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"""Optimization configurations for models."""
import typing
import tml.core.config as base_config
import pydantic
class PiecewiseConstant(base_config.BaseConfig):
2023-09-13 07:52:13 +02:00
Configuration for a piecewise constant learning rate schedule.
This configuration class allows you to specify a piecewise constant learning rate schedule
by defining boundaries and corresponding learning rate values.
learning_rate_boundaries (List[int], optional): List of step boundaries at which
the learning rate will change. If None, no boundaries are defined.
learning_rate_values (List[float], optional): List of learning rate values
corresponding to the boundaries. If None, no values are defined.
To configure a piecewise constant learning rate schedule, create an instance of this class
and set the attributes accordingly. For example:
piecewise_lr = PiecewiseConstant(
learning_rate_boundaries=[1000, 2000, 3000],
learning_rate_values=[0.1, 0.05, 0.01, 0.001]
The number of learning rate values should be one more than the number of boundaries.
learning_rate_boundaries: typing.List[int] = pydantic.Field(None)
learning_rate_values: typing.List[float] = pydantic.Field(None)
class LinearRampToConstant(base_config.BaseConfig):
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Configuration for a linear ramp-up to constant learning rate schedule.
This configuration class allows you to specify a learning rate schedule that ramps up linearly
from zero to a constant value over a specified number of steps.
learning_rate (float): The final constant learning rate.
num_ramp_steps (PositiveInt): Number of steps to ramp up the learning rate from zero.
To configure a linear ramp-up to a constant learning rate, create an instance of this class
and set the attributes accordingly. For example:
linear_ramp_lr = LinearRampToConstant(
learning_rate: float
num_ramp_steps: pydantic.PositiveInt = pydantic.Field(
description="Number of steps to ramp this up from zero."
class LinearRampToCosine(base_config.BaseConfig):
2023-09-13 07:52:13 +02:00
Configuration for a linear ramp-up to cosine decay learning rate schedule.
This configuration class allows you to specify a learning rate schedule that ramps up linearly
from zero, then decays following a cosine schedule to a final constant learning rate.
learning_rate (float): The initial learning rate at the start of ramp-up.
final_learning_rate (float): The final constant learning rate after decay.
num_ramp_steps (PositiveInt): Number of steps to ramp up the learning rate from zero.
final_num_steps (PositiveInt): Final number of steps where decay stops.
To configure a linear ramp-up to cosine decay learning rate, create an instance of this
class and set the attributes accordingly. For example:
ramp_to_cosine_lr = LinearRampToCosine(
learning_rate: float
final_learning_rate: float
num_ramp_steps: pydantic.PositiveInt = pydantic.Field(
description="Number of steps to ramp this up from zero."
final_num_steps: pydantic.PositiveInt = pydantic.Field(
description="Final number of steps where decay stops."
class LearningRate(base_config.BaseConfig):
2023-09-13 07:52:13 +02:00
Learning rate configuration for training.
This configuration class allows you to specify different learning rate schedules
for your training process.
constant (float, optional): Constant learning rate to be used throughout training.
linear_ramp_to_cosine (LinearRampToCosine, optional): Learning rate that ramps up linearly
and then decays following a cosine schedule.
linear_ramp_to_constant (LinearRampToConstant, optional): Learning rate that ramps up
linearly and then remains constant.
piecewise_constant (PiecewiseConstant, optional): Learning rate that changes at specified
boundaries with corresponding values.
To configure a learning rate schedule, create an instance of this class and set the
attributes accordingly. For example:
learning_rate = LearningRate(
Each learning rate schedule attribute can be set to `None` if not needed.
constant: float = pydantic.Field(None, one_of="lr")
linear_ramp_to_cosine: LinearRampToCosine = pydantic.Field(None, one_of="lr")
linear_ramp_to_constant: LinearRampToConstant = pydantic.Field(None, one_of="lr")
piecewise_constant: PiecewiseConstant = pydantic.Field(None, one_of="lr")
class OptimizerAlgorithmConfig(base_config.BaseConfig):
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Base class for optimizer configurations.
This base configuration class provides a structure for specifying various optimizer-related
settings, including the learning rate and different learning rate schedules.
lr (float): The base learning rate used by the optimizer.
Subclasses should inherit from this base class and define additional attributes specific to
the optimizer algorithm they represent.
To create a custom optimizer configuration, create a subclass of this base class and
define the necessary attributes. For example:
class MyOptimizerConfig(OptimizerAlgorithmConfig):
momentum: float = pydantic.Field(0.9, description="Momentum value for SGD.")
This base class does not include specific optimizer settings. Subclasses should define
the optimizer-specific attributes as needed.
lr: float
class AdamConfig(OptimizerAlgorithmConfig):
2023-09-13 07:52:13 +02:00
Configuration for the Adam optimizer.
This configuration class allows you to specify the hyperparameters for the Adam optimizer.
lr (float): The learning rate for optimization.
betas (Tuple[float, float], optional): Coefficients used for computing running averages
of gradient and squared gradient. Defaults to (0.9, 0.999).
eps (float, optional): A small constant added to the denominator for numerical stability.
Defaults to 1e-7.
To configure the Adam optimizer, create an instance of this class and set the attributes
accordingly. For example:
adam_optimizer = AdamConfig(
betas=(0.9, 0.999),
See Also:
[PyTorch Adam Documentation](
lr: float
betas: typing.Tuple[float, float] = [0.9, 0.999]
eps: float = 1e-7 # Numerical stability in denominator.
class SgdConfig(OptimizerAlgorithmConfig):
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Configuration for the Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) optimizer.
This configuration class allows you to specify the hyperparameters for the SGD optimizer.
lr (float): The learning rate for optimization.
momentum (float, optional): The momentum factor for SGD. Defaults to 0.0.
To configure the SGD optimizer, create an instance of this class and set the attributes
accordingly. For example:
sgd_optimizer = SgdConfig(
lr: float
momentum: float = 0.0
class AdagradConfig(OptimizerAlgorithmConfig):
2023-09-13 07:52:13 +02:00
Configuration for the optimizer used during training.
This configuration class allows you to specify the optimizer for training, including
options for various optimizer algorithms.
learning_rate (LearningRate, optional): Learning rate configuration. Defaults to None.
adam (AdamConfig, optional): Configuration for the Adam optimizer. Defaults to None.
sgd (SgdConfig, optional): Configuration for the Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) optimizer.
Defaults to None.
adagrad (AdagradConfig, optional): Configuration for the Adagrad optimizer. Defaults to None.
To configure the optimizer for training, create an instance of this class and set the
attributes accordingly. For example:
optimizer_config = OptimizerConfig(
adam=AdamConfig(lr=0.001, betas=(0.9, 0.999), eps=1e-8)
lr: float
eps: float = 0
class OptimizerConfig(base_config.BaseConfig):
2023-09-13 07:52:13 +02:00
Configuration for defining different optimizer algorithms and their parameters.
This class allows you to configure various optimizer algorithms such as Adam, SGD, and Adagrad,
along with their respective hyperparameters.
learning_rate (LearningRate): The learning rate configuration, which can include
constant learning rates or other learning rate schedules.
adam (AdamConfig): Configuration for the Adam optimizer.
sgd (SgdConfig): Configuration for the Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) optimizer.
adagrad (AdagradConfig): Configuration for the Adagrad optimizer.
optimizer_config = OptimizerConfig(
adam=AdamConfig(lr=0.001, betas=(0.9, 0.999), eps=1e-8),
learning_rate (LearningRate): The learning rate configuration.
adam (AdamConfig): Configuration for the Adam optimizer.
sgd (SgdConfig): Configuration for the Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) optimizer.
adagrad (AdagradConfig): Configuration for the Adagrad optimizer.
You can specify only one of the optimizer configurations (adam, sgd, or adagrad) in an
`OptimizerConfig` instance.
See Also:
- `LearningRate`: Configuration for specifying learning rates.
- `AdamConfig`: Configuration for the Adam optimizer.
- `SgdConfig`: Configuration for the Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) optimizer.
- `AdagradConfig`: Configuration for the Adagrad optimizer.
learning_rate: LearningRate = pydantic.Field(
description="Constant learning rates",
adam: AdamConfig = pydantic.Field(None, one_of="optimizer")
sgd: SgdConfig = pydantic.Field(None, one_of="optimizer")
adagrad: AdagradConfig = pydantic.Field(None, one_of="optimizer")
def get_optimizer_algorithm_config(optimizer_config: OptimizerConfig):
2023-09-13 07:52:13 +02:00
Get the optimizer algorithm configuration from the given `OptimizerConfig`.
This function extracts and returns the specific optimizer algorithm configuration
(e.g., Adam, SGD, or Adagrad) from the provided `OptimizerConfig`.
optimizer_config (OptimizerConfig): The optimizer configuration object containing
one of the optimizer algorithm configurations.
Union[AdamConfig, SgdConfig, AdagradConfig]: The specific optimizer algorithm
configuration extracted from `optimizer_config`.
ValueError: If no optimizer algorithm is selected in `optimizer_config`.
optimizer_config = OptimizerConfig(
adam=AdamConfig(lr=0.001, betas=(0.9, 0.999), eps=1e-8)
algorithm_config = get_optimizer_algorithm_config(optimizer_config)
# `algorithm_config` will be an instance of `AdamConfig`.
if optimizer_config.adam is not None:
return optimizer_config.adam
elif optimizer_config.sgd is not None:
return optimizer_config.sgd
elif optimizer_config.adagrad is not None:
return optimizer_config.adagrad
raise ValueError(f"No optimizer selected in optimizer_config, passed {optimizer_config}")