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package com.twitter.tweetypie.hydrator
import com.twitter.servo.util.Gate
import com.twitter.spam.rtf.thriftscala.SafetyLevel
import com.twitter.stitch.Stitch
import com.twitter.tweetypie.StatsReceiver
import com.twitter.tweetypie.Tweet
import com.twitter.tweetypie.core.ValueState
import com.twitter.tweetypie.repository.TweetQuery
import com.twitter.tweetypie.repository.TweetRepository
import com.twitter.tweetypie.util.EditControlUtil
import com.twitter.tweetypie.serverutil.ExceptionCounter
import com.twitter.tweetypie.thriftscala.EditControl
import com.twitter.tweetypie.thriftscala.EditControlInitial
import com.twitter.tweetypie.thriftscala.FieldByPath
import com.twitter.tweetypie.util.TweetEditFailure.TweetEditGetInitialEditControlException
import com.twitter.tweetypie.util.TweetEditFailure.TweetEditInvalidEditControlException
* EditControlHydrator is used to hydrate the EditControlEdit arm of the editControl field.
* For Tweets without edits and for initial Tweets with subsequent edit(s), this hydrator
* passes through the existing editControl (either None or EditControlInitial).
* For edit Tweets, it hydrates the initial Tweet's edit control, set as a field on
* the edit control of the edit Tweet and returns the new edit control.
object EditControlHydrator {
type Type = ValueHydrator[Option[EditControl], TweetCtx]
val hydratedField: FieldByPath = fieldByPath(Tweet.EditControlField)
def apply(
repo: TweetRepository.Type,
setEditTimeWindowToSixtyMinutes: Gate[Unit],
stats: StatsReceiver
): Type = {
val exceptionCounter = ExceptionCounter(stats)
// Count hydration of edit control for tweets that were written before writing edit control initial.
val noEditControlHydration = stats.counter("noEditControlHydration")
// Count hydration of edit control edit tweets
val editControlEditHydration = stats.counter("editControlEditHydration")
// Count edit control edit hydration which successfully found an edit control initial
val editControlEditHydrationSuccessful = stats.counter("editControlEditHydration", "success")
// Count of initial tweets being hydrated.
val editControlInitialHydration = stats.counter("editControlInitialHydration")
// Count of edits loaded where the ID of edit is not present in the initial tweet
val editTweetIdsMissingAnEdit = stats.counter("editTweetIdsMissingAnEdit")
// Count hydrated tweets where edit control is set, but neither initial nor edit
val unknownUnionVariant = stats.counter("unknownEditControlUnionVariant")
ValueHydrator[Option[EditControl], TweetCtx] { (curr, ctx) =>
curr match {
// Tweet was created before we write edit control - hydrate the value at read.
case None =>
val editControl = EditControlUtil.makeEditControlInitial(
Stitch.value(, Some(editControl)))
// Tweet is an initial tweet
case Some(EditControl.Initial(_)) =>
// Tweet is an edited version
case Some(EditControl.Edit(edit)) =>
getInitialTweet(repo, edit.initialTweetId, ctx)
.map { initial: Option[EditControlInitial] =>
initial.foreach { initialTweet =>
// We are able to fetch the initial tweet for this edit but this edit tweet is
// not present in the initial's editTweetIds list
if (!initialTweet.editTweetIds.contains(ctx.tweetId)) {
val updated = edit.copy(editControlInitial = initial), Some(EditControl.Edit(updated)))
case Some(_) => // Unknown union variant
}.onlyIf { (_, ctx) => ctx.opts.enableEditControlHydration }
def getInitialTweet(
repo: TweetRepository.Type,
initialTweetId: Long,
ctx: TweetCtx,
): Stitch[Tweet] = {
val options = TweetQuery.Options(
include = TweetQuery.Include(Set(,
cacheControl = ctx.opts.cacheControl,
enforceVisibilityFiltering = false,
safetyLevel = SafetyLevel.FilterNone,
fetchStoredTweets = ctx.opts.fetchStoredTweets
repo(initialTweetId, options)
def getEditControlInitial(ctx: TweetCtx): Tweet => Stitch[Option[EditControlInitial]] = {
initialTweet: Tweet =>
initialTweet.editControl match {
case Some(EditControl.Initial(initial)) =>
if (ctx.opts.cause.writing(ctx.tweetId)) {
// On the write path we hydrate edit control initial
// as if the initial tweet is already updated.
Some(EditControlUtil.plusEdit(initial, ctx.tweetId))
} else {
case _ if ctx.opts.fetchStoredTweets =>
// If the fetchStoredTweets parameter is set to true, it means we're fetching
// and hydrating tweets regardless of state. In this case, if the initial tweet
// doesn't exist, we return None here to ensure we still hydrate and return the
// current edit tweet.
case _ => Stitch.exception(TweetEditGetInitialEditControlException)