package import com.twitter.finagle.stats.StatsReceiver import com.twitter.stitch.Stitch import import import import com.twitter.tweetypie.storage_internal.thriftscala.StoredTweet import com.twitter.tweetypie.thriftscala.DeletedTweet import scala.util.control.NonFatal sealed trait DeleteState object DeleteState { /** * This tweet is deleted but has not been permanently deleted from Manhattan. Tweets in this state * may be undeleted. */ case object SoftDeleted extends DeleteState /** * This tweet is deleted after being bounced for violating the Twitter Rules but has not been * permanently deleted from Manhattan. Tweets in this state may NOT be undeleted. */ case object BounceDeleted extends DeleteState /** * This tweet has been permanently deleted from Manhattan. */ case object HardDeleted extends DeleteState /** * There is no data in Manhattan to distinguish this tweet id from one that never existed. */ case object NotFound extends DeleteState /** * This tweet exists and is not in a deleted state. */ case object NotDeleted extends DeleteState } case class DeletedTweetResponse( tweetId: TweetId, overallResponse: TweetResponseCode, deleteState: DeleteState, tweet: Option[DeletedTweet]) object GetDeletedTweetsHandler { def apply( read: ManhattanOperations.Read, stats: StatsReceiver ): TweetStorageClient.GetDeletedTweets = (unfilteredTweetIds: Seq[TweetId]) => { val tweetIds = unfilteredTweetIds.filter(_ > 0) Stats.addWidthStat("getDeletedTweets", "tweetIds", tweetIds.size, stats) val stitches = { tweetId => read(tweetId) .map { mhRecords => val storedTweet = buildStoredTweet(tweetId, mhRecords) TweetStateRecord.mostRecent(mhRecords) match { case Some(m: TweetStateRecord.SoftDeleted) => softDeleted(m, storedTweet) case Some(m: TweetStateRecord.BounceDeleted) => bounceDeleted(m, storedTweet) case Some(m: TweetStateRecord.HardDeleted) => hardDeleted(m, storedTweet) case _ if storedTweet.getFieldBlobs(expectedFields).isEmpty => notFound(tweetId) case _ => notDeleted(tweetId, storedTweet) } } .handle { case _: DeniedManhattanException => DeletedTweetResponse( tweetId, TweetResponseCode.OverCapacity, DeleteState.NotFound, None ) case NonFatal(ex) => TweetUtils.log.warning( ex, s"Unhandled exception in GetDeletedTweetsHandler for tweetId: $tweetId" ) DeletedTweetResponse(tweetId, TweetResponseCode.Failure, DeleteState.NotFound, None) } } Stitch.collect(stitches) } private def notFound(tweetId: TweetId) = DeletedTweetResponse( tweetId = tweetId, overallResponse = TweetResponseCode.Success, deleteState = DeleteState.NotFound, tweet = None ) private def softDeleted(record: TweetStateRecord.SoftDeleted, storedTweet: StoredTweet) = DeletedTweetResponse( record.tweetId, TweetResponseCode.Success, DeleteState.SoftDeleted, Some( StorageConversions .toDeletedTweet(storedTweet) .copy(deletedAtMsec = Some(record.createdAt)) ) ) private def bounceDeleted(record: TweetStateRecord.BounceDeleted, storedTweet: StoredTweet) = DeletedTweetResponse( record.tweetId, TweetResponseCode.Success, DeleteState.BounceDeleted, Some( StorageConversions .toDeletedTweet(storedTweet) .copy(deletedAtMsec = Some(record.createdAt)) ) ) private def hardDeleted(record: TweetStateRecord.HardDeleted, storedTweet: StoredTweet) = DeletedTweetResponse( record.tweetId, TweetResponseCode.Success, DeleteState.HardDeleted, Some( StorageConversions .toDeletedTweet(storedTweet) .copy( hardDeletedAtMsec = Some(record.createdAt), deletedAtMsec = Some(record.deletedAt) ) ) ) /** * notDeleted returns a tweet to simplify tweetypie.handler.UndeleteTweetHandler */ private def notDeleted(tweetId: TweetId, storedTweet: StoredTweet) = DeletedTweetResponse( tweetId = tweetId, overallResponse = TweetResponseCode.Success, deleteState = DeleteState.NotDeleted, tweet = Some(StorageConversions.toDeletedTweet(storedTweet)) ) }