package import com.twitter.bijection.Injection import import com.twitter.stitch.Stitch import import import import import{impl => mh} import import com.twitter.util.Time import java.nio.ByteBuffer import scala.util.control.NonFatal case class TweetManhattanRecord(key: TweetKey, value: TweetManhattanValue) { def pkey: TweetId = key.tweetId def lkey: TweetKey.LKey = key.lKey /** * Produces a representation that is human-readable, but contains * all of the information from the record. It is not intended for * producing machine-readable values. * * This conversion is relatively expensive, so beware of using it in * hot code paths. */ override def toString: String = { val valueString = try { key.lKey match { case _: TweetKey.LKey.MetadataKey => StringCodec.fromByteBuffer(value.contents) case _: TweetKey.LKey.FieldKey => val tFieldBlob = TFieldBlobCodec.fromByteBuffer(value.contents) s"TFieldBlob(${tFieldBlob.field}, 0x${Buf.slowHexString(tFieldBlob.content)})" case TweetKey.LKey.Unknown(_) => "0x" + Buf.slowHexString(Buf.ByteBuffer.Shared(value.contents)) } } catch { case NonFatal(e) => val hexValue = Buf.slowHexString(Buf.ByteBuffer.Shared(value.contents)) s"0x$hexValue (failed to decode due to $e)" } s"$key => ${value.copy(contents = valueString)}" } } object ManhattanOperations { type Read = TweetId => Stitch[Seq[TweetManhattanRecord]] type Insert = TweetManhattanRecord => Stitch[Unit] type Delete = (TweetKey, Option[Time]) => Stitch[Unit] type DeleteRange = TweetId => Stitch[Unit] object PkeyInjection extends Injection[TweetId, String] { override def apply(tweetId: TweetId): String = TweetKey.padTweetIdStr(tweetId) override def invert(str: String): scala.util.Try[TweetId] = scala.util.Try(str.toLong) } case class InvalidLkey(lkeyStr: String) extends Exception object LkeyInjection extends Injection[TweetKey.LKey, String] { override def apply(lkey: TweetKey.LKey): String = lkey.toString override def invert(str: String): scala.util.Try[TweetKey.LKey] = scala.util.Success(TweetKey.LKey.fromString(str)) } val KeyDescriptor: DescriptorP1L1.EmptyKey[TweetId, TweetKey.LKey] = mh.KeyDescriptor( Component(PkeyInjection.andThen(StringInjection)), Component(LkeyInjection.andThen(StringInjection)) ) val ValueDescriptor: mh.ValueDescriptor.EmptyValue[ByteBuffer] = mh.ValueDescriptor(BufInjection) } class ManhattanOperations(dataset: String, mhEndpoint: ManhattanKVEndpoint) { import ManhattanOperations._ private[this] def pkey(tweetId: TweetId) = KeyDescriptor.withDataset(dataset).withPkey(tweetId) def read: Read = { tweetId => mhEndpoint.slice(pkey(tweetId).under(), ValueDescriptor).map { mhData => { case (key, value) => TweetManhattanRecord(TweetKey(key.pkey, key.lkey), value) } } } def insert: Insert = record => { val mhKey = pkey(record.key.tweetId).withLkey(record.key.lKey) mhEndpoint.insert(mhKey, ValueDescriptor.withValue(record.value)) } def delete: Delete = (key, time) => mhEndpoint.delete(pkey(key.tweetId).withLkey(key.lKey), time) def deleteRange: DeleteRange = tweetId => mhEndpoint.deleteRange(KeyDescriptor.withDataset(dataset).withPkey(tweetId).under()) }