package com.twitter.tweetypie.tweettext import scala.util.matching.Regex object TextModification { /** * Lift a text into a TextModification where `original` and `updated` text are the same * and `replacements` is empty. */ def identity(text: String): TextModification = TextModification(original = text, updated = text, replacements = Nil) /** * Replace each substring that matches the regex with the substitution string, returns a * TextModification object that contains the updated text and enough information to also * update entity indices. * * This method should correctly be taking into account surrogate-pairs. The returned * TextModification object has code-point offsets, instead of code-unit offsets. */ def replaceAll(text: String, regex: Regex, substitution: String): Option[TextModification] = replaceAll(text, regex -> substitution) /** * Replaces substrings that match the given `Regex` with the corresonding substitution * string. Returns a `TextModification` that can be used to reindex entities. */ def replaceAll( text: String, regexAndSubstitutions: (Regex, String)* ): Option[TextModification] = { val matches = (for { (r, s) <- regexAndSubstitutions m <- r.findAllIn(text).matchData } yield (m, s)).sortBy { case (m, _) => m.start } if (matches.isEmpty) { // no match found, return None to indicate no modifications made None } else { val replacements = List.newBuilder[TextReplacement] val indexConverter = new IndexConverter(text) // contains the retained text, built up as we walk through the regex matches val buf = new StringBuilder(text.length) // the number of code-points copied into buf var codePointsCopied = Offset.CodePoint(0) // always holds the start code-unit offset to copy to buf when we encounter // either a regex match or end-of-string. var anchor = 0 import indexConverter.toCodePoints for ((m, sub) <- matches) { val unchangedText = text.substring(anchor, m.start) val unchangedLen = Offset.CodePoint.length(unchangedText) val subLen = Offset.CodePoint.length(sub) // copies the text upto the regex match run, plus the replacement string buf.append(unchangedText).append(sub) codePointsCopied += unchangedLen + subLen // the offsets indicate the indices of the matched string in the original // text, and the indices of the replacement string in the updated string replacements += TextReplacement( originalFrom = toCodePoints(Offset.CodeUnit(m.start)), originalTo = toCodePoints(Offset.CodeUnit(m.end)), updatedFrom = codePointsCopied - subLen, updatedTo = codePointsCopied ) anchor = m.end } buf.append(text.substring(anchor)) Some(TextModification(text, buf.toString, replacements.result())) } } /** * Inserts a string at a specified code point offset. * Returns a `TextModification` that can be used to reindex entities. */ def insertAt( originalText: String, insertAt: Offset.CodePoint, textToInsert: String ): TextModification = { val insertAtCodeUnit = insertAt.toCodeUnit(originalText).toInt val (before, after) = originalText.splitAt(insertAtCodeUnit) val updatedText = s"$before$textToInsert$after" val textToInsertLength = TweetText.codePointLength(textToInsert) TextModification( original = originalText, updated = updatedText, replacements = List( TextReplacement.fromCodePoints( originalFrom = insertAt.toInt, originalTo = insertAt.toInt, updatedFrom = insertAt.toInt, updatedTo = insertAt.toInt + textToInsertLength )) ) } } /** * Encodes information about insertions/deletions/replacements made to a string, providing * the original string, the updated string, and a list of TextReplacement objects * that encode the indices of the segments that were changed. Using this information, * it is possible to map an offset into the original string to an offset into the updated * string, assuming the text at the offset was not within one of the modified segments. * * All offsets are code-points, not UTF6 code-units. */ case class TextModification( original: String, updated: String, replacements: List[TextReplacement]) { private val originalLen = Offset.CodePoint.length(original) /** * Using an offset into the original String, computes the equivalent offset into the updated * string. If the offset falls within a segment that was removed/replaced, None is returned. */ def reindex(index: Offset.CodePoint): Option[Offset.CodePoint] = reindex(index, Offset.CodePoint(0), replacements) /** * Reindexes an entity of type T. Returns the updated entity, or None if either the `fromIndex` * or `toIndex` value is now out of range. */ def reindexEntity[T: TextEntity](e: T): Option[T] = for { from <- reindex(Offset.CodePoint(TextEntity.fromIndex(e))) to <- reindex(Offset.CodePoint(TextEntity.toIndex(e) - 1)) } yield TextEntity.move(e, from.toShort, (to.toShort + 1).toShort) /** * Reindexes a sequence of entities of type T. Some entities could be filtered * out if they span a region of text that has been removed. */ def reindexEntities[T: TextEntity](es: Seq[T]): Seq[T] = for (e <- es; e2 <- reindexEntity(e)) yield e2 /** * Swaps `original` and `updated` text and inverts all `TextReplacement` instances. */ def inverse: TextModification = TextModification(updated, original, // recursively walks through the list of TextReplacement objects computing // offsets to add/substract from 'shift', which accumulates all changes and // then gets added to index at the end. private def reindex( index: Offset.CodePoint, shift: Offset.CodePoint, reps: List[TextReplacement] ): Option[Offset.CodePoint] = reps match { case Nil => if (index.toInt >= 0 && index <= originalLen) Some(index + shift) else None case (r @ TextReplacement(fr, to, _, _)) :: tail => if (index < fr) Some(index + shift) else if (index < to) None else reindex(index, shift + r.lengthDelta, tail) } } object TextReplacement { def fromCodePoints( originalFrom: Int, originalTo: Int, updatedFrom: Int, updatedTo: Int ): TextReplacement = TextReplacement( Offset.CodePoint(originalFrom), Offset.CodePoint(originalTo), Offset.CodePoint(updatedFrom), Offset.CodePoint(updatedTo) ) } /** * Encodes the indices of a segment of text in one string that maps to a replacement * segment in an updated version of the text. The replacement segment could be empty * (updatedTo == updatedFrom), indicating the segment was removed. * * All offsets are code-points, not UTF16 code-units. * * `originalFrom` and `updatedFrom` are inclusive. * `originalTo` and `updatedTo` are exclusive. */ case class TextReplacement( originalFrom: Offset.CodePoint, originalTo: Offset.CodePoint, updatedFrom: Offset.CodePoint, updatedTo: Offset.CodePoint) { def originalLength: Offset.CodePoint = originalTo - originalFrom def updatedLength: Offset.CodePoint = updatedTo - updatedFrom def lengthDelta: Offset.CodePoint = updatedLength - originalLength def shiftOriginal(offset: Offset.CodePoint): TextReplacement = copy(originalFrom = originalFrom + offset, originalTo = originalTo + offset) def shiftUpdated(offset: Offset.CodePoint): TextReplacement = copy(updatedFrom = updatedFrom + offset, updatedTo = updatedTo + offset) def shift(offset: Offset.CodePoint): TextReplacement = TextReplacement( originalFrom + offset, originalTo + offset, updatedFrom + offset, updatedTo + offset ) def inverse: TextReplacement = TextReplacement( originalFrom = updatedFrom, originalTo = updatedTo, updatedFrom = originalFrom, updatedTo = originalTo ) }