package com.twitter.tweetypie.util import com.twitter.dataproducts.enrichments.thriftscala.ProfileGeoEnrichment import com.twitter.expandodo.thriftscala._ import com.twitter.mediaservices.commons.thriftscala.MediaKey import com.twitter.mediaservices.commons.tweetmedia.thriftscala._ import import com.twitter.spam.rtf.thriftscala.SafetyLabel import com.twitter.tseng.withholding.thriftscala.TakedownReason import com.twitter.tweetypie.thriftscala._ import com.twitter.tweetypie.unmentions.thriftscala.UnmentionData object TweetLenses { import Lens.checkEq def requireSome[A, B](l: Lens[A, Option[B]]): Lens[A, B] = checkEq[A, B]( a => l.get(a).get, (a, b) => l.set(a, Some(b)) ) def tweetLens[A](get: Tweet => A, set: (Tweet, A) => Tweet): Lens[Tweet, A] = checkEq[Tweet, A](get, set) val id: Lens[Tweet, TweetId] = tweetLens[TweetId](, (t, id) => t.copy(id = id)) val coreData: Lens[Tweet, Option[TweetCoreData]] = tweetLens[Option[TweetCoreData]](_.coreData, (t, coreData) => t.copy(coreData = coreData)) val requiredCoreData: Lens[Tweet, TweetCoreData] = requireSome(coreData) val optUrls: Lens[Tweet, Option[Seq[UrlEntity]]] = tweetLens[Option[Seq[UrlEntity]]](_.urls, (t, urls) => t.copy(urls = urls)) val urls: Lens[Tweet, Seq[UrlEntity]] = tweetLens[Seq[UrlEntity]](_.urls.toSeq.flatten, (t, urls) => t.copy(urls = Some(urls))) val optMentions: Lens[Tweet, Option[Seq[MentionEntity]]] = tweetLens[Option[Seq[MentionEntity]]](_.mentions, (t, v) => t.copy(mentions = v)) val mentions: Lens[Tweet, Seq[MentionEntity]] = tweetLens[Seq[MentionEntity]](_.mentions.toSeq.flatten, (t, v) => t.copy(mentions = Some(v))) val unmentionData: Lens[Tweet, Option[UnmentionData]] = tweetLens[Option[UnmentionData]](_.unmentionData, (t, v) => t.copy(unmentionData = v)) val optHashtags: Lens[Tweet, Option[Seq[HashtagEntity]]] = tweetLens[Option[Seq[HashtagEntity]]](_.hashtags, (t, v) => t.copy(hashtags = v)) val hashtags: Lens[Tweet, Seq[HashtagEntity]] = tweetLens[Seq[HashtagEntity]](_.hashtags.toSeq.flatten, (t, v) => t.copy(hashtags = Some(v))) val optCashtags: Lens[Tweet, Option[Seq[CashtagEntity]]] = tweetLens[Option[Seq[CashtagEntity]]](_.cashtags, (t, v) => t.copy(cashtags = v)) val cashtags: Lens[Tweet, Seq[CashtagEntity]] = tweetLens[Seq[CashtagEntity]](_.cashtags.toSeq.flatten, (t, v) => t.copy(cashtags = Some(v))) val optMedia: Lens[Tweet, Option[Seq[MediaEntity]]] = tweetLens[Option[Seq[MediaEntity]]](, (t, v) => t.copy(media = v)) val media: Lens[Tweet, Seq[MediaEntity]] = tweetLens[Seq[MediaEntity]](, (t, v) => t.copy(media = Some(v))) val mediaKeys: Lens[Tweet, Seq[MediaKey]] = tweetLens[Seq[MediaKey]]( _.mediaKeys.toSeq.flatten, { case (t, v) => t.copy(mediaKeys = Some(v)) }) val place: Lens[Tweet, Option[Place]] = tweetLens[Option[Place]](, { case (t, v) => t.copy(place = v) }) val quotedTweet: Lens[Tweet, Option[QuotedTweet]] = tweetLens[Option[QuotedTweet]]( _.quotedTweet, { case (t, v) => t.copy(quotedTweet = v) }) val selfThreadMetadata: Lens[Tweet, Option[SelfThreadMetadata]] = tweetLens[Option[SelfThreadMetadata]]( _.selfThreadMetadata, { case (t, v) => t.copy(selfThreadMetadata = v) }) val composerSource: Lens[Tweet, Option[ComposerSource]] = tweetLens[Option[ComposerSource]]( _.composerSource, { case (t, v) => t.copy(composerSource = v) }) val deviceSource: Lens[Tweet, Option[DeviceSource]] = tweetLens[Option[DeviceSource]]( _.deviceSource, { case (t, v) => t.copy(deviceSource = v) }) val perspective: Lens[Tweet, Option[StatusPerspective]] = tweetLens[Option[StatusPerspective]]( _.perspective, { case (t, v) => t.copy(perspective = v) }) val cards: Lens[Tweet, Option[Seq[Card]]] = tweetLens[Option[Seq[Card]]](, { case (t, v) => t.copy(cards = v) }) val card2: Lens[Tweet, Option[Card2]] = tweetLens[Option[Card2]]( _.card2, { case (t, v) => t.copy(card2 = v) }) val cardReference: Lens[Tweet, Option[CardReference]] = tweetLens[Option[CardReference]]( _.cardReference, { case (t, v) => t.copy(cardReference = v) }) val spamLabel: Lens[Tweet, Option[SafetyLabel]] = tweetLens[Option[SafetyLabel]]( _.spamLabel, { case (t, v) => t.copy(spamLabel = v) }) val lowQualityLabel: Lens[Tweet, Option[SafetyLabel]] = tweetLens[Option[SafetyLabel]]( _.lowQualityLabel, { case (t, v) => t.copy(lowQualityLabel = v) }) val nsfwHighPrecisionLabel: Lens[Tweet, Option[SafetyLabel]] = tweetLens[Option[SafetyLabel]]( _.nsfwHighPrecisionLabel, { case (t, v) => t.copy(nsfwHighPrecisionLabel = v) }) val bounceLabel: Lens[Tweet, Option[SafetyLabel]] = tweetLens[Option[SafetyLabel]]( _.bounceLabel, { case (t, v) => t.copy(bounceLabel = v) }) val takedownCountryCodes: Lens[Tweet, Option[Seq[String]]] = tweetLens[Option[Seq[String]]]( _.takedownCountryCodes, { case (t, v) => t.copy(takedownCountryCodes = v) }) val takedownReasons: Lens[Tweet, Option[Seq[TakedownReason]]] = tweetLens[Option[Seq[TakedownReason]]]( _.takedownReasons, { case (t, v) => t.copy(takedownReasons = v) }) val contributor: Lens[Tweet, Option[Contributor]] = tweetLens[Option[Contributor]]( _.contributor, { case (t, v) => t.copy(contributor = v) }) val mediaTags: Lens[Tweet, Option[TweetMediaTags]] = tweetLens[Option[TweetMediaTags]]( _.mediaTags, { case (t, v) => t.copy(mediaTags = v) }) val mediaTagMap: Lens[Tweet, Map[MediaId, Seq[MediaTag]]] = tweetLens[Map[MediaId, Seq[MediaTag]]]( { case TweetMediaTags(tagMap) => tagMap.toMap }.getOrElse(Map.empty), (t, v) => { val cleanMap = v.filter { case (_, tags) => tags.nonEmpty } t.copy(mediaTags = if (cleanMap.nonEmpty) Some(TweetMediaTags(cleanMap)) else None) } ) val escherbirdEntityAnnotations: Lens[Tweet, Option[EscherbirdEntityAnnotations]] = tweetLens[Option[EscherbirdEntityAnnotations]]( _.escherbirdEntityAnnotations, { case (t, v) => t.copy(escherbirdEntityAnnotations = v) }) val communities: Lens[Tweet, Option[Communities]] = tweetLens[Option[Communities]]( _.communities, { case (t, v) => t.copy(communities = v) }) val tweetypieOnlyTakedownCountryCodes: Lens[Tweet, Option[Seq[String]]] = tweetLens[Option[Seq[String]]]( _.tweetypieOnlyTakedownCountryCodes, { case (t, v) => t.copy(tweetypieOnlyTakedownCountryCodes = v) }) val tweetypieOnlyTakedownReasons: Lens[Tweet, Option[Seq[TakedownReason]]] = tweetLens[Option[Seq[TakedownReason]]]( _.tweetypieOnlyTakedownReasons, { case (t, v) => t.copy(tweetypieOnlyTakedownReasons = v) }) val profileGeo: Lens[Tweet, Option[ProfileGeoEnrichment]] = tweetLens[Option[ProfileGeoEnrichment]]( _.profileGeoEnrichment, (t, v) => t.copy(profileGeoEnrichment = v) ) val visibleTextRange: Lens[Tweet, Option[TextRange]] = tweetLens[Option[TextRange]]( _.visibleTextRange, { case (t, v) => t.copy(visibleTextRange = v) }) val selfPermalink: Lens[Tweet, Option[ShortenedUrl]] = tweetLens[Option[ShortenedUrl]]( _.selfPermalink, { case (t, v) => t.copy(selfPermalink = v) }) val extendedTweetMetadata: Lens[Tweet, Option[ExtendedTweetMetadata]] = tweetLens[Option[ExtendedTweetMetadata]]( _.extendedTweetMetadata, { case (t, v) => t.copy(extendedTweetMetadata = v) }) object TweetCoreData { val userId: Lens[TweetCoreData, UserId] = checkEq[TweetCoreData, UserId]( _.userId, { (c, v) => // Pleases the compiler: val userId = v c.copy(userId = userId) }) val text: Lens[TweetCoreData, String] = checkEq[TweetCoreData, String]( _.text, { (c, v) => // Pleases the compiler: val text = v c.copy(text = text) }) val createdAt: Lens[TweetCoreData, TweetId] = checkEq[TweetCoreData, Long](_.createdAtSecs, (c, v) => c.copy(createdAtSecs = v)) val createdVia: Lens[TweetCoreData, String] = checkEq[TweetCoreData, String]( _.createdVia, { case (c, v) => c.copy(createdVia = v) }) val hasTakedown: Lens[TweetCoreData, Boolean] = checkEq[TweetCoreData, Boolean]( _.hasTakedown, { case (c, v) => c.copy(hasTakedown = v) }) val nullcast: Lens[TweetCoreData, Boolean] = checkEq[TweetCoreData, Boolean]( _.nullcast, { case (c, v) => c.copy(nullcast = v) }) val nsfwUser: Lens[TweetCoreData, Boolean] = checkEq[TweetCoreData, Boolean]( _.nsfwUser, { case (c, v) => c.copy(nsfwUser = v) }) val nsfwAdmin: Lens[TweetCoreData, Boolean] = checkEq[TweetCoreData, Boolean]( _.nsfwAdmin, { case (c, v) => c.copy(nsfwAdmin = v) }) val reply: Lens[TweetCoreData, Option[Reply]] = checkEq[TweetCoreData, Option[Reply]]( _.reply, { case (c, v) => c.copy(reply = v) }) val share: Lens[TweetCoreData, Option[Share]] = checkEq[TweetCoreData, Option[Share]]( _.share, { case (c, v) => c.copy(share = v) }) val narrowcast: Lens[TweetCoreData, Option[Narrowcast]] = checkEq[TweetCoreData, Option[Narrowcast]]( _.narrowcast, { case (c, v) => c.copy(narrowcast = v) }) val directedAtUser: Lens[TweetCoreData, Option[DirectedAtUser]] = checkEq[TweetCoreData, Option[DirectedAtUser]]( _.directedAtUser, { case (c, v) => c.copy(directedAtUser = v) }) val conversationId: Lens[TweetCoreData, Option[ConversationId]] = checkEq[TweetCoreData, Option[ConversationId]]( _.conversationId, { case (c, v) => c.copy(conversationId = v) }) val placeId: Lens[TweetCoreData, Option[String]] = checkEq[TweetCoreData, Option[String]]( _.placeId, { case (c, v) => c.copy(placeId = v) }) val geoCoordinates: Lens[TweetCoreData, Option[GeoCoordinates]] = checkEq[TweetCoreData, Option[GeoCoordinates]]( _.coordinates, (c, v) => c.copy(coordinates = v) ) val trackingId: Lens[TweetCoreData, Option[TweetId]] = checkEq[TweetCoreData, Option[Long]]( _.trackingId, { case (c, v) => c.copy(trackingId = v) }) val hasMedia: Lens[TweetCoreData, Option[Boolean]] = checkEq[TweetCoreData, Option[Boolean]]( _.hasMedia, { case (c, v) => c.copy(hasMedia = v) }) } val counts: Lens[Tweet, Option[StatusCounts]] = tweetLens[Option[StatusCounts]]( _.counts, { case (t, v) => t.copy(counts = v) }) object StatusCounts { val retweetCount: Lens[StatusCounts, Option[TweetId]] = checkEq[StatusCounts, Option[Long]]( _.retweetCount, (c, retweetCount) => c.copy(retweetCount = retweetCount) ) val replyCount: Lens[StatusCounts, Option[TweetId]] = checkEq[StatusCounts, Option[Long]]( _.replyCount, (c, replyCount) => c.copy(replyCount = replyCount) ) val favoriteCount: Lens[StatusCounts, Option[TweetId]] = checkEq[StatusCounts, Option[Long]]( _.favoriteCount, { case (c, v) => c.copy(favoriteCount = v) }) val quoteCount: Lens[StatusCounts, Option[TweetId]] = checkEq[StatusCounts, Option[Long]]( _.quoteCount, { case (c, v) => c.copy(quoteCount = v) }) } val userId: Lens[Tweet, UserId] = requiredCoreData andThen TweetCoreData.userId val text: Lens[Tweet, String] = requiredCoreData andThen TweetCoreData.text val createdVia: Lens[Tweet, String] = requiredCoreData andThen TweetCoreData.createdVia val createdAt: Lens[Tweet, ConversationId] = requiredCoreData andThen TweetCoreData.createdAt val reply: Lens[Tweet, Option[Reply]] = requiredCoreData andThen TweetCoreData.reply val share: Lens[Tweet, Option[Share]] = requiredCoreData andThen TweetCoreData.share val narrowcast: Lens[Tweet, Option[Narrowcast]] = requiredCoreData andThen TweetCoreData.narrowcast val directedAtUser: Lens[Tweet, Option[DirectedAtUser]] = requiredCoreData andThen TweetCoreData.directedAtUser val conversationId: Lens[Tweet, Option[ConversationId]] = requiredCoreData andThen TweetCoreData.conversationId val placeId: Lens[Tweet, Option[String]] = requiredCoreData andThen TweetCoreData.placeId val geoCoordinates: Lens[Tweet, Option[GeoCoordinates]] = requiredCoreData andThen TweetCoreData.geoCoordinates val hasTakedown: Lens[Tweet, Boolean] = requiredCoreData andThen TweetCoreData.hasTakedown val nsfwAdmin: Lens[Tweet, Boolean] = requiredCoreData andThen TweetCoreData.nsfwAdmin val nsfwUser: Lens[Tweet, Boolean] = requiredCoreData andThen TweetCoreData.nsfwUser val nullcast: Lens[Tweet, Boolean] = requiredCoreData andThen TweetCoreData.nullcast val trackingId: Lens[Tweet, Option[ConversationId]] = requiredCoreData andThen TweetCoreData.trackingId val hasMedia: Lens[Tweet, Option[Boolean]] = requiredCoreData andThen TweetCoreData.hasMedia object CashtagEntity { val indices: Lens[CashtagEntity, (Short, Short)] = checkEq[CashtagEntity, (Short, Short)]( t => (t.fromIndex, t.toIndex), (t, v) => t.copy(fromIndex = v._1, toIndex = v._2) ) val text: Lens[CashtagEntity, String] = checkEq[CashtagEntity, String](_.text, (t, text) => t.copy(text = text)) } object HashtagEntity { val indices: Lens[HashtagEntity, (Short, Short)] = checkEq[HashtagEntity, (Short, Short)]( t => (t.fromIndex, t.toIndex), (t, v) => t.copy(fromIndex = v._1, toIndex = v._2) ) val text: Lens[HashtagEntity, String] = checkEq[HashtagEntity, String](_.text, (t, text) => t.copy(text = text)) } object MediaEntity { val indices: Lens[MediaEntity, (Short, Short)] = checkEq[MediaEntity, (Short, Short)]( t => (t.fromIndex, t.toIndex), (t, v) => t.copy(fromIndex = v._1, toIndex = v._2) ) val mediaSizes: Lens[MediaEntity, collection.Set[MediaSize]] = checkEq[MediaEntity, scala.collection.Set[MediaSize]]( _.sizes, (m, sizes) => m.copy(sizes = sizes) ) val url: Lens[MediaEntity, String] = checkEq[MediaEntity, String]( _.url, { case (t, v) => t.copy(url = v) }) val mediaInfo: Lens[MediaEntity, Option[MediaInfo]] = checkEq[MediaEntity, Option[MediaInfo]]( _.mediaInfo, { case (t, v) => t.copy(mediaInfo = v) }) } object MentionEntity { val indices: Lens[MentionEntity, (Short, Short)] = checkEq[MentionEntity, (Short, Short)]( t => (t.fromIndex, t.toIndex), (t, v) => t.copy(fromIndex = v._1, toIndex = v._2) ) val screenName: Lens[MentionEntity, String] = checkEq[MentionEntity, String]( _.screenName, (t, screenName) => t.copy(screenName = screenName) ) } object UrlEntity { val indices: Lens[UrlEntity, (Short, Short)] = checkEq[UrlEntity, (Short, Short)]( t => (t.fromIndex, t.toIndex), (t, v) => t.copy(fromIndex = v._1, toIndex = v._2) ) val url: Lens[UrlEntity, String] = checkEq[UrlEntity, String](_.url, (t, url) => t.copy(url = url)) } object Contributor { val screenName: Lens[Contributor, Option[String]] = checkEq[Contributor, Option[String]]( _.screenName, (c, screenName) => c.copy(screenName = screenName) ) } object Reply { val inReplyToScreenName: Lens[Reply, Option[String]] = checkEq[Reply, Option[String]]( _.inReplyToScreenName, (c, inReplyToScreenName) => c.copy(inReplyToScreenName = inReplyToScreenName) ) val inReplyToStatusId: Lens[Reply, Option[TweetId]] = checkEq[Reply, Option[TweetId]]( _.inReplyToStatusId, (c, inReplyToStatusId) => c.copy(inReplyToStatusId = inReplyToStatusId) ) } }