import os import json from absl import app, flags, logging import tensorflow as tf from typing import Dict from import tfe_parsing from tml.core import config as tml_config_mod import tml.projects.home.recap.config as recap_config_mod flags.DEFINE_string("config_path", None, "Path to hyperparameters for model.") flags.DEFINE_integer("n_examples", 100, "Numer of examples to generate.") FLAGS = flags.FLAGS def _generate_random_example( tf_example_schema: Dict[str,] ) -> Dict[str, tf.Tensor]: """ Generate a random example based on the provided TensorFlow example schema. Args: tf_example_schema (Dict[str,]): A dictionary defining the schema of the TensorFlow example. Returns: Dict[str, tf.Tensor]: A dictionary containing random data for each feature defined in the schema. """ example = {} for feature_name, feature_spec in tf_example_schema.items(): dtype = feature_spec.dtype if (dtype == tf.int64) or (dtype == tf.int32): x = tf.experimental.numpy.random.randint(0, high=10, size=feature_spec.shape, dtype=dtype) elif (dtype == tf.float32) or (dtype == tf.float64): x = tf.random.uniform(shape=[feature_spec.shape], dtype=dtype) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Unknown type {dtype}") example[feature_name] = x return example def _float_feature(value): """ Create a TensorFlow float feature. Args: value: A float or list of floats. Returns: tf.train.Feature: A TensorFlow feature containing the float value(s). """ return tf.train.Feature(float_list=tf.train.FloatList(value=value)) def _int64_feature(value): """ Create a TensorFlow int64 feature. Args: value: An integer or list of integers. Returns: tf.train.Feature: A TensorFlow feature containing the int64 value(s). """ return tf.train.Feature(int64_list=tf.train.Int64List(value=value)) def _serialize_example(x: Dict[str, tf.Tensor]) -> bytes: """ Serialize a dictionary of TensorFlow tensors into a binary string. Args: x (Dict[str, tf.Tensor]): A dictionary of TensorFlow tensors. Returns: bytes: The serialized binary string. """ feature = {} serializers = {tf.float32: _float_feature, tf.int64: _int64_feature} for feature_name, tensor in x.items(): feature[feature_name] = serializers[tensor.dtype](tensor) example_proto = tf.train.Example(features=tf.train.Features(feature=feature)) return example_proto.SerializeToString() def generate_data(data_path: str, config: recap_config_mod.RecapConfig): """ Generate random data based on the provided configuration and save it as a TFRecord file. Args: data_path (str): The path where the TFRecord file will be saved. config (recap_config_mod.RecapConfig): The configuration for generating the random data. """ with, "r") as f: seg_dense_schema = json.load(f)["schema"] tf_example_schema = tfe_parsing.create_tf_example_schema( config.train_data, seg_dense_schema, ) record_filename = os.path.join(data_path, "random.tfrecord.gz") with, "GZIP") as writer: random_example = _generate_random_example(tf_example_schema) serialized_example = _serialize_example(random_example) writer.write(serialized_example) def _generate_data_main(unused_argv): """ Main function to generate random data according to the provided configuration. Args: unused_argv: Unused command-line arguments. """ config = tml_config_mod.load_config_from_yaml(recap_config_mod.RecapConfig, FLAGS.config_path) # Find the path where to put the data data_path = os.path.dirname(config.train_data.inputs)"Putting random data in %s", data_path) generate_data(data_path, config) if __name__ == "__main__":