"""Loss functions -- including multi task ones.""" import typing from tml.core.loss_type import LossType from tml.ml_logging.torch_logging import logging import torch def _maybe_warn(reduction: str): """ Emit a warning if the reduction method is different from 'mean'. Args: reduction (str): The reduction method being used. """ if reduction != "mean": logging.warn( f"For the same global_batch_size, the gradient in DDP is guaranteed to be equal," f"to the gradient without DDP only for mean reduction. If you need this property for" f"the provided reduction {reduction}, it needs to be implemented." ) def build_loss( loss_type: LossType, reduction="mean", ): """ Build a loss function based on the specified loss type and reduction method. Args: loss_type (LossType): The type of loss to build. reduction (str): The reduction method for the loss (default: 'mean'). Returns: Callable: A loss function that takes logits and labels as input. """ _maybe_warn(reduction) f = _LOSS_TYPE_TO_FUNCTION[loss_type] def loss_fn(logits, labels): return f(logits, labels.type_as(logits), reduction=reduction) return loss_fn def get_global_loss_detached(local_loss, reduction="mean"): """ Perform all_reduce to obtain the global loss function using the provided reduction. Args: local_loss (torch.Tensor): The local loss of the current rank. reduction (str): The reduction to use for all_reduce. Should match the reduction used by DDP. Returns: torch.Tensor: The reduced and detached global loss. """ if reduction != "mean": logging.warn( f"The reduction used in this function should be the same as the one used by " f"the DDP model. By default DDP uses mean, So ensure that DDP is appropriately" f"modified for reduction {reduction}." ) if reduction not in ["mean", "sum"]: raise ValueError(f"Reduction {reduction} is currently unsupported.") global_loss = local_loss.detach() if reduction == "mean": global_loss.div_(torch.distributed.get_world_size()) torch.distributed.all_reduce(global_loss) return global_loss def build_multi_task_loss( loss_type: LossType, tasks: typing.List[str], task_loss_reduction="mean", global_reduction="mean", pos_weights=None, ): """ Build a multi-task loss function based on the specified loss type and configurations. Args: loss_type (LossType): The type of loss to build. tasks (typing.List[str]): List of task names. task_loss_reduction (str): Reduction method for task-specific losses (default: 'mean'). global_reduction (str): Reduction method for the global loss (default: 'mean'). pos_weights (Optional): Positive class weights for tasks (default: None). Returns: Callable: A multi-task loss function that takes logits, labels, and weights as input. """ _maybe_warn(global_reduction) _maybe_warn(task_loss_reduction) f = _LOSS_TYPE_TO_FUNCTION[loss_type] loss_reduction_fns = { "mean": torch.mean, "sum": torch.sum, "min": torch.min, "max": torch.max, "median": torch.median, } def loss_fn(logits: torch.Tensor, labels: torch.Tensor, weights: torch.Tensor): if pos_weights is None: torch_weights = torch.ones([len(tasks)]) else: torch_weights = torch.tensor(pos_weights) losses = {} for task_idx, task in enumerate(tasks): task_logits = logits[:, task_idx] label = labels[:, task_idx].type_as(task_logits) loss = f( task_logits, label, reduction=task_loss_reduction, pos_weight=torch_weights[task_idx], weight=weights[:, task_idx], ) losses[f"loss/{task}"] = loss losses["loss"] = loss_reduction_fns[global_reduction](torch.stack(list(losses.values()))) return losses return loss_fn _LOSS_TYPE_TO_FUNCTION = { LossType.BCE_WITH_LOGITS: torch.nn.functional.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits }