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This extension is no longer available. Version: %1$s Language: %1$s No preferences to edit for this extension Check for extension updates Fullscreen Show content in cutout area Lock orientation Page transitions Double tap animation speed Show page number 32-bit color Crop borders Use custom brightness Use custom color filter Color filter blend mode Default Overlay Multiply Screen Dodge / Lighten Burn / Darken Keep screen on Skip chapters marked read Skip filtered chapters Navigation Volume keys Invert volume keys Tapping Long tap dialog Background color White Black Default viewer Default Left to right Right to left Vertical Webtoon Continuous vertical Pager Image decoder Scale type Fit screen Stretch Fit width Fit height Original size Smart fit Zoom start position Automatic Left Right Center No animation Normal Fast Rotation Free Lock Force portrait Force landscape R G B A Always show chapter transition Reading Side padding None 10% 15% 20% 25% Download location Only download over Wi-Fi Remove when marked as read Remove after read Custom location Disabled Last read chapter Second to last chapter Third to last chapter Fourth to last chapter Fifth to last chapter Download new chapters Categories to include in download Sync chapters after reading Services Backup Create backup Can be used to restore current library Restore backup Restore library from backup file Backup location Service Backup frequency Max automatic backups Source not found Restoring backup\n%1$s source not found Backup created Restore completed Restore took %1$s with %2$s errors Restore uses sources to fetch data, carrier costs may apply.\n\nMake sure you have installed all necessary extensions and are logged in to sources and tracking services before restoring. File saved at %1$s Backup is already in progress What do you want to backup? Creating backup Backup failed Restore is already in progress Restoring backup Restoring backup failed Canceled restore Clear chapter cache Used: %1$s Cache cleared. %1$d files have been deleted An error occurred while clearing cache Clear cookies Cookies cleared Dialog choices reset Clear database Delete manga and chapters that are not in your library Are you sure? Read chapters and progress of non-library manga will be lost Entries deleted Refresh library metadata Updates covers, genres, description and manga status information Refresh tracking metadata Updates status, score and last chapter read from the tracking services Disable battery optimization Helps with background library updates and backups Battery optimization is already disabled Website Version Build time Notices Changelog Open source licenses Check for updates Automatically check for new app versions Send crash reports Helps fix any bugs. No sensitive data will be sent Log in to %1$s Username Email address Password Show password Login Logged in Log out from %1$s? Log out You are now logged out Could not log in Unknown error Title or author… Updating category Local Are you sure you want to remove selected manga? Also delete downloaded chapters This source requires you to log in Select a source Please enable at least one valid source No more results No results found Check website in WebView Local source Other Pinned Default can\'t be selected with other categories The manga has been added to your library Global search… Latest Browse This manga has been removed from the database. Info Description Ongoing Unknown Licensed Add to library In library Remove from library Title Added to library Removed from library Author Artist Chapters Status Source Genres About Show more info Show less info Delete downloaded chapters? %1$s copied to clipboard Source not installed: %1$s Add manga to library? Chapters No title Chapter %1$s Downloaded Queued Downloading Downloading (%1$d/%2$d) Error Paused Could not fetch chapters Title Chapter number Sorting mode By source By chapter number Download Download custom amount Next chapter Next 5 chapters Next 10 chapters Custom All Unread Are you sure you want to delete the selected chapters? Invalid download location Tracking Add tracking Reading Currently reading Completed Dropped On hold Paused Plan to read Want to read Rereading Score Title Status Status Started Started reading date Finished reading date Type Author Invalid date supplied Manga URL not set, please click title and select manga again A category with this name already exists! Categories deleted This will remove the read date of this chapter. Are you sure? Reset all chapters for this manga Picture saved Saving picture Options Custom filter Set as cover Cover updated Page copied to %1$s Downloading… Downloaded %1$d%% Page: %1$d Chapter %1$s Next chapter not found Previous chapter not found The image couldn\'t be loaded Use this image as cover art? Viewer for this series Finished: Current: Next: Previous: There\'s no next chapter There\'s no previous chapter Loading pages… Failed to load pages: %1$s Updating library Ch. %1$s - %2$s Tap to select the source to migrate from Select data to include Select a source to migrate from Select Migrate Copy Could not download chapters. You can try again in the downloads section Checking for new chapters Update progress: %1$d/%2$d New chapters found For 1 title For %d titles 1 new chapter %1$d new chapters Chapter %1$s Chapter %1$s and %2$d more Chapters %1$s Chapters %1$s and 1 more Chapters %1$s and %2$d more Failed to update cover Please add the manga to your library before doing this Sync canceled Not connected to AC power Sync canceled Connection not available Select cover image Select backup file Select shortcut icon Download Ignore No new updates available Searching for updates… Download update Downloading… Download complete Download error New version available! Extension update available %d extension updates available Backdrop image of manga Cover of manga No downloads No recent chapters No recently read manga Your library is empty, add series to your library from the sources. You have no categories. Hit the plus button to create one for organizing your library. Failed to bypass Cloudflare WebView is required for Tachiyomi Please update the WebView app for better compatibility Downloader Error Could not download chapter due to unexpected error A page is missing in directory A page has not been loaded No Wi-Fi connection available No network connection available Download paused Common Library Downloader Chapter updates Extension updates Backup and restore