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package com.twitter.timelines.prediction.common.aggregates.real_time
import com.twitter.conversions.DurationOps._
import com.twitter.finagle.stats.DefaultStatsReceiver
import com.twitter.summingbird.Options
import com.twitter.timelines.data_processing.ml_util.aggregation_framework.heron._
import com.twitter.timelines.data_processing.ml_util.transforms.DownsampleTransform
import com.twitter.timelines.data_processing.ml_util.transforms.RichITransform
import com.twitter.timelines.data_processing.ml_util.transforms.UserDownsampleTransform
import com.twitter.timelines.prediction.common.aggregates.BCELabelTransformFromUUADataRecord
* Sets up relevant topology parameters. Our primary goal is to handle the
* LogEvent stream and aggregate (sum) on the parsed DataRecords without falling
* behind. Our constraint is the resulting write (and read) QPS to the backing
* memcache store.
* If the job is falling behind, add more flatMappers and/or Summers after
* inspecting the viz panels for the respective job (go/heron-ui). An increase in
* Summers (and/or aggregation keys and features in the config) results in an
* increase in memcache QPS (go/cb and search for our cache). Adjust with CacheSize
* settings until QPS is well-controlled.
object TimelinesRealTimeAggregatesJobConfigs extends RealTimeAggregatesJobConfigs {
import TimelinesOnlineAggregationUtils._
* We remove input records that do not contain a label/engagement as defined in AllTweetLabels, which includes
* explicit user engagements including public, private and impression events. By avoiding ingesting records without
* engagemnts, we guarantee that no distribution shifts occur in computed aggregate features when we add a new spout
* to input aggregate sources. Counterfactual signal is still available since we aggregate on explicit dwell
* engagements.
val NegativeDownsampleTransform =
negativeSamplingRate = 0.0,
keepLabels = AllTweetLabels,
positiveSamplingRate = 1.0)
* We downsample positive engagements for devel topology to reduce traffic, aiming for equivalent of 10% of prod traffic.
* First apply consistent downsampling to 10% of users, and then apply downsampling to remove records without
* explicit labels. We apply user-consistent sampling to more closely approximate prod query patterns.
val StagingUserBasedDownsampleTransform =
availability = 1000,
featureName = "rta_devel"
override val Prod = RealTimeAggregatesJobConfig(
appId = "summingbird_timelines_rta",
topologyWorkers = 1450,
sourceCount = 120,
flatMapCount = 1800,
summerCount = 3850,
cacheSize = 200,
containerRamGigaBytes = 54,
name = "timelines_real_time_aggregates",
teamName = "timelines",
teamEmail = "",
// If one component is hitting GC limit at prod, tune componentToMetaSpaceSizeMap.
// Except for Source bolts. Tune componentToRamGigaBytesMap for Source bolts instead.
componentToMetaSpaceSizeMap = Map(
"Tail-FlatMap" -> "-XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=1024M -XX:MetaspaceSize=1024M",
"Tail" -> "-XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=2560M -XX:MetaspaceSize=2560M"
// If either component is hitting memory limit at prod
// its memory need to increase: either increase total memory of container (containerRamGigaBytes),
// or allocate more memory for one component while keeping total memory unchanged.
componentToRamGigaBytesMap = Map(
"Tail-FlatMap-Source" -> 3, // Home source
"Tail-FlatMap-Source.2" -> 3, // Profile source
"Tail-FlatMap-Source.3" -> 3, // Search source
"Tail-FlatMap-Source.4" -> 3, // UUA source
"Tail-FlatMap" -> 8
// Tail will use the leftover memory in the container.
// Make sure to tune topologyWorkers and containerRamGigaBytes such that this is greater than 10 GB.
topologyNamedOptions = Map(
"TL_EVENTS_SOURCE" -> Options()
"UUA_EVENTS_SOURCE" -> Options()
// The UUA datarecord for BCE events inputted will not have binary labels populated.
// BCELabelTransform will set the datarecord with binary BCE dwell labels features based on the corresponding dwell_time_ms.
// It's important to have the BCELabelTransformFromUUADataRecord before ProdNegativeDownsampleTransform
// because ProdNegativeDownsampleTransform will remove datarecord that contains no features from AllTweetLabels.
onlinePreTransforms =
Seq(RichITransform(BCELabelTransformFromUUADataRecord), NegativeDownsampleTransform)
* we downsample 10% computation of devel RTA based on [[StagingNegativeDownsampleTransform]].
* To better test scalability of topology, we reduce computing resource of components "Tail-FlatMap"
* and "Tail" to be 10% of prod but keep computing resource of component "Tail-FlatMap-Source" unchanged.
* hence flatMapCount=110, summerCount=105 and sourceCount=100. Hence topologyWorkers =(110+105+100)/5 = 63.
override val Devel = RealTimeAggregatesJobConfig(
appId = "summingbird_timelines_rta_devel",
topologyWorkers = 120,
sourceCount = 120,
flatMapCount = 150,
summerCount = 300,
cacheSize = 200,
containerRamGigaBytes = 54,
name = "timelines_real_time_aggregates_devel",
teamName = "timelines",
teamEmail = "",
// If one component is hitting GC limit at prod, tune componentToMetaSpaceSizeMap
// Except for Source bolts. Tune componentToRamGigaBytesMap for Source bolts instead.
componentToMetaSpaceSizeMap = Map(
"Tail-FlatMap" -> "-XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=1024M -XX:MetaspaceSize=1024M",
"Tail" -> "-XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=2560M -XX:MetaspaceSize=2560M"
// If either component is hitting memory limit at prod
// its memory need to increase: either increase total memory of container (containerRamGigaBytes),
// or allocate more memory for one component while keeping total memory unchanged.
componentToRamGigaBytesMap = Map(
"Tail-FlatMap-Source" -> 3, // Home source
"Tail-FlatMap-Source.2" -> 3, // Profile source
"Tail-FlatMap-Source.3" -> 3, // Search source
"Tail-FlatMap-Source.4" -> 3, // UUA source
"Tail-FlatMap" -> 8
// Tail will use the leftover memory in the container.
// Make sure to tune topologyWorkers and containerRamGigaBytes such that this is greater than 10 GB.
topologyNamedOptions = Map(
"TL_EVENTS_SOURCE" -> Options()
"UUA_EVENTS_SOURCE" -> Options()
// It's important to have the BCELabelTransformFromUUADataRecord before ProdNegativeDownsampleTransform
onlinePreTransforms = Seq(
enableUserReindexingNighthawkBtreeStore = true,
enableUserReindexingNighthawkHashStore = true,
userReindexingNighthawkBtreeStoreConfig = NighthawkUnderlyingStoreConfig(
serversetPath =
// NOTE: table names are prefixed to every pkey so keep it short
tableName = "u_r_v1", // (u)ser_(r)eindexing_v1
// keep ttl <= 1 day because it's keyed on user, and we will have limited hit rates beyond 1 day
cacheTTL =
userReindexingNighthawkHashStoreConfig = NighthawkUnderlyingStoreConfig(
// For prod: "/s/cache-user/nighthawk_timelines_real_time_aggregates_hash_api",
serversetPath =
// NOTE: table names are prefixed to every pkey so keep it short
tableName = "u_r_v1", // (u)ser_(r)eindexing_v1
// keep ttl <= 1 day because it's keyed on user, and we will have limited hit rates beyond 1 day
cacheTTL =
object TimelinesRealTimeAggregatesJob extends RealTimeAggregatesJobBase {
override lazy val statsReceiver = DefaultStatsReceiver.scope("timelines_real_time_aggregates")
override lazy val jobConfigs = TimelinesRealTimeAggregatesJobConfigs
override lazy val aggregatesToCompute = TimelinesOnlineAggregationConfig.AggregatesToCompute