mirror of
synced 2024-12-22 22:01:51 +01:00
Update chapters adapter
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,128 +1,116 @@
package eu.kanade.tachiyomi.ui.manga.chapter
import android.view.View
import android.widget.PopupMenu
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.R
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.data.database.models.Manga
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.data.download.model.Download
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.ui.base.adapter.FlexibleViewHolder
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.util.getResourceColor
import kotlinx.android.synthetic.main.item_chapter.view.*
import java.text.DateFormat
import java.text.DecimalFormat
import java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols
import java.util.*
class ChaptersHolder(
private val view: View,
private val adapter: ChaptersAdapter,
listener: FlexibleViewHolder.OnListItemClickListener)
: FlexibleViewHolder(view, adapter, listener) {
private val readColor = view.context.getResourceColor(android.R.attr.textColorHint)
private val unreadColor = view.context.getResourceColor(android.R.attr.textColorPrimary)
private val bookmarkedColor = view.context.getResourceColor(R.attr.colorAccent)
private val decimalFormat = DecimalFormat("#.###", DecimalFormatSymbols().apply { decimalSeparator = '.' })
private val df = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT)
private var item: ChapterModel? = null
init {
// We need to post a Runnable to show the popup to make sure that the PopupMenu is
// correctly positioned. The reason being that the view may change position before the
// PopupMenu is shown.
view.chapter_menu.setOnClickListener { it.post { showPopupMenu(it) } }
fun onSetValues(chapter: ChapterModel, manga: Manga?) = with(view) {
item = chapter
chapter_title.text = when (manga?.displayMode) {
val formattedNumber = decimalFormat.format(chapter.chapter_number.toDouble())
context.getString(R.string.display_mode_chapter, formattedNumber)
else -> chapter.name
// Set correct text color
chapter_title.setTextColor(if (chapter.read) readColor else unreadColor)
if (chapter.bookmark) chapter_title.setTextColor(bookmarkedColor)
if (chapter.date_upload > 0) {
chapter_date.text = df.format(Date(chapter.date_upload))
chapter_date.setTextColor(if (chapter.read) readColor else unreadColor)
} else {
chapter_date.text = ""
chapter_pages.text = if (!chapter.read && chapter.last_page_read > 0) {
context.getString(R.string.chapter_progress, chapter.last_page_read + 1)
} else {
fun notifyStatus(status: Int) = with(view.download_text) {
when (status) {
Download.QUEUE -> setText(R.string.chapter_queued)
Download.DOWNLOADING -> setText(R.string.chapter_downloading)
Download.DOWNLOADED -> setText(R.string.chapter_downloaded)
Download.ERROR -> setText(R.string.chapter_error)
else -> text = ""
private fun showPopupMenu(view: View) = item?.let { chapter ->
// Create a PopupMenu, giving it the clicked view for an anchor
val popup = PopupMenu(view.context, view)
// Inflate our menu resource into the PopupMenu's Menu
popup.menuInflater.inflate(R.menu.chapter_single, popup.menu)
// Hide download and show delete if the chapter is downloaded
if (chapter.isDownloaded) {
popup.menu.findItem(R.id.action_download).isVisible = false
popup.menu.findItem(R.id.action_delete).isVisible = true
// Hide bookmark if bookmark
popup.menu.findItem(R.id.action_bookmark).isVisible = !chapter.bookmark
popup.menu.findItem(R.id.action_remove_bookmark).isVisible = chapter.bookmark
// Hide mark as unread when the chapter is unread
if (!chapter.read && chapter.last_page_read == 0) {
popup.menu.findItem(R.id.action_mark_as_unread).isVisible = false
// Hide mark as read when the chapter is read
if (chapter.read) {
popup.menu.findItem(R.id.action_mark_as_read).isVisible = false
// Set a listener so we are notified if a menu item is clicked
popup.setOnMenuItemClickListener { menuItem ->
val chapterList = listOf(chapter)
with(adapter.fragment) {
when (menuItem.itemId) {
R.id.action_download -> downloadChapters(chapterList)
R.id.action_bookmark -> bookmarkChapters(chapterList, true)
R.id.action_remove_bookmark -> bookmarkChapters(chapterList, false)
R.id.action_delete -> deleteChapters(chapterList)
R.id.action_mark_as_read -> markAsRead(chapterList)
R.id.action_mark_as_unread -> markAsUnread(chapterList)
R.id.action_mark_previous_as_read -> markPreviousAsRead(chapter)
// Finally show the PopupMenu
package eu.kanade.tachiyomi.ui.manga.chapter
import android.view.View
import android.widget.PopupMenu
import eu.davidea.viewholders.FlexibleViewHolder
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.R
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.data.database.models.Manga
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.data.download.model.Download
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.util.getResourceColor
import kotlinx.android.synthetic.main.item_chapter.view.*
import java.text.DateFormat
import java.text.DecimalFormat
import java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols
import java.util.*
class ChapterHolder(
private val view: View,
private val adapter: ChaptersAdapter)
: FlexibleViewHolder(view, adapter) {
private val readColor = view.context.getResourceColor(android.R.attr.textColorHint)
private val unreadColor = view.context.getResourceColor(android.R.attr.textColorPrimary)
private val bookmarkedColor = view.context.getResourceColor(R.attr.colorAccent)
private val decimalFormat = DecimalFormat("#.###", DecimalFormatSymbols().apply { decimalSeparator = '.' })
private val df = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT)
init {
// We need to post a Runnable to show the popup to make sure that the PopupMenu is
// correctly positioned. The reason being that the view may change position before the
// PopupMenu is shown.
view.chapter_menu.setOnClickListener { it.post { showPopupMenu(it) } }
fun bind(item: ChapterItem, manga: Manga) = with(view) {
val chapter = item.chapter
chapter_title.text = when (manga.displayMode) {
val formattedNumber = decimalFormat.format(chapter.chapter_number.toDouble())
context.getString(R.string.display_mode_chapter, formattedNumber)
else -> chapter.name
// Set correct text color
chapter_title.setTextColor(if (chapter.read) readColor else unreadColor)
if (chapter.bookmark) chapter_title.setTextColor(bookmarkedColor)
if (chapter.date_upload > 0) {
chapter_date.text = df.format(Date(chapter.date_upload))
chapter_date.setTextColor(if (chapter.read) readColor else unreadColor)
} else {
chapter_date.text = ""
chapter_pages.text = if (!chapter.read && chapter.last_page_read > 0) {
context.getString(R.string.chapter_progress, chapter.last_page_read + 1)
} else {
fun notifyStatus(status: Int) = with(view.download_text) {
when (status) {
Download.QUEUE -> setText(R.string.chapter_queued)
Download.DOWNLOADING -> setText(R.string.chapter_downloading)
Download.DOWNLOADED -> setText(R.string.chapter_downloaded)
Download.ERROR -> setText(R.string.chapter_error)
else -> text = ""
private fun showPopupMenu(view: View) {
val item = adapter.getItem(adapterPosition) ?: return
// Create a PopupMenu, giving it the clicked view for an anchor
val popup = PopupMenu(view.context, view)
// Inflate our menu resource into the PopupMenu's Menu
popup.menuInflater.inflate(R.menu.chapter_single, popup.menu)
val chapter = item.chapter
// Hide download and show delete if the chapter is downloaded
if (item.isDownloaded) {
popup.menu.findItem(R.id.action_download).isVisible = false
popup.menu.findItem(R.id.action_delete).isVisible = true
// Hide bookmark if bookmark
popup.menu.findItem(R.id.action_bookmark).isVisible = !chapter.bookmark
popup.menu.findItem(R.id.action_remove_bookmark).isVisible = chapter.bookmark
// Hide mark as unread when the chapter is unread
if (!chapter.read && chapter.last_page_read == 0) {
popup.menu.findItem(R.id.action_mark_as_unread).isVisible = false
// Hide mark as read when the chapter is read
if (chapter.read) {
popup.menu.findItem(R.id.action_mark_as_read).isVisible = false
// Set a listener so we are notified if a menu item is clicked
popup.setOnMenuItemClickListener { menuItem ->
adapter.menuItemListener(adapterPosition, menuItem)
// Finally show the PopupMenu
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
package eu.kanade.tachiyomi.ui.manga.chapter
import android.view.LayoutInflater
import android.view.ViewGroup
import eu.davidea.flexibleadapter.FlexibleAdapter
import eu.davidea.flexibleadapter.items.AbstractFlexibleItem
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.R
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.data.database.models.Chapter
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.data.database.models.Manga
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.data.download.model.Download
class ChapterItem(val chapter: Chapter, val manga: Manga) : AbstractFlexibleItem<ChapterHolder>(),
Chapter by chapter {
private var _status: Int = 0
var status: Int
get() = download?.status ?: _status
set(value) { _status = value }
@Transient var download: Download? = null
val isDownloaded: Boolean
get() = status == Download.DOWNLOADED
override fun getLayoutRes(): Int {
return R.layout.item_chapter
override fun createViewHolder(adapter: FlexibleAdapter<*>, inflater: LayoutInflater, parent: ViewGroup): ChapterHolder {
return ChapterHolder(inflater.inflate(layoutRes, parent, false), adapter as ChaptersAdapter)
override fun bindViewHolder(adapter: FlexibleAdapter<*>, holder: ChapterHolder, position: Int, payloads: List<Any?>?) {
holder.bind(this, manga)
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if (this === other) return true
if (other is ChapterItem) {
return chapter.id!! == other.chapter.id!!
return false
override fun hashCode(): Int {
return chapter.id!!.hashCode()
@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
package eu.kanade.tachiyomi.ui.manga.chapter
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.data.database.models.Chapter
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.data.download.model.Download
class ChapterModel(c: Chapter) : Chapter by c {
private var _status: Int = 0
var status: Int
get() = download?.status ?: _status
set(value) { _status = value }
@Transient var download: Download? = null
val isDownloaded: Boolean
get() = status == Download.DOWNLOADED
@ -1,42 +1,19 @@
package eu.kanade.tachiyomi.ui.manga.chapter
import android.view.ViewGroup
import eu.davidea.flexibleadapter4.FlexibleAdapter
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.R
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.util.inflate
import android.view.MenuItem
import eu.davidea.flexibleadapter.FlexibleAdapter
class ChaptersAdapter(val fragment: ChaptersFragment) : FlexibleAdapter<ChaptersHolder, ChapterModel>() {
class ChaptersAdapter(val fragment: ChaptersFragment) : FlexibleAdapter<ChapterItem>(null, fragment, true) {
init {
var items: List<ChapterItem> = emptyList()
val menuItemListener: (Int, MenuItem) -> Unit = { position, item ->
fragment.onItemMenuClick(position, item)
var items: List<ChapterModel>
get() = mItems
set(value) {
mItems = value
override fun updateDataSet(param: String) {
override fun onCreateViewHolder(parent: ViewGroup, viewType: Int): ChaptersHolder {
val v = parent.inflate(R.layout.item_chapter)
return ChaptersHolder(v, this, fragment)
override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: ChaptersHolder, position: Int) {
val chapter = getItem(position)
val manga = fragment.presenter.manga
holder.onSetValues(chapter, manga)
//When user scrolls this bind the correct selection status
holder.itemView.isActivated = isSelected(position)
override fun getItemId(position: Int): Long {
return mItems[position].id!!
override fun updateDataSet(items: List<ChapterItem>) {
this.items = items
@ -12,12 +12,11 @@ import android.support.v7.widget.DividerItemDecoration
import android.support.v7.widget.LinearLayoutManager
import android.view.*
import com.afollestad.materialdialogs.MaterialDialog
import eu.davidea.flexibleadapter4.FlexibleAdapter
import eu.davidea.flexibleadapter.FlexibleAdapter
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.R
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.data.database.models.Chapter
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.data.database.models.Manga
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.data.download.model.Download
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.ui.base.adapter.FlexibleViewHolder
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.ui.base.fragment.BaseRxFragment
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.ui.manga.MangaActivity
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.ui.reader.ReaderActivity
@ -30,7 +29,10 @@ import nucleus.factory.RequiresPresenter
import timber.log.Timber
class ChaptersFragment : BaseRxFragment<ChaptersPresenter>(), ActionMode.Callback, FlexibleViewHolder.OnListItemClickListener {
class ChaptersFragment : BaseRxFragment<ChaptersPresenter>(),
FlexibleAdapter.OnItemLongClickListener {
companion object {
@ -71,38 +73,31 @@ class ChaptersFragment : BaseRxFragment<ChaptersPresenter>(), ActionMode.Callbac
recycler.layoutManager = LinearLayoutManager(activity)
recycler.addItemDecoration(DividerItemDecoration(context, DividerItemDecoration.VERTICAL))
// TODO enable in a future commit
// adapter.setFastScroller(fast_scroller, context.getResourceColor(R.attr.colorAccent))
// adapter.toggleFastScroller()
swipe_refresh.setOnRefreshListener { fetchChapters() }
fab.setOnClickListener {
val chapter = presenter.getNextUnreadChapter()
if (chapter != null) {
val item = presenter.getNextUnreadChapter()
if (item != null) {
// Create animation listener
val revealAnimationListener: Animator.AnimatorListener = object : AnimatorListenerAdapter() {
override fun onAnimationStart(animation: Animator?) {
openChapter(chapter, true)
openChapter(item.chapter, true)
// Get coordinates and start animation
val coordinates = fab.getCoordinates()
if (!reveal_view.showRevealEffect(coordinates.x, coordinates.y, revealAnimationListener)) {
} else {
override fun onPause() {
// Stop recycler's scrolling when onPause is called. If the activity is finishing
// the presenter will be destroyed, and it could cause NPE
// https://github.com/inorichi/tachiyomi/issues/159
override fun onResume() {
@ -173,19 +168,20 @@ class ChaptersFragment : BaseRxFragment<ChaptersPresenter>(), ActionMode.Callbac
return true
fun onNextManga(manga: Manga) {
// Set initial values
fun onNextChapters(chapters: List<ChapterModel>) {
fun onNextChapters(chapters: List<ChapterItem>) {
// If the list is empty, fetch chapters from source if the conditions are met
// We use presenter chapters instead because they are always unfiltered
if (presenter.chapters.isEmpty())
adapter.items = chapters
private fun initialFetchChapters() {
@ -230,7 +226,7 @@ class ChaptersFragment : BaseRxFragment<ChaptersPresenter>(), ActionMode.Callbac
.items(modes.map { getString(it) })
.itemsCallbackSingleChoice(selectedIndex) { dialog, itemView, which, text ->
.itemsCallbackSingleChoice(selectedIndex) { _, itemView, _, _ ->
// Save the new display mode
// Refresh ui
@ -250,7 +246,7 @@ class ChaptersFragment : BaseRxFragment<ChaptersPresenter>(), ActionMode.Callbac
.items(modes.map { getString(it) })
.itemsCallbackSingleChoice(selectedIndex) { dialog, itemView, which, text ->
.itemsCallbackSingleChoice(selectedIndex) { _, itemView, _, _ ->
// Save the new sorting mode
@ -267,7 +263,7 @@ class ChaptersFragment : BaseRxFragment<ChaptersPresenter>(), ActionMode.Callbac
.items(modes.map { getString(it) })
.itemsCallback { dialog, view, i, charSequence ->
.itemsCallback { _, _, i, _ ->
fun getUnreadChaptersSorted() = presenter.chapters
.filter { !it.read && it.status == Download.NOT_DOWNLOADED }
@ -299,8 +295,8 @@ class ChaptersFragment : BaseRxFragment<ChaptersPresenter>(), ActionMode.Callbac
private fun getHolder(chapter: Chapter): ChaptersHolder? {
return recycler.findViewHolderForItemId(chapter.id!!) as? ChaptersHolder
private fun getHolder(chapter: Chapter): ChapterHolder? {
return recycler.findViewHolderForItemId(chapter.id!!) as? ChapterHolder
override fun onCreateActionMode(mode: ActionMode, menu: Menu): Boolean {
@ -324,7 +320,7 @@ class ChaptersFragment : BaseRxFragment<ChaptersPresenter>(), ActionMode.Callbac
.onPositive { dialog, action -> deleteChapters(getSelectedChapters()) }
.onPositive { _, _ -> deleteChapters(getSelectedChapters()) }
else -> return false
@ -338,8 +334,8 @@ class ChaptersFragment : BaseRxFragment<ChaptersPresenter>(), ActionMode.Callbac
actionMode = null
fun getSelectedChapters(): List<ChapterModel> {
return adapter.selectedItems.map { adapter.getItem(it) }
fun getSelectedChapters(): List<ChapterItem> {
return adapter.selectedPositions.map { adapter.getItem(it) }
fun destroyActionModeIfNeeded() {
@ -351,18 +347,18 @@ class ChaptersFragment : BaseRxFragment<ChaptersPresenter>(), ActionMode.Callbac
fun markAsRead(chapters: List<ChapterModel>) {
fun markAsRead(chapters: List<ChapterItem>) {
presenter.markChaptersRead(chapters, true)
if (presenter.preferences.removeAfterMarkedAsRead()) {
fun markAsUnread(chapters: List<ChapterModel>) {
fun markAsUnread(chapters: List<ChapterItem>) {
presenter.markChaptersRead(chapters, false)
fun markPreviousAsRead(chapter: ChapterModel) {
fun markPreviousAsRead(chapter: ChapterItem) {
val chapters = if (presenter.sortDescending()) adapter.items.reversed() else adapter.items
val chapterPos = chapters.indexOf(chapter)
if (chapterPos != -1) {
@ -370,7 +366,7 @@ class ChaptersFragment : BaseRxFragment<ChaptersPresenter>(), ActionMode.Callbac
fun downloadChapters(chapters: List<ChapterModel>) {
fun downloadChapters(chapters: List<ChapterItem>) {
if (!presenter.manga.favorite){
@ -382,12 +378,12 @@ class ChaptersFragment : BaseRxFragment<ChaptersPresenter>(), ActionMode.Callbac
fun bookmarkChapters(chapters: List<ChapterModel>, bookmarked: Boolean) {
fun bookmarkChapters(chapters: List<ChapterItem>, bookmarked: Boolean) {
presenter.bookmarkChapters(chapters, bookmarked)
fun deleteChapters(chapters: List<ChapterModel>) {
fun deleteChapters(chapters: List<ChapterItem>) {
DeletingChaptersDialog().show(childFragmentManager, DeletingChaptersDialog.TAG)
@ -408,26 +404,40 @@ class ChaptersFragment : BaseRxFragment<ChaptersPresenter>(), ActionMode.Callbac
override fun onListItemClick(position: Int): Boolean {
override fun onItemClick(position: Int): Boolean {
val item = adapter.getItem(position) ?: return false
if (actionMode != null && adapter.mode == FlexibleAdapter.MODE_MULTI) {
return true
} else {
return false
override fun onListItemLongClick(position: Int) {
override fun onItemLongClick(position: Int) {
if (actionMode == null)
actionMode = (activity as AppCompatActivity).startSupportActionMode(this)
fun onItemMenuClick(position: Int, item: MenuItem) {
val chapter = adapter.getItem(position)?.let { listOf(it) } ?: return
when (item.itemId) {
R.id.action_download -> downloadChapters(chapter)
R.id.action_bookmark -> bookmarkChapters(chapter, true)
R.id.action_remove_bookmark -> bookmarkChapters(chapter, false)
R.id.action_delete -> deleteChapters(chapter)
R.id.action_mark_as_read -> markAsRead(chapter)
R.id.action_mark_as_unread -> markAsUnread(chapter)
R.id.action_mark_previous_as_read -> markPreviousAsRead(chapter[0])
private fun toggleSelection(position: Int) {
adapter.toggleSelection(position, false)
val count = adapter.selectedItemCount
if (count == 0) {
@ -65,14 +65,14 @@ class ChaptersPresenter : BasePresenter<ChaptersFragment>() {
* List of chapters of the manga. It's always unfiltered and unsorted.
var chapters: List<ChapterModel> = emptyList()
var chapters: List<ChapterItem> = emptyList()
private set
* Subject of list of chapters to allow updating the view without going to DB.
val chaptersRelay: PublishRelay<List<ChapterModel>>
by lazy { PublishRelay.create<List<ChapterModel>>() }
val chaptersRelay: PublishRelay<List<ChapterItem>>
by lazy { PublishRelay.create<List<ChapterItem>>() }
* Whether the chapter list has been requested to the source.
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ class ChaptersPresenter : BasePresenter<ChaptersFragment>() {
chaptersRelay.flatMap { applyChapterFilters(it) }
{ view, error -> Timber.e(error) })
{ _, error -> Timber.e(error) })
// Add the subscription that retrieves the chapters from the database, keeps subscribed to
// changes, and sends the list of chapters to the relay.
@ -135,15 +135,15 @@ class ChaptersPresenter : BasePresenter<ChaptersFragment>() {
.filter { download -> download.manga.id == manga.id }
.doOnNext { onDownloadStatusChange(it) }
{ view, error -> Timber.e(error) })
{ _, error -> Timber.e(error) })
* Converts a chapter from the database to an extended model, allowing to store new fields.
private fun Chapter.toModel(): ChapterModel {
private fun Chapter.toModel(): ChapterItem {
// Create the model object.
val model = ChapterModel(this)
val model = ChapterItem(this, manga)
// Find an active download for this chapter.
val download = downloadManager.queue.find { it.chapter.id == id }
@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ class ChaptersPresenter : BasePresenter<ChaptersFragment>() {
* @param chapters the list of chapter from the database.
private fun setDownloadedChapters(chapters: List<ChapterModel>) {
private fun setDownloadedChapters(chapters: List<ChapterItem>) {
val files = downloadManager.findMangaDir(source, manga)?.listFiles() ?: return
val cached = mutableMapOf<Chapter, String>()
files.mapNotNull { it.name }
@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ class ChaptersPresenter : BasePresenter<ChaptersFragment>() {
.map { syncChaptersWithSource(db, it, manga, source) }
.subscribeFirst({ view, chapters ->
.subscribeFirst({ view, _ ->
}, ChaptersFragment::onFetchChaptersError)
@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ class ChaptersPresenter : BasePresenter<ChaptersFragment>() {
* @param chapters the list of chapters from the database
* @return an observable of the list of chapters filtered and sorted.
private fun applyChapterFilters(chapters: List<ChapterModel>): Observable<List<ChapterModel>> {
private fun applyChapterFilters(chapters: List<ChapterItem>): Observable<List<ChapterItem>> {
var observable = Observable.from(chapters).subscribeOn(Schedulers.io())
if (onlyUnread()) {
observable = observable.filter { !it.read }
@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ class ChaptersPresenter : BasePresenter<ChaptersFragment>() {
* Returns the next unread chapter or null if everything is read.
fun getNextUnreadChapter(): ChapterModel? {
fun getNextUnreadChapter(): ChapterItem? {
return chapters.sortedByDescending { it.source_order }.find { !it.read }
@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ class ChaptersPresenter : BasePresenter<ChaptersFragment>() {
* @param selectedChapters the list of selected chapters.
* @param read whether to mark chapters as read or unread.
fun markChaptersRead(selectedChapters: List<ChapterModel>, read: Boolean) {
fun markChaptersRead(selectedChapters: List<ChapterItem>, read: Boolean) {
.doOnNext { chapter ->
chapter.read = read
@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ class ChaptersPresenter : BasePresenter<ChaptersFragment>() {
* Downloads the given list of chapters with the manager.
* @param chapters the list of chapters to download.
fun downloadChapters(chapters: List<ChapterModel>) {
fun downloadChapters(chapters: List<ChapterItem>) {
downloadManager.downloadChapters(manga, chapters)
@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ class ChaptersPresenter : BasePresenter<ChaptersFragment>() {
* Bookmarks the given list of chapters.
* @param selectedChapters the list of chapters to bookmark.
fun bookmarkChapters(selectedChapters: List<ChapterModel>, bookmarked: Boolean) {
fun bookmarkChapters(selectedChapters: List<ChapterItem>, bookmarked: Boolean) {
.doOnNext { chapter ->
chapter.bookmark = bookmarked
@ -299,14 +299,14 @@ class ChaptersPresenter : BasePresenter<ChaptersFragment>() {
* Deletes the given list of chapter.
* @param chapters the list of chapters to delete.
fun deleteChapters(chapters: List<ChapterModel>) {
fun deleteChapters(chapters: List<ChapterItem>) {
.doOnNext { deleteChapter(it) }
.doOnNext { if (onlyDownloaded()) refreshChapters() }
.subscribeFirst({ view, result ->
.subscribeFirst({ view, _ ->
}, ChaptersFragment::onChaptersDeletedError)
@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ class ChaptersPresenter : BasePresenter<ChaptersFragment>() {
* Deletes a chapter from disk. This method is called in a background thread.
* @param chapter the chapter to delete.
private fun deleteChapter(chapter: ChapterModel) {
private fun deleteChapter(chapter: ChapterItem) {
downloadManager.deleteChapter(source, manga, chapter)
chapter.status = Download.NOT_DOWNLOADED
@ -13,8 +13,7 @@
@ -36,6 +35,17 @@
Reference in New Issue
Block a user