add new question and a temporary list of source which don't use cloudflare

Dirky14 2019-04-01 19:49:22 +02:00
parent 255f14f53d
commit 5aa857677f


@ -38,3 +38,15 @@ A: F-Droid uses a different signing key than my release, so you can't switch bet
### Q: Can you make it possible to store manga on both internal storage and external sd card?
A: At the moment, no. You could try using symlinks
### Q : My source isn't working !
A : For now, many sources which use Cloudflare aren't working because of a Duktape error. In waiting for a fix and if you want to read manga in the app, you can find a list of sources which don't use Cloudflare here (please complete if you have a new source) :
English :
Manga Rock
French :
ScanVF (in My Manga Reader CMS)