import os import subprocess import sys from typing import ( Any, Callable, Dict, Optional, Protocol, Tuple, TypedDict, ) import torch import from tml.ml_logging.torch_logging import ( logging, ) from import ( utils, ) from typing_extensions import ( Unpack, ) class Fn(Protocol): def __call__(self, *args: Tuple[str], **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: ... def is_distributed_worker() -> bool: world_size = os.environ.get("WORLD_SIZE", None) rank = os.environ.get("RANK", None) return world_size is not None and rank is not None def maybe_run_training( train_fn: Fn, module_name: Any, nproc_per_node: Optional[int] = None, num_nodes: Optional[int] = 0, set_python_path_in_subprocess: bool = False, is_chief: Optional[bool] = False, **training_kwargs: Any, ) -> None: """Wrapper function for single node, multi-GPU Pytorch training. If the necessary distributed Pytorch environment variables (WORLD_SIZE, RANK) have been set, then this function executes `train_fn(**training_kwargs)`. Otherwise, this function calls torchrun and points at the calling module `module_name`. After this call, the necessary environment variables are set and training will commence. Args: train_fn: The function that is responsible for training module_name: The name of the module that this function was called from; used to indicate torchrun entrypoint. nproc_per_node: Number of workers per node; supported values. num_nodes: Number of nodes, otherwise inferred from environment. is_chief: If process is running on chief. set_python_path_in_subprocess: A bool denoting whether to set PYTHONPATH. """ machines = utils.machine_from_env() if num_nodes is None: num_nodes = 1 if machines.num_workers: num_nodes += machines.num_workers if is_distributed_worker(): # world_size, rank, etc are set; assuming any other env vars are set (checks to come) # start the actual training! train_fn(**training_kwargs) else: if nproc_per_node is None: if torch.cuda.is_available(): nproc_per_node = torch.cuda.device_count() else: nproc_per_node = machines.chief.num_accelerators # Rejoin all arguments to send back through torchrec # this is a temporary measure, will replace the os.system call # with torchrun API calls args = list(f"--{key}={val}" for key, val in training_kwargs.items()) cmd = [ "--nnodes", str(num_nodes), ] if nproc_per_node: cmd.extend(["--nproc_per_node", str(nproc_per_node)]) if num_nodes and num_nodes > 1: cluster_resolver = utils.cluster_resolver() backend_address = cluster_resolver.cluster_spec().task_address("chief", 0) cmd.extend( [ "--rdzv_backend", "c10d", "--rdzv_id", backend_address, ] ) # Set localhost on chief because of if is_chief: cmd.extend(["--rdzv_endpoint", "localhost:2222"]) else: cmd.extend(["--rdzv_endpoint", backend_address]) else: cmd.append("--standalone") cmd.extend( [ str(module_name), *args, ] )"""Distributed running with cmd: '{" ".join(cmd)}'""") # Call torchrun on this module; will spawn new processes and re-run this # function, eventually calling "train_fn". The following line sets the PYTHONPATH to accommodate # bazel stubbing for the main binary. if set_python_path_in_subprocess:["torchrun"] + cmd, env={**os.environ, "PYTHONPATH": ":".join(sys.path)}) else: