package import com.twitter.util.Return import com.twitter.util.Throw import com.twitter.util.Time import com.twitter.util.Try import java.util.Arrays import scala.util.control.NoStackTrace import scala.util.control.NonFatal sealed abstract class TimestampType(val keyName: String) object TimestampType { object Default extends TimestampType("timestamp") object SoftDelete extends TimestampType("softdelete_timestamp") } /** * TimestampDecoder gets the timestamps associated with state records. The Manhattan timestamp is * used for legacy records (with value "1"), otherwise the timestamp is extracted from the * JSON value. * * See "Metadata" in for further information about state records. */ object TimestampDecoder { case class UnparsableJson(msg: String, t: Throwable) extends Exception(msg, t) with NoStackTrace case class MissingJsonTimestamp(msg: String) extends Exception(msg) with NoStackTrace case class UnexpectedJsonValue(msg: String) extends Exception(msg) with NoStackTrace case class MissingManhattanTimestamp(msg: String) extends Exception(msg) with NoStackTrace private[storage] val LegacyValue: Array[Byte] = Array('1') /** * The first backfill of tweet data to Manhattan supplied timestamps in milliseconds where * nanoseconds were expected. The result is that some values have an incorrect Manhattan * timestamp. For these bad timestamps, time.inNanoseconds is actually milliseconds. * * For example, the deletion record for tweet 22225781 has Manhattan timestamp 1970-01-01 00:23:24 +0000. * Contrast with the deletion record for tweet 435404491999813632 with Manhattan timestamp 2014-11-09 14:24:04 +0000 * * This threshold value comes from the last time in milliseconds that was interpreted * as nanoseconds, e.g. Time.fromNanoseconds(1438387200000L) == 1970-01-01 00:23:58 +0000 */ private[storage] val BadTimestampThreshold ="1970-01-01 00:23:58 +0000") def decode(record: TweetManhattanRecord, tsType: TimestampType): Try[Long] = decode(record.value, tsType) def decode(mhValue: TweetManhattanValue, tsType: TimestampType): Try[Long] = { val value = ByteArrayCodec.fromByteBuffer(mhValue.contents) if (isLegacyRecord(value)) { nativeManhattanTimestamp(mhValue) } else { jsonTimestamp(value, tsType) } } private def isLegacyRecord(value: Array[Byte]) = Arrays.equals(value, LegacyValue) private def nativeManhattanTimestamp(mhValue: TweetManhattanValue): Try[Long] = mhValue.timestamp match { case Some(ts) => Return(correctedTimestamp(ts)) case None => Throw(MissingManhattanTimestamp(s"Manhattan timestamp missing in value $mhValue")) } private def jsonTimestamp(value: Array[Byte], tsType: TimestampType): Try[Long] = Try { Json.decode(value) } .rescue { case NonFatal(e) => Throw(UnparsableJson(e.getMessage, e)) } .flatMap { m => m.get(tsType.keyName) match { case Some(v) => v match { case l: Long => Return(l) case i: Integer => Return(i.toLong) case _ => Throw( UnexpectedJsonValue(s"Unexpected value for ${tsType.keyName} in record data $m") ) } case None => Throw(MissingJsonTimestamp(s"Missing key ${tsType.keyName} in record data $m")) } } def correctedTime(t: Time): Time = if (t < BadTimestampThreshold) Time.fromMilliseconds(t.inNanoseconds) else t def correctedTime(t: Long): Time = correctedTime(Time.fromNanoseconds(t)) def correctedTimestamp(t: Time): Long = if (t < BadTimestampThreshold) t.inNanoseconds else t.inMilliseconds }