package com.twitter.timelines.data_processing.ml_util.aggregation_framework import com.twitter.dal.client.dataset.KeyValDALDataset import import com.twitter.scalding.DateParser import com.twitter.scalding.RichDate import com.twitter.scalding_internal.multiformat.format.keyval.KeyVal import com.twitter.storehaus_internal.manhattan._ import com.twitter.storehaus_internal.util.ApplicationID import com.twitter.storehaus_internal.util.DatasetName import com.twitter.storehaus_internal.util.HDFSPath import com.twitter.summingbird.batch.BatchID import com.twitter.summingbird.batch.Batcher import com.twitter.summingbird_internal.runner.store_config._ import java.util.TimeZone import com.twitter.summingbird.batch.MillisecondBatcher /* * Configuration common to all offline aggregate stores * * @param outputHdfsPathPrefix HDFS prefix to store all output aggregate types offline * @param dummyAppId Dummy manhattan app id required by summingbird (unused) * @param dummyDatasetPrefix Dummy manhattan dataset prefix required by summingbird (unused) * @param startDate Start date for summingbird job to begin computing aggregates */ case class OfflineAggregateStoreCommonConfig( outputHdfsPathPrefix: String, dummyAppId: String, dummyDatasetPrefix: String, startDate: String) /** * A trait inherited by any object that defines * a HDFS prefix to write output data to. E.g. timelines has its own * output prefix to write aggregates_v2 results, your team can create * its own. */ trait OfflineStoreCommonConfig extends Serializable { /* * @param startDate Date to create config for * @return OfflineAggregateStoreCommonConfig object with all config details for output populated */ def apply(startDate: String): OfflineAggregateStoreCommonConfig } /** * @param name Uniquely identifiable human-readable name for this output store * @param startDate Start date for this output store from which aggregates should be computed * @param commonConfig Provider of other common configuration details * @param batchesToKeep Retention policy on output (number of batches to keep) */ abstract class OfflineAggregateStoreBase extends OfflineStoreOnlyConfig[ManhattanROConfig] with AggregateStore { override def name: String def startDate: String def commonConfig: OfflineStoreCommonConfig def batchesToKeep: Int def maxKvSourceFailures: Int val datedCommonConfig: OfflineAggregateStoreCommonConfig = commonConfig.apply(startDate) val manhattan: ManhattanROConfig = ManhattanROConfig( /* This is a sample config, will be replaced with production config later */ HDFSPath(s"${datedCommonConfig.outputHdfsPathPrefix}/${name}"), ApplicationID(datedCommonConfig.dummyAppId), DatasetName(s"${datedCommonConfig.dummyDatasetPrefix}_${name}_1"), com.twitter.storehaus_internal.manhattan.Adama ) val batcherSize = 24 val batcher: MillisecondBatcher = Batcher.ofHours(batcherSize) val startTime: RichDate = RichDate(datedCommonConfig.startDate)(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"), DateParser.default) val offline: ManhattanROConfig = manhattan } /** * Defines an aggregates store which is composed of DataRecords * @param name Uniquely identifiable human-readable name for this output store * @param startDate Start date for this output store from which aggregates should be computed * @param commonConfig Provider of other common configuration details * @param batchesToKeep Retention policy on output (number of batches to keep) */ case class OfflineAggregateDataRecordStore( override val name: String, override val startDate: String, override val commonConfig: OfflineStoreCommonConfig, override val batchesToKeep: Int = 7, override val maxKvSourceFailures: Int = 0) extends OfflineAggregateStoreBase { def toOfflineAggregateDataRecordStoreWithDAL( dalDataset: KeyValDALDataset[KeyVal[AggregationKey, (BatchID, DataRecord)]] ): OfflineAggregateDataRecordStoreWithDAL = OfflineAggregateDataRecordStoreWithDAL( name = name, startDate = startDate, commonConfig = commonConfig, dalDataset = dalDataset, maxKvSourceFailures = maxKvSourceFailures ) } trait withDALDataset { def dalDataset: KeyValDALDataset[KeyVal[AggregationKey, (BatchID, DataRecord)]] } /** * Defines an aggregates store which is composed of DataRecords and writes using DAL. * @param name Uniquely identifiable human-readable name for this output store * @param startDate Start date for this output store from which aggregates should be computed * @param commonConfig Provider of other common configuration details * @param dalDataset The KeyValDALDataset for this output store * @param batchesToKeep Unused, kept for interface compatibility. You must define a separate Oxpecker * retention policy to maintain the desired number of versions. */ case class OfflineAggregateDataRecordStoreWithDAL( override val name: String, override val startDate: String, override val commonConfig: OfflineStoreCommonConfig, override val dalDataset: KeyValDALDataset[KeyVal[AggregationKey, (BatchID, DataRecord)]], override val batchesToKeep: Int = -1, override val maxKvSourceFailures: Int = 0) extends OfflineAggregateStoreBase with withDALDataset