from typing import Mapping, Tuple, Union import torch import torchrec import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf def keyed_tensor_from_tensors_dict( tensor_map: Mapping[str, torch.Tensor] ) -> "torchrec.KeyedTensor": """ Convert a dictionary of torch tensor to torchrec keyed tensor Args: tensor_map: Returns: """ keys = list(tensor_map.keys()) # We expect batch size to be first dim. However, if we get a shape [Batch_size], # KeyedTensor will not find the correct batch_size. So, in those cases we make sure the shape is # [Batch_size x 1]. values = [ tensor_map[key] if len(tensor_map[key].shape) > 1 else torch.unsqueeze(tensor_map[key], -1) for key in keys ] return torchrec.KeyedTensor.from_tensor_list(keys, values) def _compute_jagged_tensor_from_tensor(tensor: torch.Tensor) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: if tensor.is_sparse: x = tensor.coalesce() # Ensure that the indices are ordered. lengths = torch.bincount(x.indices()[0]) values = x.values() else: values = tensor lengths = torch.ones(tensor.shape[0], dtype=torch.int32, device=tensor.device) return values, lengths def jagged_tensor_from_tensor(tensor: torch.Tensor) -> "torchrec.JaggedTensor": """ Convert a torch tensor to torchrec jagged tensor. Note: Currently only support shape of [Batch_size] or [Batch_size x N] for dense tensors. For sparse tensor the shape of .values() should be [Batch_size] or [Batch_size x N]; the dense_shape of the sparse tensor can be arbitrary. Args: tensor: a torch (sparse) tensor. Returns: """ values, lengths = _compute_jagged_tensor_from_tensor(tensor) return torchrec.JaggedTensor(values=values, lengths=lengths) def keyed_jagged_tensor_from_tensors_dict( tensor_map: Mapping[str, torch.Tensor] ) -> "torchrec.KeyedJaggedTensor": """ Convert a dictionary of (sparse) torch tensors to torchrec keyed jagged tensor. Note: Currently only support shape of [Batch_size] or [Batch_size x 1] for dense tensors. For sparse tensor the shape of .values() should be [Batch_size] or [Batch_size x 1]; the dense_shape of the sparse tensor can be arbitrary. Args: tensor_map: Returns: """ if not tensor_map: return torchrec.KeyedJaggedTensor( keys=[], values=torch.zeros(0,, lengths=torch.zeros(0,, ) values = [] lengths = [] for tensor in tensor_map.values(): tensor_val, tensor_len = _compute_jagged_tensor_from_tensor(tensor) values.append(torch.squeeze(tensor_val)) lengths.append(tensor_len) values =, axis=0) lengths =, axis=0) return torchrec.KeyedJaggedTensor( keys=list(tensor_map.keys()), values=values, lengths=lengths, ) def _tf_to_numpy(tf_tensor: tf.Tensor) -> np.ndarray: return tf_tensor._numpy() # noqa def _dense_tf_to_torch(tensor: tf.Tensor, pin_memory: bool) -> torch.Tensor: tensor = _tf_to_numpy(tensor) # Pytorch does not support bfloat16, up cast to float32 to keep the same number of bits on exponent if == "bfloat16": tensor = tensor.astype(np.float32) tensor = torch.from_numpy(tensor) if pin_memory: tensor = tensor.pin_memory() return tensor def sparse_or_dense_tf_to_torch( tensor: Union[tf.Tensor, tf.SparseTensor], pin_memory: bool ) -> torch.Tensor: if isinstance(tensor, tf.SparseTensor): tensor = torch.sparse_coo_tensor( _dense_tf_to_torch(tensor.indices, pin_memory).t(), _dense_tf_to_torch(tensor.values, pin_memory), torch.Size(_tf_to_numpy(tensor.dense_shape)), ) else: tensor = _dense_tf_to_torch(tensor, pin_memory) return tensor