package com.twitter.timelines.data_processing.ml_util.aggregation_framework.conversion import import import import import com.twitter.timelines.data_processing.ml_util.aggregation_framework.metrics.AggregationMetricCommon import com.twitter.timelines.data_processing.ml_util.aggregation_framework.metrics.TypedCountMetric import java.lang.{Double => JDouble} import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ case class CombinedFeatures( sum: Feature[JDouble], nonzero: Feature[JDouble], mean: Feature[JDouble], topK: Seq[Feature[JDouble]]) trait CombineCountsBase { val SparseSum = "sparse_sum" val SparseNonzero = "sparse_nonzero" val SparseMean = "sparse_mean" val SparseTop = "sparse_top" def topK: Int def hardLimit: Option[Int] def precomputedCountFeatures: Seq[Feature[_]] lazy val precomputedFeaturesMap: Map[Feature[_], CombinedFeatures] = { countFeature => val derivedPersonalDataTypes = AggregationMetricCommon.derivePersonalDataTypes(Some(countFeature)) val sum = new Feature.Continuous( countFeature.getDenseFeatureName + "." + SparseSum, derivedPersonalDataTypes) val nonzero = new Feature.Continuous( countFeature.getDenseFeatureName + "." + SparseNonzero, derivedPersonalDataTypes) val mean = new Feature.Continuous( countFeature.getDenseFeatureName + "." + SparseMean, derivedPersonalDataTypes) val topKFeatures = (1 to topK).map { k => new Feature.Continuous( countFeature.getDenseFeatureName + "." + SparseTop + k, derivedPersonalDataTypes) } (countFeature, CombinedFeatures(sum, nonzero, mean, topKFeatures)) }.toMap lazy val outputFeaturesPostMerge: Set[Feature[JDouble]] = precomputedFeaturesMap.values.flatMap { combinedFeatures: CombinedFeatures => Seq( combinedFeatures.sum, combinedFeatures.nonzero, combinedFeatures.mean ) ++ combinedFeatures.topK }.toSet private case class ComputedStats(sum: Double, nonzero: Double, mean: Double) private def preComputeStats(featureValues: Seq[Double]): ComputedStats = { val (sum, nonzero) = featureValues.foldLeft((0.0, 0.0)) { case ((accSum, accNonzero), value) => (accSum + value, if (value > 0.0) accNonzero + 1.0 else accNonzero) } ComputedStats(sum, nonzero, if (nonzero > 0.0) sum / nonzero else 0.0) } private def computeSortedFeatureValues(featureValues: List[Double]): List[Double] = featureValues.sortBy(-_) private def extractKth(sortedFeatureValues: Seq[Double], k: Int): Double = sortedFeatureValues .lift(k - 1) .getOrElse(0.0) private def setContinuousFeatureIfNonZero( record: SRichDataRecord, feature: Feature[JDouble], value: Double ): Unit = if (value != 0.0) { record.setFeatureValue(feature, value) } def hydrateCountFeatures( richRecord: SRichDataRecord, features: Seq[Feature[_]], featureValuesMap: Map[Feature[_], List[Double]] ): Unit = for { feature <- features featureValues <- featureValuesMap.get(feature) } { mergeRecordFromCountFeature( countFeature = feature, featureValues = featureValues, richInputRecord = richRecord ) } def mergeRecordFromCountFeature( richInputRecord: SRichDataRecord, countFeature: Feature[_], featureValues: List[Double] ): Unit = { // In majority of calls to this method from timeline scorer // the featureValues list is empty. // While with empty list each operation will be not that expensive, these // small things do add up. By adding early stop here we can avoid sorting // empty list, allocating several options and making multiple function // calls. In addition to that, we won't iterate over [1, topK]. if (featureValues.nonEmpty) { val sortedFeatureValues = hardLimit .map { limit => computeSortedFeatureValues(featureValues).take(limit) }.getOrElse(computeSortedFeatureValues(featureValues)).toIndexedSeq val computed = preComputeStats(sortedFeatureValues) val combinedFeatures = precomputedFeaturesMap(countFeature) setContinuousFeatureIfNonZero( richInputRecord, combinedFeatures.sum, computed.sum ) setContinuousFeatureIfNonZero( richInputRecord, combinedFeatures.nonzero, computed.nonzero ) setContinuousFeatureIfNonZero( richInputRecord, combinedFeatures.mean, computed.mean ) (1 to topK).foreach { k => setContinuousFeatureIfNonZero( richInputRecord, combinedFeatures.topK(k - 1), extractKth(sortedFeatureValues, k) ) } } } } object CombineCountsPolicy { def getCountFeatures(aggregateContext: FeatureContext): Seq[Feature[_]] = aggregateContext.getAllFeatures.asScala.toSeq .filter { feature => feature.getFeatureType == FeatureType.CONTINUOUS && feature.getDenseFeatureName.endsWith(TypedCountMetric[JDouble]().operatorName) } @VisibleForTesting private[conversion] def getFeatureValues( dataRecordsWithCounts: List[DataRecord], countFeature: Feature[_] ): List[Double] = SRichDataRecord(_)).flatMap { record => Option(record.getFeatureValue(countFeature)).map(_.asInstanceOf[JDouble].toDouble) } } /** * A merge policy that works whenever all aggregate features are * counts (computed using CountMetric), and typically represent * either impressions or engagements. For each such input count * feature, the policy outputs the following (3+k) derived features * into the output data record: * * Sum of the feature's value across all aggregate records * Number of aggregate records that have the feature set to non-zero * Mean of the feature's value across all aggregate records * topK values of the feature across all aggregate records * * @param topK topK values to compute * @param hardLimit when set, records are sorted and only the top values will be used for aggregation if * the number of records are higher than this hard limit. */ case class CombineCountsPolicy( override val topK: Int, aggregateContextToPrecompute: FeatureContext, override val hardLimit: Option[Int] = None) extends SparseBinaryMergePolicy with CombineCountsBase { import CombineCountsPolicy._ override val precomputedCountFeatures: Seq[Feature[_]] = getCountFeatures( aggregateContextToPrecompute) override def mergeRecord( mutableInputRecord: DataRecord, aggregateRecords: List[DataRecord], aggregateContext: FeatureContext ): Unit = { // Assumes aggregateContext === aggregateContextToPrecompute mergeRecordFromCountFeatures(mutableInputRecord, aggregateRecords, precomputedCountFeatures) } def defaultMergeRecord( mutableInputRecord: DataRecord, aggregateRecords: List[DataRecord] ): Unit = { mergeRecordFromCountFeatures(mutableInputRecord, aggregateRecords, precomputedCountFeatures) } def mergeRecordFromCountFeatures( mutableInputRecord: DataRecord, aggregateRecords: List[DataRecord], countFeatures: Seq[Feature[_]] ): Unit = { val richInputRecord = new SRichDataRecord(mutableInputRecord) countFeatures.foreach { countFeature => mergeRecordFromCountFeature( richInputRecord = richInputRecord, countFeature = countFeature, featureValues = getFeatureValues(aggregateRecords, countFeature) ) } } override def aggregateFeaturesPostMerge(aggregateContext: FeatureContext): Set[Feature[_]] =[Feature[_]]) }