyomiAZ
### Credits <a href="#credits" id="credits"></a>
* [She11Shocked](https://github.com/she11sh0cked/) for the extra tracking, filter, recommendation features, and a ton more.
* [az4521](https://github.com/az4521) for the base recommendations and **AZ**.
### Disclaimer <a href="#disclaimer" id="disclaimer"></a>
The developer of this application does not have any affiliation with the content providers available.
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title: Home
layout: home
name: Tachiyomi
text: Free Manga reader for Android
tagline: Read any manga from your smartphone – faster and easier than ever.
image: https://tachiyomi.org/assets/home_library-dark.png
- theme: brand
text: Get Started
link: /docs/guides/getting-started
- theme: alt
text: Download
link: /download
- title: Tracking
details: Automatically keep track of your manga with MyAnimeList, AniList, Kitsu, Shikimori, and Bangumi.
icon: <img src="https://anilist.co/img/icons/icon.svg">
- title: Extensions
details: Online and offline reading from over a thousand sources, including MangaDex.
icon: <img src="https://mangadex.org/img/brand/mangadex-logo.svg">
- title: Customization
details: A configurable reader with multiple reading modes, custom color filters, and other settings.
icon: <img src="https://tachiyomi.org/icons/logo.svg">
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# Privacy Policy
Tachiyomi is an Open Source app. This SERVICE is provided at no cost and is intended for use as is.
This page details our policies with the collection, use, and disclosure of Personal Information if anyone decided to use our Service.
If you choose to use our Service, then you agree to the collection and use of information in relation to this policy. The Personal Information that we collect is used for providing and improving the Service. We will not use or share your information with anyone except as described in this Privacy Policy.
## Information Collection and Use
For a better experience, while using our Service, we may require you to provide us with certain personally identifiable information. The information that we request will be retained by us and used as described in this privacy policy.
Links to the privacy policy of third-party service providers used by the app:
* [Google Analytics for Firebase](https://firebase.google.com/policies/analytics)
* [Sentry](https://sentry.io/privacy/)
### Log Data
In a case of an error in the app, the Service automatically collects data and information called Log Data. This Log Data may include information including your device name, operating system version, the configuration of the app when utilizing our Service, the time and date of your use of the Service, and other statistics.
This can be disabled within the app.
### Analytics Data
The Service is integrated with [Firebase](https://firebase.google.com/) to collect anonymized analytics data about Service usage.
For more information, you can refer to [How Google uses data when you use our partners' sites or apps](https://google.com/policies/privacy/partners/).
## External Links
This Service contains links to other sites. If you click on a third-party link, you will be directed to that site. Note that these external sites are not operated by us. Therefore, we strongly advise you to review the Privacy Policy of these websites. We have no control over and assume no responsibility for the content, privacy policies, or practices of any third-party sites or services.
This includes the use of external tracking services (e.g. MyAnimeList).
## Changes to This Privacy Policy
We may periodically update our Privacy Policy. Thus, you are advised to review this page periodically for any changes.
The current iteration of this policy is effective as of December 15, 2021.
## Contact Us
If you have any questions or suggestions about this Privacy Policy, do not hesitate to reach out to us on [our Discord server](https://discord.gg/tachiyomi).
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