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package com.twitter.product_mixer.component_library.selector
import com.twitter.product_mixer.core.model.common.identifier.CandidatePipelineIdentifier
import com.twitter.product_mixer.core.model.common.presentation.CandidateWithDetails
import com.twitter.product_mixer.core.model.common.presentation.ItemCandidateWithDetails
import com.twitter.product_mixer.core.model.common.presentation.ModuleCandidateWithDetails
import scala.collection.immutable.Queue
private[selector] object InsertIntoModule {
case class ModuleAndIndex(
moduleToInsertInto: ModuleCandidateWithDetails,
indexOfModuleInOtherCandidates: Int)
case class ModuleWithItemsToAddAndOtherCandidates(
moduleToUpdateAndIndex: Option[ModuleAndIndex],
itemsToInsertIntoModule: Queue[ItemCandidateWithDetails],
otherCandidates: Queue[CandidateWithDetails])
* Given a Seq of `candidates`, returns the first module with it's index that matches the
* `targetModuleCandidatePipeline` with all the [[ItemCandidateWithDetails]] that match the
* `candidatePipeline` added to the `itemsToInsert` and the remaining candidates, including the
* module, in the `otherCandidates`
def moduleToUpdate(
candidatePipeline: CandidatePipelineIdentifier,
targetModuleCandidatePipeline: CandidatePipelineIdentifier,
candidates: Seq[CandidateWithDetails]
): ModuleWithItemsToAddAndOtherCandidates = {
ModuleWithItemsToAddAndOtherCandidates(None, Queue.empty, Queue.empty)) {
case (
state @ ModuleWithItemsToAddAndOtherCandidates(_, itemsToInsertIntoModule, _),
selectedItem: ItemCandidateWithDetails) if selectedItem.source == candidatePipeline =>
state.copy(itemsToInsertIntoModule = itemsToInsertIntoModule :+ selectedItem)
case (
state @ ModuleWithItemsToAddAndOtherCandidates(None, _, otherCandidates),
module: ModuleCandidateWithDetails) if module.source == targetModuleCandidatePipeline =>
val insertionIndex = otherCandidates.length
val moduleAndIndex = Some(
moduleToInsertInto = module,
indexOfModuleInOtherCandidates = insertionIndex))
val otherCandidatesWithModuleAppended = otherCandidates :+ module
moduleToUpdateAndIndex = moduleAndIndex,
otherCandidates = otherCandidatesWithModuleAppended)
case (_, invalidModule: ModuleCandidateWithDetails)
if invalidModule.source == candidatePipeline =>
* while not exactly an illegal state, its most likely an incorrectly configured candidate pipeline
* that returned a module instead of returning the candidates the module contains. Since you can't
* nest a module inside of a module, we can either throw or ignore it and we choose to ignore it
* to catch a potential bug a customer may do accidentally.
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
s"Expected the candidatePipeline $candidatePipeline to contain items to put into the module from the targetModuleCandidatePipeline $targetModuleCandidatePipeline, but not contain modules itself. " +
s"This can occur if your $candidatePipeline was incorrectly configured and returns a module when you intended to return the candidates the module contained."
case (
state @ ModuleWithItemsToAddAndOtherCandidates(_, _, otherCandidates),
unselectedCandidate) =>
state.copy(otherCandidates = otherCandidates :+ unselectedCandidate)