package com.twitter.timelines.data_processing.ml_util.aggregation_framework import import import /** * Convenience class to describe the stores that make up a particular type of aggregate. * * For example, as of 2018/07, user aggregates are generate by merging the individual * "user_aggregates", "rectweet_user_aggregates", and, "twitter_wide_user_aggregates". * * @param storeNames Name of the stores. * @param aggregateType Type of aggregate, usually differentiated by the aggregation key. * @param shouldHash Used at TimelineRankingAggregatesUtil.extractSecondary when extracting the * secondary key value. */ case class StoreConfig[T]( storeNames: Set[String], aggregateType: AggregateType.Value, shouldHash: Boolean = false )( implicit storeMerger: StoreMerger) { require(storeMerger.isValidToMerge(storeNames)) private val representativeStore = storeNames.head val aggregationKeyIds: Set[Long] = storeMerger.getAggregateKeys(representativeStore) val aggregationKeyFeatures: Set[Feature[_]] = storeMerger.getAggregateKeyFeatures(representativeStore) val secondaryKeyFeatureOpt: Option[Feature[_]] = storeMerger.getSecondaryKey(representativeStore) } trait StoreMerger { def aggregationConfig: AggregationConfig def getAggregateKeyFeatures(storeName: String): Set[Feature[_]] = aggregationConfig.aggregatesToCompute .filter( == storeName) .flatMap(_.keysToAggregate) def getAggregateKeys(storeName: String): Set[Long] = TypedAggregateGroup.getKeyFeatureIds(getAggregateKeyFeatures(storeName)) def getSecondaryKey(storeName: String): Option[Feature[_]] = { val keys = getAggregateKeyFeatures(storeName) require(keys.size <= 2, "Only singleton or binary aggregation keys are supported.") require(keys.contains(SharedFeatures.USER_ID), "USER_ID must be one of the aggregation keys.") keys .filterNot(_ == SharedFeatures.USER_ID) .headOption .map { possiblySparseKey => if (possiblySparseKey.getFeatureType != FeatureType.SPARSE_BINARY) { possiblySparseKey } else { TypedAggregateGroup.sparseFeature(possiblySparseKey) } } } /** * Stores may only be merged if they have the same aggregation key. */ def isValidToMerge(storeNames: Set[String]): Boolean = { val expectedKeyOpt = storeNames.forall(v => getAggregateKeys(v) == expectedKeyOpt.get) } }