package com.twitter.tweetypie package hydrator import com.twitter.featureswitches.v2.FeatureSwitchResults import com.twitter.stitch.Stitch import com.twitter.tweetypie.FieldId import com.twitter.tweetypie.TweetId import com.twitter.tweetypie.core.ValueState import com.twitter.tweetypie.repository.TweetCountKey import com.twitter.tweetypie.repository.TweetCountsRepository import com.twitter.tweetypie.thriftscala.EditControl import com.twitter.tweetypie.thriftscala.StatusCounts import com.twitter.tweetypie.thriftscala._ /* * A constructor for a ValueHydrator that hydrates `previous_counts` * information. Previous counts are applied to edit tweets, they * are the summation of all the status_counts in an edit chain up to * but not including the tweet being hydrated. * */ object PreviousTweetCountsHydrator { case class Ctx( editControl: Option[EditControl], featureSwitchResults: Option[FeatureSwitchResults], underlyingTweetCtx: TweetCtx) extends TweetCtx.Proxy type Type = ValueHydrator[Option[StatusCounts], Ctx] val hydratedField: FieldByPath = fieldByPath(Tweet.PreviousCountsField) /* * Params: * tweetId: The tweet being hydrated. * editTweetIds: The sorted list of all edits in an edit chain. * * Returns: tweetIds in an edit chain from the initial tweet up to but not including * the tweet being hydrated (`tweetId`) */ def previousTweetIds(tweetId: TweetId, editTweetIds: Seq[TweetId]): Seq[TweetId] = { editTweetIds.takeWhile(_ < tweetId) } /* An addition operation for Option[Long] */ def sumOptions(A: Option[Long], B: Option[Long]): Option[Long] = (A, B) match { case (None, None) => None case (Some(a), None) => Some(a) case (None, Some(b)) => Some(b) case (Some(a), Some(b)) => Some(a + b) } /* An addition operation for StatusCounts */ def sumStatusCounts(A: StatusCounts, B: StatusCounts): StatusCounts = StatusCounts( retweetCount = sumOptions(A.retweetCount, B.retweetCount), replyCount = sumOptions(A.replyCount, B.replyCount), favoriteCount = sumOptions(A.favoriteCount, B.favoriteCount), quoteCount = sumOptions(A.quoteCount, B.quoteCount), bookmarkCount = sumOptions(A.bookmarkCount, B.bookmarkCount) ) def apply(repo: TweetCountsRepository.Type, shouldHydrateBookmarksCount: Gate[Long]): Type = { /* * Get a StatusCount representing the summed engagements of all previous * StatusCounts in an edit chain. Only `countsFields` that are specifically requested * are included in the aggregate StatusCount, otherwise those fields are None. */ def getPreviousEngagementCounts( tweetId: TweetId, editTweetIds: Seq[TweetId], countsFields: Set[FieldId] ): Stitch[ValueState[StatusCounts]] = { val editTweetIdList = previousTweetIds(tweetId, editTweetIds) // StatusCounts for each edit tweet revision val statusCountsPerEditVersion: Stitch[Seq[ValueState[StatusCounts]]] = Stitch.collect( { tweetId => // Which tweet count keys to request, as indicated by the tweet options. val keys: Seq[TweetCountKey] = TweetCountsHydrator.toKeys(tweetId, countsFields, None) // A separate StatusCounts for each count field, for `tweetId` // e.g. Seq(StatusCounts(retweetCounts=5L), StatusCounts(favCounts=6L)) val statusCountsPerCountField: Stitch[Seq[ValueState[StatusCounts]]] = Stitch.collect( => TweetCountsHydrator.statusCountsRepo(key, repo))) // Reduce the per-field counts into a single StatusCounts for `tweetId` { vs => // NOTE: This StatusCounts reduction uses different logic than // `sumStatusCounts`. This reduction takes the latest value for a field. // instead of summing the fields. ValueState.sequence(vs).map(TweetCountsHydrator.reduceStatusCounts) } }) // Sum together the StatusCounts for each edit tweet revision into a single Status Count { vs => ValueState.sequence(vs).map { statusCounts => // Reduce a list of StatusCounts into a single StatusCount by summing their fields. statusCounts.reduce { (a, b) => sumStatusCounts(a, b) } } } } ValueHydrator[Option[StatusCounts], Ctx] { (inputStatusCounts, ctx) => val countsFields: Set[FieldId] = TweetCountsHydrator.filterRequestedCounts( ctx.opts.forUserId.getOrElse(ctx.userId), ctx.opts.include.countsFields, shouldHydrateBookmarksCount, ctx.featureSwitchResults ) ctx.editControl match { case Some(EditControl.Edit(edit)) => edit.editControlInitial match { case Some(initial) => val previousStatusCounts: Stitch[ValueState[StatusCounts]] = getPreviousEngagementCounts(ctx.tweetId, initial.editTweetIds, countsFields) // Add the new aggregated StatusCount to the TweetData and return it { valueState => { statusCounts => Some(statusCounts) } } case None => // EditControlInitial is not hydrated within EditControlEdit // This means we cannot provide aggregated previous counts, we will // fail open and return the input data unchanged. Stitch.value(ValueState.partial(inputStatusCounts, hydratedField)) } case _ => // If the tweet has an EditControlInitial - it's the first Tweet in the Edit Chain // or has no EditControl - it could be an old Tweet from when no Edit Controls existed // then the previous counts are set to be equal to None. Stitch.value(ValueState.unit(None)) } }.onlyIf { (_, ctx: Ctx) => // only run if the CountsField was requested; note this is ran both on read and write path TweetCountsHydrator .filterRequestedCounts( ctx.opts.forUserId.getOrElse(ctx.userId), ctx.opts.include.countsFields, shouldHydrateBookmarksCount, ctx.featureSwitchResults ).nonEmpty } } }