package import com.twitter.mediaservices.commons.tweetmedia.thriftscala._ import com.twitter.scrooge.TFieldBlob import com.twitter.tweetypie.additionalfields.AdditionalFields import com.twitter.tweetypie.storage_internal.thriftscala._ import com.twitter.tweetypie.thriftscala._ import com.twitter.tweetypie.util.TweetLenses object StorageConversions { private val tbTweetCompiledAdditionalFieldIds = def toStoredReply(reply: Reply, conversationId: Option[TweetId]): StoredReply = StoredReply( inReplyToStatusId = reply.inReplyToStatusId.getOrElse(0), inReplyToUserId = reply.inReplyToUserId, conversationId = conversationId ) def toStoredShare(share: Share): StoredShare = StoredShare( share.sourceStatusId, share.sourceUserId, share.parentStatusId ) def toStoredQuotedTweet(qt: QuotedTweet, text: String): Option[StoredQuotedTweet] = qt.permalink .filterNot { p => text.contains(p.shortUrl) } // omit StoredQuotedTweet when url already in text .map { p => StoredQuotedTweet( qt.tweetId, qt.userId, p.shortUrl ) } def toStoredGeo(tweet: Tweet): Option[StoredGeo] = TweetLenses.geoCoordinates.get(tweet) match { case None => TweetLenses.placeId.get(tweet) match { case None => None case Some(placeId) => Some( StoredGeo( latitude = 0.0, longitude = 0.0, geoPrecision = 0, entityId = 0, name = Some(placeId) ) ) } case Some(coords) => Some( StoredGeo( latitude = coords.latitude, longitude = coords.longitude, geoPrecision = coords.geoPrecision, entityId = if (coords.display) 2 else 0, name = TweetLenses.placeId.get(tweet) ) ) } def toStoredMedia(mediaList: Seq[MediaEntity]): Seq[StoredMediaEntity] = mediaList.filter(_.sourceStatusId.isEmpty).flatMap(toStoredMediaEntity) def toStoredMediaEntity(media: MediaEntity): Option[StoredMediaEntity] = media.sizes.find(_.sizeType == MediaSizeType.Orig).map { origSize => StoredMediaEntity( id = media.mediaId, mediaType = origSize.deprecatedContentType.value.toByte, width = origSize.width.toShort, height = origSize.height.toShort ) } // The language and ids fields are for compatibility with existing tweets stored in manhattan. def toStoredNarrowcast(narrowcast: Narrowcast): StoredNarrowcast = StoredNarrowcast( language = Some(Seq.empty), location = Some(narrowcast.location), ids = Some(Seq.empty) ) def toStoredAdditionalFields(from: Seq[TFieldBlob], to: StoredTweet): StoredTweet = from.foldLeft(to) { case (t, f) => t.setField(f) } def toStoredAdditionalFields(from: Tweet, to: StoredTweet): StoredTweet = toStoredAdditionalFields(AdditionalFields.additionalFields(from), to) def toStoredTweet(tweet: Tweet): StoredTweet = { val storedTweet = StoredTweet( id =, userId = Some(TweetLenses.userId(tweet)), text = Some(TweetLenses.text(tweet)), createdVia = Some(TweetLenses.createdVia(tweet)), createdAtSec = Some(TweetLenses.createdAt(tweet)), reply = TweetLenses.reply(tweet).map { r => toStoredReply(r, TweetLenses.conversationId(tweet)) }, share = TweetLenses.share(tweet).map(toStoredShare), contributorId =, geo = toStoredGeo(tweet), hasTakedown = Some(TweetLenses.hasTakedown(tweet)), nsfwUser = Some(TweetLenses.nsfwUser(tweet)), nsfwAdmin = Some(TweetLenses.nsfwAdmin(tweet)), media =, narrowcast = TweetLenses.narrowcast(tweet).map(toStoredNarrowcast), nullcast = Some(TweetLenses.nullcast(tweet)), trackingId = TweetLenses.trackingId(tweet), quotedTweet = TweetLenses.quotedTweet(tweet).flatMap { qt => toStoredQuotedTweet(qt, TweetLenses.text(tweet)) } ) toStoredAdditionalFields(tweet, storedTweet) } /** * Does not need core data to be set. Constructs on disk tweet by avoiding the TweetLenses object * and only extracting the specified fields. * * NOTE: Assumes that specified fields are set in the tweet. * * @param tpTweet Tweetypie Tweet to be converted * @param fields the fields to be populated in the on disk Tweet * * @return an on disk Tweet which has only the specified fields set */ def toStoredTweetForFields(tpTweet: Tweet, fields: Set[Field]): StoredTweet = { // Make sure all the passed in fields are known or additional fields require( (fields -- Field.AllUpdatableCompiledFields) .forall(field => AdditionalFields.isAdditionalFieldId( ) val storedTweet = StoredTweet( id =, geo = if (fields.contains(Field.Geo)) { tpTweet.coreData.get.coordinates match { case None => tpTweet.coreData.get.placeId match { case None => None case Some(placeId) => Some( StoredGeo( latitude = 0.0, longitude = 0.0, geoPrecision = 0, entityId = 0, name = Some(placeId) ) ) } case Some(coords) => Some( StoredGeo( latitude = coords.latitude, longitude = coords.longitude, geoPrecision = coords.geoPrecision, entityId = if (coords.display) 2 else 0, name = tpTweet.coreData.get.placeId ) ) } } else { None }, hasTakedown = if (fields.contains(Field.HasTakedown)) Some(tpTweet.coreData.get.hasTakedown) else None, nsfwUser = if (fields.contains(Field.NsfwUser)) Some(tpTweet.coreData.get.nsfwUser) else None, nsfwAdmin = if (fields.contains(Field.NsfwAdmin)) Some(tpTweet.coreData.get.nsfwAdmin) else None ) if ( toStoredAdditionalFields(tpTweet, storedTweet) else storedTweet } def fromStoredReply(reply: StoredReply): Reply = Reply( Some(reply.inReplyToStatusId).filter(_ > 0), reply.inReplyToUserId ) def fromStoredShare(share: StoredShare): Share = Share( share.sourceStatusId, share.sourceUserId, share.parentStatusId ) def fromStoredQuotedTweet(qt: StoredQuotedTweet): QuotedTweet = QuotedTweet( qt.tweetId, qt.userId, Some( ShortenedUrl( shortUrl = qt.shortUrl, longUrl = "", // will be hydrated later via tweetypie's QuotedTweetRefUrlsHydrator displayText = "" //will be hydrated later via tweetypie's QuotedTweetRefUrlsHydrator ) ) ) def fromStoredGeo(geo: StoredGeo): GeoCoordinates = GeoCoordinates( latitude = geo.latitude, longitude = geo.longitude, geoPrecision = geo.geoPrecision, display = geo.entityId == 2 ) def fromStoredMediaEntity(media: StoredMediaEntity): MediaEntity = MediaEntity( fromIndex = -1, // will get filled in later toIndex = -1, // will get filled in later url = null, // will get filled in later mediaPath = "", // field is obsolete mediaUrl = null, // will get filled in later mediaUrlHttps = null, // will get filled in later displayUrl = null, // will get filled in later expandedUrl = null, // will get filled in later mediaId =, nsfw = false, sizes = Set( MediaSize( sizeType = MediaSizeType.Orig, resizeMethod = MediaResizeMethod.Fit, deprecatedContentType = MediaContentType(media.mediaType), width = media.width, height = media.height ) ) ) def fromStoredNarrowcast(narrowcast: StoredNarrowcast): Narrowcast = Narrowcast( location = narrowcast.location.getOrElse(Seq()) ) def fromStoredTweet(storedTweet: StoredTweet): Tweet = { val coreData = TweetCoreData( userId = storedTweet.userId.get, text = storedTweet.text.get, createdVia = storedTweet.createdVia.get, createdAtSecs = storedTweet.createdAtSec.get, reply =, share =, hasTakedown = storedTweet.hasTakedown.getOrElse(false), nsfwUser = storedTweet.nsfwUser.getOrElse(false), nsfwAdmin = storedTweet.nsfwAdmin.getOrElse(false), narrowcast =, nullcast = storedTweet.nullcast.getOrElse(false), trackingId = storedTweet.trackingId, conversationId = storedTweet.reply.flatMap(_.conversationId), placeId = storedTweet.geo.flatMap(, coordinates =, hasMedia = if ( Some(true) else None ) // retweets should never have their media, but some tweets incorrectly do. val storedMedia = if (coreData.share.isDefined) Nil else val tpTweet = Tweet( id =, coreData = Some(coreData), contributor =, media = Some(, mentions = Some(Seq.empty), urls = Some(Seq.empty), cashtags = Some(Seq.empty), hashtags = Some(Seq.empty), quotedTweet = ) fromStoredAdditionalFields(storedTweet, tpTweet) } def fromStoredTweetAllowInvalid(storedTweet: StoredTweet): Tweet = { fromStoredTweet( storedTweet.copy( userId = storedTweet.userId.orElse(Some(-1L)), text = storedTweet.text.orElse(Some("")), createdVia = storedTweet.createdVia.orElse(Some("")), createdAtSec = storedTweet.createdAtSec.orElse(Some(-1L)) )) } def fromStoredAdditionalFields(from: StoredTweet, to: Tweet): Tweet = { val passThroughAdditionalFields = from._passthroughFields.filterKeys(AdditionalFields.isAdditionalFieldId) val allAdditionalFields = from.getFieldBlobs(tbTweetCompiledAdditionalFieldIds) ++ passThroughAdditionalFields allAdditionalFields.values.foldLeft(to) { case (t, f) => t.setField(f) } } def toDeletedTweet(storedTweet: StoredTweet): DeletedTweet = { val noteTweetBlob = storedTweet.getFieldBlob( val noteTweetOption = => NoteTweet.decode( DeletedTweet( id =, userId = storedTweet.userId, text = storedTweet.text, createdAtSecs = storedTweet.createdAtSec, share =, media =, noteTweetId =, isExpandable = noteTweetOption.flatMap(_.isExpandable) ) } def toDeletedShare(storedShare: StoredShare): DeletedTweetShare = DeletedTweetShare( sourceStatusId = storedShare.sourceStatusId, sourceUserId = storedShare.sourceUserId, parentStatusId = storedShare.parentStatusId ) def toDeletedMediaEntity(storedMediaEntity: StoredMediaEntity): DeletedTweetMediaEntity = DeletedTweetMediaEntity( id =, mediaType = storedMediaEntity.mediaType, width = storedMediaEntity.width, height = storedMediaEntity.height ) }