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package com.twitter.timelines.data_processing.ml_util.aggregation_framework.conversion
import com.twitter.bijection.Injection
import com.twitter.bijection.thrift.CompactThriftCodec
import com.twitter.scalding.DateRange
import com.twitter.scalding.RichDate
import com.twitter.scalding.TypedPipe
import com.twitter.scalding.commons.source.VersionedKeyValSource
import com.twitter.scalding.commons.tap.VersionedTap.TapMode
import com.twitter.summingbird.batch.BatchID
import com.twitter.summingbird_internal.bijection.BatchPairImplicits
import com.twitter.timelines.data_processing.ml_util.aggregation_framework.AggregationKey
import com.twitter.timelines.data_processing.ml_util.aggregation_framework.AggregationKeyInjection
import com.twitter.timelines.data_processing.ml_util.aggregation_framework.TypedAggregateGroup
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import AggregatesV2Adapter._
object AggregatesV2AdaptedSource {
val DefaultTrimThreshold = 0
trait AggregatesV2AdaptedSource extends AggregatesV2AdaptedSourceBase[DataRecord] {
override def storageFormatCodec: Injection[DataRecord, Array[Byte]] =
override def toDataRecord(v: DataRecord): DataRecord = v
trait AggregatesV2AdaptedSourceBase[StorageFormat]
extends TypedFeatureSource[AggregatesV2Tuple]
with AdaptedFeatureSource[AggregatesV2Tuple]
with BatchPairImplicits {
/* Output root path of aggregates v2 job, excluding store name and version */
def rootPath: String
/* Name of store under root path to read */
def storeName: String
// max bijection failures
def maxFailures: Int = 0
/* Aggregate config used to generate above output */
def aggregates: Set[TypedAggregateGroup[_]]
/* trimThreshold Trim all aggregates below a certain threshold to save memory */
def trimThreshold: Double
def toDataRecord(v: StorageFormat): DataRecord
def sourceVersionOpt: Option[Long]
def enableMostRecentBeforeSourceVersion: Boolean = false
implicit private val aggregationKeyInjection: Injection[AggregationKey, Array[Byte]] =
implicit def storageFormatCodec: Injection[StorageFormat, Array[Byte]]
private def filteredAggregates = aggregates.filter( == storeName)
def storePath: String = List(rootPath, storeName).mkString("/")
def mostRecentVkvs: VersionedKeyValSource[_, _] = {
VersionedKeyValSource[AggregationKey, (BatchID, StorageFormat)](
path = storePath,
sourceVersion = None,
maxFailures = maxFailures
private def availableVersions: Seq[Long] =
.getStore(new JobConf(true))
private def mostRecentVersion: Long = {
require(!availableVersions.isEmpty, s"$storeName has no available versions")
def versionToUse: Long =
if (enableMostRecentBeforeSourceVersion) {
.map(sourceVersion =>
availableVersions.filter(_ <= sourceVersion) match {
case Seq() =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"No version older than version: %s, available versions: %s"
.format(sourceVersion, availableVersions)
case versionList => versionList.max
} else {
override lazy val adapter: IRecordOneToManyAdapter[AggregatesV2Tuple] =
new AggregatesV2Adapter(filteredAggregates, versionToUse, trimThreshold)
override def getData: TypedPipe[AggregatesV2Tuple] = {
val vkvsToUse: VersionedKeyValSource[AggregationKey, (BatchID, StorageFormat)] = {
VersionedKeyValSource[AggregationKey, (BatchID, StorageFormat)](
path = storePath,
sourceVersion = Some(versionToUse),
maxFailures = maxFailures
TypedPipe.from(vkvsToUse).map {
case (key, (batch, value)) => (key, (batch, toDataRecord(value)))
* Adapted data record feature source from aggregates v2 manhattan output
* Params documented in parent trait.
case class AggregatesV2FeatureSource(
override val rootPath: String,
override val storeName: String,
override val aggregates: Set[TypedAggregateGroup[_]],
override val trimThreshold: Double = 0,
override val maxFailures: Int = 0,
implicit val dateRange: DateRange)
extends AggregatesV2AdaptedSource {
// Increment end date by 1 millisec since summingbird output for date D is stored at (D+1)T00
override val sourceVersionOpt: Some[Long] = Some(dateRange.end.timestamp + 1)
* Reads most recent available AggregatesV2FeatureSource.
* There is no constraint on recency.
* Params documented in parent trait.
case class AggregatesV2MostRecentFeatureSource(
override val rootPath: String,
override val storeName: String,
override val aggregates: Set[TypedAggregateGroup[_]],
override val trimThreshold: Double = AggregatesV2AdaptedSource.DefaultTrimThreshold,
override val maxFailures: Int = 0)
extends AggregatesV2AdaptedSource {
override val sourceVersionOpt: None.type = None
* Reads most recent available AggregatesV2FeatureSource
* on or before the specified beforeDate.
* Params documented in parent trait.
case class AggregatesV2MostRecentFeatureSourceBeforeDate(
override val rootPath: String,
override val storeName: String,
override val aggregates: Set[TypedAggregateGroup[_]],
override val trimThreshold: Double = AggregatesV2AdaptedSource.DefaultTrimThreshold,
beforeDate: RichDate,
override val maxFailures: Int = 0)
extends AggregatesV2AdaptedSource {
override val enableMostRecentBeforeSourceVersion = true
override val sourceVersionOpt: Some[Long] = Some(beforeDate.timestamp + 1)