package com.twitter.tweetypie.caching import com.twitter.util.Duration import com.twitter.util.Time import scala.util.Random import com.twitter.logging.Logger /** * Used to determine whether values successfully retrieved from cache * are [[CacheResult.Fresh]] or [[CacheResult.Stale]]. This is useful * in the implementation of a [[ValueSerializer]]. */ trait SoftTtl[-V] { /** * Determines whether a cached value was fresh. * * @param cachedAt the time at which the value was cached. */ def isFresh(value: V, cachedAt: Time): Boolean /** * Wraps the value in Fresh or Stale depending on the value of `isFresh`. * * (The type variable U exists because it is not allowed to return * values of a contravariant type, so we must define a variable that * is a specific subclass of V. This is worth it because it allows * us to create polymorphic policies without having to specify the * type. Another solution would be to make the type invariant, but * then we would have to specify the type whenever we create an * instance.) */ def toCacheResult[U <: V](value: U, cachedAt: Time): CacheResult[U] = if (isFresh(value, cachedAt)) CacheResult.Fresh(value) else CacheResult.Stale(value) } object SoftTtl { /** * Regardless of the inputs, the value will always be considered * fresh. */ object NeverRefresh extends SoftTtl[Any] { override def isFresh(_unusedValue: Any, _unusedCachedAt: Time): Boolean = true } /** * Trigger refresh based on the length of time that a value has been * stored in cache, ignoring the value. * * @param softTtl Items that were cached longer ago than this value * will be refreshed when they are accessed. * * @param jitter Add nondeterminism to the soft TTL to prevent a * thundering herd of requests refreshing the value at the same * time. The time at which the value is considered stale will be * uniformly spread out over a range of +/- (jitter/2). It is * valid to set the jitter to zero, which will turn off jittering. * * @param logger If non-null, use this logger rather than one based * on the class name. This logger is only used for trace-level * logging. */ case class ByAge[V]( softTtl: Duration, jitter: Duration, specificLogger: Logger = null, rng: Random = Random) extends SoftTtl[Any] { private[this] val logger: Logger = if (specificLogger == null) Logger(getClass) else specificLogger private[this] val maxJitterMs: Long = jitter.inMilliseconds // this requirement is due to using Random.nextInt to choose the // jitter, but it allows jitter of greater than 24 days require(maxJitterMs <= (Int.MaxValue / 2)) // Negative jitter probably indicates misuse of the API require(maxJitterMs >= 0) // we want period +/- jitter, but the random generator // generates non-negative numbers, so we generate [0, 2 * // maxJitter) and subtract maxJitter to obtain [-maxJitter, // maxJitter) private[this] val maxJitterRangeMs: Int = (maxJitterMs * 2).toInt // We perform all calculations in milliseconds, so convert the // period to milliseconds out here. private[this] val softTtlMs: Long = softTtl.inMilliseconds // If the value is below this age, it will always be fresh, // regardless of jitter. private[this] val alwaysFreshAgeMs: Long = softTtlMs - maxJitterMs // If the value is above this age, it will always be stale, // regardless of jitter. private[this] val alwaysStaleAgeMs: Long = softTtlMs + maxJitterMs override def isFresh(value: Any, cachedAt: Time): Boolean = { val ageMs: Long = ( - cachedAt).inMilliseconds val fresh = if (ageMs <= alwaysFreshAgeMs) { true } else if (ageMs > alwaysStaleAgeMs) { false } else { val jitterMs: Long = rng.nextInt(maxJitterRangeMs) - maxJitterMs ageMs <= softTtlMs + jitterMs } logger.ifTrace( s"Checked soft ttl: fresh = $fresh, " + s"soft_ttl_ms = $softTtlMs, age_ms = $ageMs, value = $value") fresh } } }