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package com.twitter.timelines.data_processing.ml_util.aggregation_framework.metrics
import com.twitter.util.Duration
import java.lang.{Long => JLong}
* Represents an aggregation operator (e.g. count or mean).
* Override all functions in this trait to implement your own metric.
* The operator is parameterized on an input type T, which is the type
* of feature it aggregates, and a TimedValue[A] which is
* the result type of aggregation for this metric.
trait AggregationMetric[T, A] extends FeatureCache[T] {
* Combines two timed aggregate values ''left'' and ''right''
* with the specified half life ''halfLife'' to produce a result
* TimedValue
* @param left Left timed value
* @param right Right timed value
* @param halfLife Half life to use for adding timed values
* @return Result timed value
def plus(left: TimedValue[A], right: TimedValue[A], halfLife: Duration): TimedValue[A]
* Gets increment value given a datarecord and a feature.
* @param dataRecord to get increment value from.
* @param feature Feature to get increment value for. If None,
then the semantics is to just aggregate the label.
* @param timestampFeature Feature to use as millisecond timestamp
for decayed value aggregation.
* @return The incremental contribution to the aggregate of ''feature'' from ''dataRecord''.
* For example, if the aggregation metric is count, the incremental
* contribution is always a TimedValue (1.0, time). If the aggregation metric
* is mean, and the feature is a continuous feature (double), the incremental
* contribution looks like a tuple (value, 1.0, time)
def getIncrementValue(
dataRecord: DataRecord,
feature: Option[Feature[T]],
timestampFeature: Feature[JLong]
): TimedValue[A]
* The "zero" value for aggregation.
* For example, the zero is 0 for the count operator.
def zero(timeOpt: Option[Long] = None): TimedValue[A]
* Gets the value of aggregate feature(s) stored in a datarecord, if any.
* Different aggregate operators might store this info in the datarecord
* differently. E.g. count just stores a count, while mean needs to
* store both a sum and a count, and compile them into a TimedValue. We call
* these features stored in the record "output" features.
* @param record Record to get value from
* @param query AggregateFeature (see above) specifying details of aggregate
* @param aggregateOutputs An optional precomputed set of aggregation "output"
* feature hashes for this (query, metric) pair. This can be derived from ''query'',
* but we precompute and pass this in for significantly (approximately 4x = 400%)
* faster performance. If not passed in, the operator should reconstruct these features
* from scratch.
* @return The aggregate value if found in ''record'', else the appropriate "zero"
for this type of aggregation.
def getAggregateValue(
record: DataRecord,
query: AggregateFeature[T],
aggregateOutputs: Option[List[JLong]] = None
): TimedValue[A]
* Sets the value of aggregate feature(s) in a datarecord. Different operators
* will have different representations (see example above).
* @param record Record to set value in
* @param query AggregateFeature (see above) specifying details of aggregate
* @param aggregateOutputs An optional precomputed set of aggregation "output"
* features for this (query, metric) pair. This can be derived from ''query'',
* but we precompute and pass this in for significantly (approximately 4x = 400%)
* faster performance. If not passed in, the operator should reconstruct these features
* from scratch.
* @param value Value to set for aggregate feature in the record being passed in via ''query''
def setAggregateValue(
record: DataRecord,
query: AggregateFeature[T],
aggregateOutputs: Option[List[JLong]] = None,
value: TimedValue[A]
): Unit
* Get features used to store aggregate output representation
* in partially aggregated data records.
* @query AggregateFeature (see above) specifying details of aggregate
* @return A list of "output" features used by this metric to store
* output representation. For example, for the "count" operator, we
* have only one element in this list, which is the result "count" feature.
* For the "mean" operator, we have three elements in this list: the "count"
* feature, the "sum" feature and the "mean" feature.
def getOutputFeatures(query: AggregateFeature[T]): List[Feature[_]]
* Get feature hashes used to store aggregate output representation
* in partially aggregated data records.
* @query AggregateFeature (see above) specifying details of aggregate
* @return A list of "output" feature hashes used by this metric to store
* output representation. For example, for the "count" operator, we
* have only one element in this list, which is the result "count" feature.
* For the "mean" operator, we have three elements in this list: the "count"
* feature, the "sum" feature and the "mean" feature.
def getOutputFeatureIds(query: AggregateFeature[T]): List[JLong] =
* Sums the given feature in two datarecords into a result record
* WARNING: this method has side-effects; it modifies combined
* @param combined Result datarecord to mutate and store addition result in
* @param left Left datarecord to add
* @param right Right datarecord to add
* @param query Details of aggregate to add
* @param aggregateOutputs An optional precomputed set of aggregation "output"
* feature hashes for this (query, metric) pair. This can be derived from ''query'',
* but we precompute and pass this in for significantly (approximately 4x = 400%)
* faster performance. If not passed in, the operator should reconstruct these features
* from scratch.
def mutatePlus(
combined: DataRecord,
left: DataRecord,
right: DataRecord,
query: AggregateFeature[T],
aggregateOutputs: Option[List[JLong]] = None
): Unit = {
val leftValue = getAggregateValue(left, query, aggregateOutputs)
val rightValue = getAggregateValue(right, query, aggregateOutputs)
val combinedValue = plus(leftValue, rightValue, query.halfLife)
setAggregateValue(combined, query, aggregateOutputs, combinedValue)
* Helper function to get increment value from an input DataRecord
* and copy it to an output DataRecord, given an AggregateFeature query spec.
* @param output Datarecord to output increment to (will be mutated by this method)
* @param input Datarecord to get increment from
* @param query Details of aggregation
* @param aggregateOutputs An optional precomputed set of aggregation "output"
* feature hashes for this (query, metric) pair. This can be derived from ''query'',
* but we precompute and pass this in for significantly (approximately 4x = 400%)
* faster performance. If not passed in, the operator should reconstruct these features
* from scratch.
* @return True if an increment was set in the output record, else false
def setIncrement(
output: DataRecord,
input: DataRecord,
query: AggregateFeature[T],
timestampFeature: Feature[JLong] = SharedFeatures.TIMESTAMP,
aggregateOutputs: Option[List[JLong]] = None
): Boolean = {
if (query.label == None ||
(query.label.isDefined && SRichDataRecord(input).hasFeature(query.label.get))) {
val incrementValue: TimedValue[A] = getIncrementValue(input, query.feature, timestampFeature)
setAggregateValue(output, query, aggregateOutputs, incrementValue)
} else false