mirror of
synced 2025-01-21 14:31:16 +01:00
@ -1,28 +1,59 @@
const iconMappings = {
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helpCircleOutline: `<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M11,18H13V16H11V18M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M12,20C7.59,20 4,16.41 4,12C4,7.59 7.59,4 12,4C16.41,4 20,7.59 20,12C20,16.41 16.41,20 12,20M12,6A4,4 0 0,0 8,10H10A2,2 0 0,1 12,8A2,2 0 0,1 14,10C14,12 11,11.75 11,15H13C13,12.75 16,12.5 16,10A4,4 0 0,0 12,6Z" /></svg>`,
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security: `<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M12,12H19C18.47,16.11 15.72,19.78 12,20.92V12H5V6.3L12,3.19M12,1L3,5V11C3,16.55 6.84,21.73 12,23C17.16,21.73 21,16.55 21,11V5L12,1Z" /></svg>`,
sync: `<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M12,18A6,6 0 0,1 6,12C6,11 6.25,10.03 6.7,9.2L5.24,7.74C4.46,8.97 4,10.43 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20V23L16,19L12,15M12,4V1L8,5L12,9V6A6,6 0 0,1 18,12C18,13 17.75,13.97 17.3,14.8L18.76,16.26C19.54,15.03 20,13.57 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z" /></svg>`,
const navigationMappings = {
more: {
name: "More",
title: "More menu",
icon: `<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><title>dots-horizontal</title><path d="M16,12A2,2 0 0,1 18,10A2,2 0 0,1 20,12A2,2 0 0,1 18,14A2,2 0 0,1 16,12M10,12A2,2 0 0,1 12,10A2,2 0 0,1 14,12A2,2 0 0,1 12,14A2,2 0 0,1 10,12M4,12A2,2 0 0,1 6,10A2,2 0 0,1 8,12A2,2 0 0,1 6,14A2,2 0 0,1 4,12Z" /></svg>`,
settings: {
name: "Settings",
title: "Settings menu",
icon: `<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><title>cog</title><path d="M12,15.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 8.5,12A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 12,8.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 15.5,12A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 12,15.5M19.43,12.97C19.47,12.65 19.5,12.33 19.5,12C19.5,11.67 19.47,11.34 19.43,11L21.54,9.37C21.73,9.22 21.78,8.95 21.66,8.73L19.66,5.27C19.54,5.05 19.27,4.96 19.05,5.05L16.56,6.05C16.04,5.66 15.5,5.32 14.87,5.07L14.5,2.42C14.46,2.18 14.25,2 14,2H10C9.75,2 9.54,2.18 9.5,2.42L9.13,5.07C8.5,5.32 7.96,5.66 7.44,6.05L4.95,5.05C4.73,4.96 4.46,5.05 4.34,5.27L2.34,8.73C2.21,8.95 2.27,9.22 2.46,9.37L4.57,11C4.53,11.34 4.5,11.67 4.5,12C4.5,12.33 4.53,12.65 4.57,12.97L2.46,14.63C2.27,14.78 2.21,15.05 2.34,15.27L4.34,18.73C4.46,18.95 4.73,19.03 4.95,18.95L7.44,17.94C7.96,18.34 8.5,18.68 9.13,18.93L9.5,21.58C9.54,21.82 9.75,22 10,22H14C14.25,22 14.46,21.82 14.5,21.58L14.87,18.93C15.5,18.67 16.04,18.34 16.56,17.94L19.05,18.95C19.27,19.03 19.54,18.95 19.66,18.73L21.66,15.27C21.78,15.05 21.73,14.78 21.54,14.63L19.43,12.97Z" /></svg>`,
dependsOn: "more",
reader: {
name: "Reader",
title: "Reader menu",
icon: `<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><title>book-open-outline</title><path d="M21,4H3A2,2 0 0,0 1,6V19A2,2 0 0,0 3,21H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,19V6A2,2 0 0,0 21,4M3,19V6H11V19H3M21,19H13V6H21V19M14,9.5H20V11H14V9.5M14,12H20V13.5H14V12M14,14.5H20V16H14V14.5Z" /></svg>`,
dependsOn: "settings",
advanced: {
name: "Advanced",
title: "Advanced menu",
icon: `<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><title>code-tags</title><path d="M14.6,16.6L19.2,12L14.6,7.4L16,6L22,12L16,18L14.6,16.6M9.4,16.6L4.8,12L9.4,7.4L8,6L2,12L8,18L9.4,16.6Z" /></svg>`,
dependsOn: "settings",
// Main menus
"main_library": { name: "Library", icon: iconMappings["bookmarkBoxOutline"] },
"main_updates": { name: "Updates", icon: iconMappings["alertDecagramOutline"] },
"main_history": { name: "History", icon: iconMappings["history"] },
"main_browse": { name: "Browse", icon: iconMappings["compassOutline"] },
"main_more": { name: "More", icon: iconMappings["dotsHorizontal"] },
// Browse menu
"sources": { name: "Sources", dependsOn: "main_browse" },
"extensions": { name: "Extensions", dependsOn: "main_browse" },
"migrate": { name: "Migrate", dependsOn: "main_browse" },
// More menu
"downloaded-only": { name: "Downloaded only", icon: iconMappings["cloudOffOutline"], dependsOn: "main_more" },
"incognito-mode": { name: "Incognito mode", icon: iconMappings["glasses"], dependsOn: "main_more" },
"download-queue": { name: "Download queue", icon: iconMappings["downloadOutline"], dependsOn: "main_more" },
"categories": { name: "Categories", icon: iconMappings["labelOutline"], dependsOn: "main_more" },
"statistics": { name: "Statistics", icon: iconMappings["queryStats"], dependsOn: "main_more" },
"backup-and-restore": { name: "Backup and restore", icon: iconMappings["backupRestore"], dependsOn: "main_more" },
"settings": { name: "Settings", icon: iconMappings["cog"], dependsOn: "main_more" },
"about": { name: "About", icon: iconMappings["informationOutline"], dependsOn: "main_more" },
"help": { name: "Help", icon: iconMappings["helpCircleOutline"], dependsOn: "main_more" },
// Settings submenu
"appearance": { name: "Appearance", icon: iconMappings["paletteOutline"], dependsOn: "settings" },
"library": { name: "Library", icon: iconMappings["bookmarkBoxOutline"], dependsOn: "settings" },
"downloads": { name: "Downloads", icon: iconMappings["downloadOutline"], dependsOn: "settings" },
"tracking": { name: "Tracking", icon: iconMappings["sync"], dependsOn: "settings" },
"browse": { name: "Browse", icon: iconMappings["compassOutline"], dependsOn: "settings" },
"security-and-privacy": { name: "Security and privacy", icon: iconMappings["security"], dependsOn: "settings" },
"reader": { name: "Reader", icon: iconMappings["bookOpenOutline"], dependsOn: "settings" },
"advanced": { name: "Advanced", icon: iconMappings["codeTags"], dependsOn: "settings" },
function generateNavigationHtml(navKey) {
const navData = navigationMappings[navKey];
@ -31,12 +62,13 @@ function generateNavigationHtml(navKey) {
return "<strong style='color:var(--vp-c-danger-1)'>Unsupported Navigation!</strong>";
const { name, title, icon, dependsOn } = navData;
const { name, icon, dependsOn } = navData;
let html = `<span class='shortcode navigation ${navKey}' title='${title}'>${icon}<span class="name">${name}</span></span>`;
const iconHtml = icon ? icon : '';
let html = `<span class='shortcode navigation ${navKey}'>${iconHtml}<span class="name">${name}</span></span>`;
if (dependsOn) {
html = generateNavigationHtml(dependsOn) + ` → ` + html;
html = `${generateNavigationHtml(dependsOn)} -> ${html}`;
return html;
@ -194,17 +194,19 @@ main :where(h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6) + figure {
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
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color: var(--vp-c-text-2)
color: var(--vp-c-green-2)
font-weight: 600
&:hover {
color: var(--vp-c-text-1)
cursor: help
color: var(--vp-c-green-1)
cursor: default
span.name {
vertical-align: middle // Align both SVG and <span> vertically
position: relative
bottom: 1px
svg {
@ -9,10 +9,10 @@ Frequently Asked Questions about Browse.
## Why Can't I See Installed Sources?
### If the Extension Language Differs from Your Phone's Primary Language
Enable the source's language at **Browse -> Sources -> Filter**, then turn on the language of the desired source.
Enable the source's language at <nav to="sources">, tap on **Filter**, then turn on the language of the desired source.
### If It's an NSFW Extension
Navigate to **More -> Settings -> Browse** and check the **Show in sources list** option.
Navigate to <nav to="browse"> and check the **Show in sources and extensions list** option.
## How Can I Locate a Specific Series?
At times, locating a source containing the series you want to read can be challenging.
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ Here are strategies to help you find it:
- Search for an extension for the website you found in *step 1* within the [extensions list](/extensions/).
### If You Find the Series on a Specific Scanlator or Aggregator With an Extension
Download the relevant extension, locate it under **Browse -> Sources**, and proceed to search for the series there.
Download the relevant extension, locate it under <nav to="sources">, and proceed to search for the series there.
### If You Find the Series on a Specific Scanlator or Aggregator Without an Extension
Check if a request has been made to add the site as an extension [here](https://github.com/tachiyomiorg/tachiyomi-extensions/issues) and confirm it's not on the [list of extensions that won't be added back](https://github.com/tachiyomiorg/tachiyomi-extensions/issues/3475).
@ -20,9 +20,9 @@ Occasionally, cover images for local series might not appear.
* To verify, access the series with the missing cover and see if you can read chapters within the app.
* If not, follow the [provided guide](/docs/guides/local-series/#folder-structure) first.
1. Capture a screenshot of the read chapters, then remove the series from your library.
1. Navigate to **Browse -> Settings -> Advanced** and tap **Clear database**.
1. Navigate to <nav to="advanced"> and tap **Clear database**.
* This action will only affect series not in your library.
1. Return to **Browse -> Local source** and locate the series.
2. Return to <nav to="sources">, go to **Local source** and locate the series.
* The cover issue should now be resolved.
* Re-add the series to your library, mark your read chapters, and re-enable tracking if necessary.
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Downloads might not be detected due to multiple factors:
> Adjust the folder title to the updated name.
## Managing Download Queue
Navigate to **More -> Download Queue** to interact with queued downloads.
Navigate to <nav to="download-queue"> to interact with queued downloads.
Cancel all items by clicking the **Overflow** button beside a series chapter or the top right corner.
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Ideal for users seeking the latest **Tachiyomi** experience, it's essential to [
Some Android skins (e.g., **MIUI**) aggressively save battery, potentially shutting down apps in the background.
Whitelist **Tachiyomi** from your battery saver by going to **More -> Settings -> Advanced** and tapping **Disable battery optimization**.
Whitelist **Tachiyomi** from your battery saver by going to <nav to="advanced"> and tapping **Disable battery optimization**.
If unsuccessful, try [DontKillMyApp](https://dontkillmyapp.com/) for battery-saving options on your device and workarounds.
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ description: Frequently Asked Questions about the Library.
Frequently Asked Questions about the Library.
## How Can I Monitor My Downloaded Chapters?
You can enable badges by navigating to **Library -> Filter** and clicking the **Display** tab.
You can enable badges by navigating to <nav to="main_library">, then going to **Filter** and clicking the **Display** tab.
Then, at the bottom, select **Download badges**.
## Why Does Global Update Skip Certain Entries?
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ To manage entries with infrequent or no updates, consider using categories and e
We recommend sticking with the default settings and prioritizing unread chapters for reading.
If you wish to disable the notification about skipped items, you can do so at **More -> Settings -> General -> Manage notifications** (doing so requires Android 8 or above).
If you wish to disable the notification about skipped items, you can do so at <nav to="advanced"> and then **Manage notifications** (doing so requires Android 8 or above).
## Why Am I Warned About Large Bulk Updates and Downloads?
Excessive server queries and superfluous site interactions could trigger anti-**Tachiyomi** measures from sources. See the previous question for more context. Long-running update checks and downloads might also impact your device's battery life.
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ To mitigate these concerns:
* It's advisable to maintain the default settings.
* Try these tips if you still encounter the warning message:
* Use categories to segment your library (Reading, Plan to Read, Completed, etc.).
* Update only the Reading category by navigating to **More -> Settings -> Library -> Global update** and then tap **Categories**.
* Update only the Reading category by navigating to <nav to="library">, then tap **Categories** under **Global update**.
* If the warning persists, create a new category for infrequently updated entries (like monthly series or those on hiatus) and set global updates to target the more frequently updated reading category.
## How Can I Ignore Duplicate Chapters?
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ Dealing with series translated by multiple groups that result in duplicate chapt
Bookmark or mark as read the undesired chapters, then open the **Filter** menu, ensure you're on the **Filter** tab, then double-tap **Bookmarked** or single-tap **Unread**.
This hides bookmarked or read chapters, enabling you to skip them as you read.
Ensure [Skip filtered chapters](/docs/guides/reader-settings#skip-filtered-chapters) is enabled at **More -> Settings -> Reader** under the section **Reading**.
Ensure [Skip filtered chapters](/docs/guides/reader-settings#skip-filtered-chapters) is enabled at <nav to="reader"> under the section **Reading**.
Alternatively, migrate to a source without duplicates.
Refer to the [migration guide](/docs/guides/source-migration) for detailed instructions.
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ Refer to the [migration guide](/docs/guides/source-migration) for detailed instr
## Why Are Some Cover Thumbnails Corrupted or Blank?
If cover thumbnails appear corrupted, blank, or broken, it's likely due to an incomplete download. Fix this by refreshing the covers in settings.
Refresh your covers at **More -> Settings -> Advanced** then tap **Refresh library covers**.
Refresh your covers at <nav to="advanced"> then tap **Refresh library covers**.
## Why Have Some Series Chapters Been Marked as Unread?
If certain series chapters are marked as unread without your interaction, it could be due to changed URLs.
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ It should be considered if you wish to bypass installation prompts during extens
## Setting Up Shizuku
To set up **Shizuku**, follow the instructions [here](https://shizuku.rikka.app/guide/setup/).
After configuring it, activate **Shizuku** within **Tachiyomi** by navigating to **More -> Settings -> Advanced** then changing the **Installer** setting.
After configuring it, activate **Shizuku** within **Tachiyomi** by navigating to <nav to="advanced"> then changing the **Installer** setting.
## Comparing Installers
Three installer options are available:
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ When prompted while installing your first extension, allow unknown apps installa
Uninstall extensions like regular apps: through device settings or in **Tachiyomi**.
::: tip Uninstalling an Extension
In **Tachiyomi**, uninstall an extension via **Browse -> Extensions**, then tap **Uninstall** on the chosen extension.
In **Tachiyomi**, uninstall an extension via <nav to="extensions">, then tap **Uninstall** on the chosen extension.
## Removed Extensions
@ -10,19 +10,19 @@ Frequently Asked Questions that don't fit other categories.
Forks are alternate **Tachiyomi** versions with distinct features. Get more details here.
## Pausing Reading History or Going Incognito
Activate **Incognito Mode** through **More -> Incognito Mode**.
Activate **Incognito Mode** through <nav to="incognito-mode">.
## Reading Downloaded Chapters Only
Activate **Download only** via **More -> Download only**.
Activate **Download only** via <nav to="downloaded-only">.
## Understanding DNS over HTTPS
**DNS over HTTPS (DoH)** offers secure DNS resolution through HTTPS, preventing attacks.
Learn more [here](https://www.cloudflare.com/learning/dns/dns-over-tls/).
Enable in **More -> Settings -> Advanced**.
Enable in <nav to="advanced">.
## Screenshots Blocked?
Turn off **Secure Screen** in **More -> Settings -> Security -> Secure Screen**.
Turn off **Secure Screen** in <nav to="security-and-privacy">.
## Automatic Library Backup and Data Transfer
Learn about automatic backup and restore [here](/docs/guides/backups) and enabling auto backups [here](/docs/guides/backups#enabling-automatic-backups).
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ Backups store the following information:
- Author, Artist, Date Added to Library, Selected Viewer, Read Duration, etc.
::: tip How to create a backup
1. Go to **More -> Backup and Restore**.
1. Go to <nav to="backup-and-restore">.
1. Select **Create backup** and choose a location to save it.
![Backup and Restore](/docs/guides/backups/backup.light.webp#light =414x215)
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ You can transfer downloaded series chapters from one version of **Tachiyomi** to
It is highly recommended to enable automatic backups to ensure you can recover in case of any issues.
::: tip How to enable automatic backups
1. Go to **More -> Settings -> Backup**.
1. Go to <nav to="backup-and-restore">.
1. Set a **backup frequency** to schedule automatic backups.
This way, you can recover from catastrophic failures.
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Organize your favorite series effortlessly with categories that declutter and st
There are various things you can do to categories to help enhance your library.
To makes changes to your categories, first navigate to **More -> Categories**.
To makes changes to your categories, first navigate to <nav to="categories">.
:::: tabs
== Create
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ This page explores some advanced features.
1. Place correctly structured series inside `/Tachiyomi/local/`.
> If adding series in folders it is recommended to add a file named `.nomedia` to the local folder so images do not show up in the gallery.
1. You should now be able to access the series in Browse -> **Local source**.
1. You should now be able to access the series in <nav to="sources"> under **Local source**.
If you add more chapters then you'll have to manually refresh the chapter list (by pulling down the list).
@ -41,15 +41,6 @@ You will need to remove these manually with a file manager.
1. Select the **Source** you'd like to migrate _to_ by tapping the **Series** thumbnail.
1. Choose which data you want to transfer over, and you're done.
:::tip Searching only pinned sources
You can restrict global searching to pinned sources if you wish to declutter your search.
To do this, go to **More -> Settings -> Browse** then toggle the **Only include pinned sources** setting.
Pin sources in Browse using the pin icon next to the source name.
### Migrating multiple Series
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Tracking helps you automatically send read chapters to supported trackers, so yo
- Works with **Komga** sources only.
- Two-way sync for local chapters.
- Manually read chapter syncs with delay.
- Auto-track on library add: **More -> Settings -> Tracking**.
- Auto-track on library add: <nav to="tracking">.
> Learn how to set it up on the [Komga](https://komga.org/) website.
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ TBA
### How do I login into trackers?
1. Go to **More -> Settings -> Tracking**.
1. Go to <nav to="tracking">.
1. Tap the desired tracker to begin login.
### How do I set up tracking for each series?
@ -72,5 +72,5 @@ Related GitHub issue: [#65](https://github.com/tachiyomiorg/tachiyomi/issues/65)
### Check Tracked/Untracked Series in Library
Go to **Library -> Tap Filter (top right) -> Go to Filter tab -> Toggle Tracked**.
Go to <nav to="main_library">, then **Filter (top right) -> Filter tab** then **Toggle Tracked**.
If you are logged into more than one tracker, toggle the tracker you want to include or exclude.
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ Sources being slow could stem from site slowness, your internet, or source-impos
### Reading is laggy
* Caused by oversized images in chapters.
* For **32-bit color** users, try disabling in **More -> Settings -> Reader**.
* For **32-bit color** users, try disabling in <nav to="reader">.
* Free up RAM.
* Use sources with smaller images.
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ These errors indicate connection issues. Possible causes include:
Try these solutions:
* Enable **More -> Settings -> Advanced -> DNS over HTTPS**.
* Enable **DNS over HTTPS** under <nav to="advanced">.
* Change network (Wi-Fi, mobile data, VPN).
* Reboot router.
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ Try these solutions:
* Check expired certificate, use SSL checker.
* Set correct device date and time.
* In **More -> Settings -> Advanced**, try **Clear cache** and **Clear cookies**.
* In <nav to="advanced">, try **Clear cache** and **Clear cookies**.
* Change network (Wi-Fi, mobile data, VPN).
* Reboot device.
@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ Follow these steps to troubleshoot and find solutions.
## Primary diagnosis
1. **Update Extensions**: Check **Browse -> Extensions** for updates, no pending updates should be present.
1. **Update App**: Go to **More -> About** and tap **Check for updates**.
1. **Update Extensions**: Check <nav to="extensions"> for updates, no pending updates should be present.
1. **Update App**: Go to <nav to="about"> and tap **Check for updates**.
1. **Manual Series Refresh**: Drag down to manually refresh problematic series.
1. **Test Other Series**: Try different series from the same source.
1. **Update WebView**: Ensure your WebView is current.
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ Follow these steps to troubleshoot and find solutions.
1. **Collaborative Check**: Get others to replicate the error.
1. **Source Status**: Verify the source's status in a browser.
1. **Retry Button**: Look for a retry button on the series page.
1. **Advanced Settings**: Under **More -> Settings -> Advanced**, try these options:
1. **Advanced Settings**: Under <nav to="advanced">, try these options:
- Clear Cache
- Clear Cookies
- Clear Database
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ Alternatively, try opening the website in your browser using the **Overflow** ic
### Clearing cookies and WebView data
::: info Clearing cookies and WebView data
1. Navigate to **More -> Settings -> Advanced**.
1. Navigate to <nav to="advanced">.
1. Tap **Clear cookies**.
1. Tap **Clear WebView data**.
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ A user agent string shares requester information with websites, potentially affe
While some sources have specific user agent strings, most rely on the app's default.
::: info Changing your user agent
1. Navigate to **More -> Settings -> Advanced**.
1. Navigate to <nav to="advanced">.
1. Modify **Default user agent string** to another value.
> [Here's a reference](https://www.whatismybrowser.com/guides/the-latest-user-agent/).
1. Restart the app and retry source access.
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ Wait for the source to lower its protection or switch to different sources.
To diagnose abnormal app behavior, record device logs using a [Logcat Reader](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dp.logcatapp).
### Obtaining Crash Logs
For crash investigations, navigate to **More -> Settings -> Advanced** and tap **Dump crash logs**.
For crash investigations, navigate to <nav to="advanced"> and tap **Dump crash logs**.
![Dump crashlogs](/docs/guides/troubleshooting/dump-crash-logs.dark.webp =512x386)
@ -7,8 +7,9 @@ description: Area to test and demonstrate different features and capabilities.
## Shortcodes
### Examples
::: info Example
To find all available menus, go to <nav to="more">.
To find all available menus, go to <nav to="main_more">.
::: info Example: Deep nesting
@ -18,3 +19,59 @@ Ensure **Skip filtered chapters** is enabled at <nav to="reader"> under the sect
::: info Example: Deep nesting 2
In <nav to="advanced">, try **Clear cache** and **Clear cookies**.
### Full list
<nav to="main_library">
<nav to="main_updates">
<nav to="main_history">
<nav to="main_browse">
<nav to="main_more">
<nav to="downloaded-only">
<nav to="incognito-mode">
<nav to="download-queue">
<nav to="categories">
<nav to="statistics">
<nav to="backup-and-restore">
<nav to="settings">
<nav to="about">
<nav to="help">
<nav to="appearance">
<nav to="library">
<nav to="downloads">
<nav to="tracking">
<nav to="browse">
<nav to="security-and-privacy">
<nav to="reader">
<nav to="advanced">
- <nav to="main_library">
- <nav to="main_updates">
- <nav to="main_history">
- <nav to="main_browse">
- <nav to="main_more">
- <nav to="downloaded-only">
- <nav to="incognito-mode">
- <nav to="download-queue">
- <nav to="categories">
- <nav to="statistics">
- <nav to="backup-and-restore">
- <nav to="settings">
- <nav to="about">
- <nav to="help">
- <nav to="appearance">
- <nav to="library">
- <nav to="downloads">
- <nav to="tracking">
- <nav to="browse">
- <nav to="security-and-privacy">
- <nav to="reader">
- <nav to="advanced">
<style lang="stylus" scoped>
#full-list + div + ul {
padding-left: unset
list-style: none
Reference in New Issue
Block a user