"""MaskNet: Wang et al. (https://arxiv.org/abs/2102.07619).""" from tml.projects.home.recap.model import config, mlp import torch def _init_weights(module): """Initializes weights Example ```python import torch import torch.nn as nn # Define a simple linear layer linear_layer = nn.Linear(64, 32) # Initialize the weights and biases using _init_weights _init_weights(linear_layer) ``` """ if isinstance(module, torch.nn.Linear): torch.nn.init.xavier_uniform_(module.weight) torch.nn.init.constant_(module.bias, 0) class MaskBlock(torch.nn.Module): """ MaskBlock module in a mask-based neural network. This module represents a MaskBlock, which applies a masking operation to the input data and then passes it through a hidden layer. It is typically used as a building block within a MaskNet. Args: mask_block_config (config.MaskBlockConfig): Configuration for the MaskBlock. input_dim (int): Dimensionality of the input data. mask_input_dim (int): Dimensionality of the mask input. Example: To create and use a MaskBlock within a MaskNet, follow these steps: ```python # Define the configuration for the MaskBlock mask_block_config = MaskBlockConfig( input_layer_norm=True, # Apply input layer normalization reduction_factor=0.5 # Reduce input dimensionality by 50% ) # Create an instance of the MaskBlock mask_block = MaskBlock(mask_block_config, input_dim=64, mask_input_dim=32) # Generate input tensors input_data = torch.randn(batch_size, 64) mask_input = torch.randn(batch_size, 32) # Perform a forward pass through the MaskBlock output = mask_block(input_data, mask_input) ``` Note: The `MaskBlock` module applies layer normalization to the input if specified, followed by a masking operation that combines the input and mask input. Then, it passes the result through a hidden layer with optional dimensionality reduction. Warning: This class is intended for internal use within neural network architectures and should not be directly accessed or modified by external code. """ def __init__( self, mask_block_config: config.MaskBlockConfig, input_dim: int, mask_input_dim: int ) -> None: """ Initializes the MaskBlock module. Args: mask_block_config (config.MaskBlockConfig): Configuration for the MaskBlock. input_dim (int): Dimensionality of the input data. mask_input_dim (int): Dimensionality of the mask input. Returns: None """ super(MaskBlock, self).__init__() self.mask_block_config = mask_block_config output_size = mask_block_config.output_size if mask_block_config.input_layer_norm: self._input_layer_norm = torch.nn.LayerNorm(input_dim) else: self._input_layer_norm = None if mask_block_config.reduction_factor: aggregation_size = int(mask_input_dim * mask_block_config.reduction_factor) elif mask_block_config.aggregation_size is not None: aggregation_size = mask_block_config.aggregation_size else: raise ValueError("Need one of reduction factor or aggregation size.") self._mask_layer = torch.nn.Sequential( torch.nn.Linear(mask_input_dim, aggregation_size), torch.nn.ReLU(), torch.nn.Linear(aggregation_size, input_dim), ) self._mask_layer.apply(_init_weights) self._hidden_layer = torch.nn.Linear(input_dim, output_size) self._hidden_layer.apply(_init_weights) self._layer_norm = torch.nn.LayerNorm(output_size) def forward(self, net: torch.Tensor, mask_input: torch.Tensor): """ Performs a forward pass through the MaskBlock. Args: net (torch.Tensor): Input data tensor. mask_input (torch.Tensor): Mask input tensor. Returns: torch.Tensor: Output tensor of the MaskBlock. """ if self._input_layer_norm: net = self._input_layer_norm(net) hidden_layer_output = self._hidden_layer(net * self._mask_layer(mask_input)) return self._layer_norm(hidden_layer_output) class MaskNet(torch.nn.Module): """ MaskNet module in a mask-based neural network. This module represents a MaskNet, which consists of multiple MaskBlocks. It can be used to create mask-based neural networks with parallel or stacked MaskBlocks. Args: mask_net_config (config.MaskNetConfig): Configuration for the MaskNet. in_features (int): Dimensionality of the input data. Example: To create and use a MaskNet, you can follow these steps: ```python # Define the configuration for the MaskNet mask_net_config = MaskNetConfig( use_parallel=True, # Use parallel MaskBlocks mlp=MlpConfig(layer_sizes=[128, 64]) # Optional MLP on the outputs ) # Create an instance of the MaskNet mask_net = MaskNet(mask_net_config, in_features=64) # Generate input tensors input_data = torch.randn(batch_size, 64) # Perform a forward pass through the MaskNet outputs = mask_net(input_data) # Access the output and shared layer output = outputs["output"] shared_layer = outputs["shared_layer"] ``` Note: The `MaskNet` module allows you to create mask-based neural networks with parallel or stacked MaskBlocks. You can also optionally apply an MLP to the outputs for further processing. Warning: This class is intended for internal use within neural network architectures and should not be directly accessed or modified by external code. """ def __init__(self, mask_net_config: config.MaskNetConfig, in_features: int): """ Initializes the MaskNet module. Args: mask_net_config (config.MaskNetConfig): Configuration for the MaskNet. in_features (int): Dimensionality of the input data. Returns: None """ super().__init__() self.mask_net_config = mask_net_config mask_blocks = [] if mask_net_config.use_parallel: total_output_mask_blocks = 0 for mask_block_config in mask_net_config.mask_blocks: mask_blocks.append(MaskBlock(mask_block_config, in_features, in_features)) total_output_mask_blocks += mask_block_config.output_size self._mask_blocks = torch.nn.ModuleList(mask_blocks) else: input_size = in_features for mask_block_config in mask_net_config.mask_blocks: mask_blocks.append(MaskBlock(mask_block_config, input_size, in_features)) input_size = mask_block_config.output_size self._mask_blocks = torch.nn.ModuleList(mask_blocks) total_output_mask_blocks = mask_block_config.output_size if mask_net_config.mlp: self._dense_layers = mlp.Mlp(total_output_mask_blocks, mask_net_config.mlp) self.out_features = mask_net_config.mlp.layer_sizes[-1] else: self.out_features = total_output_mask_blocks self.shared_size = total_output_mask_blocks def forward(self, inputs: torch.Tensor): """ Performs a forward pass through the MaskNet. Args: inputs (torch.Tensor): Input data tensor. Returns: torch.Tensor: Output tensor of the MaskNet. """ if self.mask_net_config.use_parallel: mask_outputs = [] for mask_layer in self._mask_blocks: mask_outputs.append(mask_layer(mask_input=inputs, net=inputs)) # Share the outputs of the MaskBlocks. all_mask_outputs = torch.cat(mask_outputs, dim=1) output = ( all_mask_outputs if self.mask_net_config.mlp is None else self._dense_layers(all_mask_outputs)["output"] ) return {"output": output, "shared_layer": all_mask_outputs} else: net = inputs for mask_layer in self._mask_blocks: net = mask_layer(net=net, mask_input=inputs) # Share the output of the stacked MaskBlocks. output = net if self.mask_net_config.mlp is None else self._dense_layers[net]["output"] return {"output": output, "shared_layer": net}