package com.twitter.tweetypie.matching import com.twitter.common.text.language.LocaleUtil import com.twitter.common_internal.text.pipeline.TwitterTextNormalizer import com.twitter.common_internal.text.pipeline.TwitterTextTokenizer import com.twitter.common_internal.text.version.PenguinVersion import com.twitter.concurrent.Once import import java.util.Locale import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ /** * Extract a sequence of normalized tokens from the input text. The * normalization and tokenization are properly configured for keyword * matching between texts. */ trait Tokenizer { def tokenize(input: String): TokenSequence } object Tokenizer { /** * When a Penguin version is not explicitly specified, use this * version of Penguin to perform normalization and tokenization. If * you cache tokenized text, be sure to store the version as well, to * avoid comparing text that was normalized with different algorithms. */ val DefaultPenguinVersion: PenguinVersion = PenguinVersion.PENGUIN_6 /** * If you already know the locale of the text that is being tokenized, * use this method to get a tokenizer that is much more efficient than * the Tweet or Query tokenizer, since it does not have to perform * language detection. */ def forLocale(locale: Locale): Tokenizer = get(locale, DefaultPenguinVersion) /** * Obtain a `Tokenizer` that will tokenize the text for the given * locale and version of the Penguin library. */ def get(locale: Locale, version: PenguinVersion): Tokenizer = TokenizerFactories(version).forLocale(locale) /** * Encapsulates the configuration and use of [[TwitterTextTokenizer]] * and [[TwitterTextNormalizer]]. */ private[this] class TokenizerFactory(version: PenguinVersion) { // The normalizer is thread-safe, so share one instance. private[this] val normalizer = (new TwitterTextNormalizer.Builder(version)).build() // The TwitterTextTokenizer is relatively expensive to build, // and is not thread safe, so keep instances of it in a // ThreadLocal. private[this] val local = new ThreadLocal[TwitterTextTokenizer] { override def initialValue: TwitterTextTokenizer = (new TwitterTextTokenizer.Builder(version)).build() } /** * Obtain a [[Tokenizer]] for this combination of [[PenguinVersion]] * and [[Locale]]. */ def forLocale(locale: Locale): Tokenizer = new Tokenizer { override def tokenize(input: String): TokenSequence = { val stream = local.get.getTwitterTokenStreamFor(locale) stream.reset(normalizer.normalize(input, locale)) val builder = IndexedSeq.newBuilder[CharSequence] while (stream.incrementToken) builder += stream.term() TokenSequence(builder.result()) } } } /** * Since there are a small number of Penguin versions, eagerly * initialize a TokenizerFactory for each version, to avoid managing * mutable state. */ private[this] val TokenizerFactories: PenguinVersion => TokenizerFactory = => v -> new TokenizerFactory(v)).toMap /** * The set of locales used in warmup. These locales are mentioned in * the logic of TwitterTextTokenizer and TwitterTextNormalizer. */ private[this] val WarmUpLocales: Seq[Locale] = Seq .concat( Seq( Locale.JAPANESE, Locale.KOREAN, LocaleUtil.UNKNOWN, LocaleUtil.THAI, LocaleUtil.ARABIC, LocaleUtil.SWEDISH ), LocaleUtil.CHINESE_JAPANESE_LOCALES.asScala, LocaleUtil.CJK_LOCALES.asScala ) .toSet .toArray .toSeq /** * Load the default inputs that are used for warming up this library. */ def warmUpCorpus(): Seq[String] = { val stream = getClass.getResourceAsStream("warmup-text.txt") val bytes = try StreamIO.buffer(stream) finally stream.close() bytes.toString("UTF-8").linesIterator.toArray.toSeq } /** * Exercise the functionality of this library on the specified * strings. In general, prefer [[warmUp]] to this method. */ def warmUpWith(ver: PenguinVersion, texts: Iterable[String]): Unit = texts.foreach { txt => // Exercise each locale WarmUpLocales.foreach { loc => Tokenizer.get(loc, ver).tokenize(txt) UserMutes.builder().withPenguinVersion(ver).withLocale(loc).validate(txt) } // Exercise language detection TweetTokenizer.get(ver).tokenize(txt) UserMutes.builder().withPenguinVersion(ver).validate(txt) } private[this] val warmUpOnce = Once(warmUpWith(DefaultPenguinVersion, warmUpCorpus())) /** * The creation of the first TwitterTextTokenizer is relatively * expensive, and tokenizing some texts may cause significant * initialization. * * This method exercises the functionality of this library * with a range of texts in order to perform as much initialization as * possible before the library is used in a latency-sensitive way. * * The warmup routine will only run once. Subsequent invocations of * `warmUp` will no do additional work, and will return once warmup is * complete. * * The warmup will take on the order of seconds. */ def warmUp(): Unit = warmUpOnce() }