"""Wraps servable model in loss and RecapBatch passing to be trainable.""" # flake8: noqa from typing import Callable from tml.ml_logging.torch_logging import logging # type: ignore[attr-defined] import torch import torch.distributed as dist from torchrec.distributed.model_parallel import DistributedModelParallel class ModelAndLoss(torch.nn.Module): # Reconsider our approach at a later date: https://ppwwyyxx.com/blog/2022/Loss-Function-Separation/ def __init__( self, model, loss_fn: Callable, ) -> None: """ Args: model: torch module to wrap. loss_fn: Function for calculating loss, should accept logits and labels. """ super().__init__() self.model = model self.loss_fn = loss_fn def forward(self, batch: "RecapBatch"): # type: ignore[name-defined] """Runs model forward and calculates loss according to given loss_fn. NOTE: The input signature here needs to be a Pipelineable object for prefetching purposes during training using torchrec's pipeline. However the underlying model signature needs to be exportable to onnx, requiring generic python types. see https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/onnx.html#types. """ outputs = self.model(batch) losses = self.loss_fn(outputs["logits"], batch.labels.float(), batch.weights.float()) outputs.update( { "loss": losses, "labels": batch.labels, "weights": batch.weights, } ) # Allow multiple losses. return losses, outputs def maybe_shard_model( model, device: torch.device, ): """ Set up and apply DistributedModelParallel to a model if running in a distributed environment. If in a distributed environment, constructs Topology, sharders, and ShardingPlan, then applies DistributedModelParallel. If not in a distributed environment, returns the model directly. Args: model: The PyTorch model. device: The target device (e.g., 'cuda'). Returns: The model wrapped with DistributedModelParallel if in a distributed environment, else the original model. """ if dist.is_initialized(): logging.info("***** Wrapping in DistributedModelParallel *****") logging.info(f"Model before wrapping: {model}") model = DistributedModelParallel( module=model, device=device, ) logging.info(f"Model after wrapping: {model}") return model def log_sharded_tensor_content(weight_name: str, table_name: str, weight_tensor) -> None: """ Handy function to log the content of an EBC (Embedding Bag Concatenation) embedding layer. Only works for single GPU machines. Args: weight_name: Name of the tensor, as defined in the model. table_name: Name of the EBC table the weight is taken from. weight_tensor: Embedding weight tensor. """ logging.info(f"{weight_name}, {table_name}", rank=-1) logging.info(f"{weight_tensor.metadata()}", rank=-1) output_tensor = torch.zeros(*weight_tensor.size(), device=torch.device("cuda:0")) weight_tensor.gather(out=output_tensor) logging.info(f"{output_tensor}", rank=-1)