package; import; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.TokenStream; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.CharTermAttribute; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.TermToBytesRefAttribute; import org.apache.lucene.document.Document; import org.apache.lucene.document.Field; import org.apache.lucene.facet.sortedset.SortedSetDocValuesFacetField; import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.twitter.common.text.token.TwitterTokenStream; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * A document factory that converts {@link ThriftDocument} into Lucene {@link Document}s * using the provided {@link}. */ public class SchemaDocumentFactory { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SchemaDocumentFactory.class); private final Schema schema; private final ImmutableList tokenStreamRewriters; /** * Creates a SchemaDocumentFactory with a schema and the tokenStreamRewriters. * * @param tokenStreamRewriters a list of token stream rewriters, which will be applied in order. */ public SchemaDocumentFactory( Schema schema, List tokenStreamRewriters) { this.schema = schema; this.tokenStreamRewriters = ImmutableList.copyOf(tokenStreamRewriters); } /** * Creates a SchemaDocumentFactory with no tokenStreamRewriters. */ public SchemaDocumentFactory(Schema schema) { this(schema, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); } public final Document newDocument(ThriftDocument document) throws IOException { return innerNewDocument(document); } /** * Create a Lucene document from the ThriftDocument. */ @VisibleForTesting public Document innerNewDocument(ThriftDocument document) throws IOException { Document luceneDocument = new Document(); Set hfTerms = Sets.newHashSet(); Set hfPhrases = Sets.newHashSet(); Analyzer defaultAnalyzer = schema.getDefaultAnalyzer(document.getDefaultAnalyzerOverride()); for (ThriftField field : document.getFields()) { boolean successful = false; try { addLuceneFields(field, defaultAnalyzer, luceneDocument, hfTerms, hfPhrases); successful = true; } finally { if (!successful) { LOG.warn("Unexpected exception while trying to add field. Field ID: " + field.getFieldConfigId() + " Field Name: " + schema.getFieldName(field.getFieldConfigId())); } } } for (String token : hfTerms) { for (String token2 : hfTerms) { if (token.compareTo(token2) < 0) { luceneDocument.add(new Field(ImmutableSchema.HF_TERM_PAIRS_FIELD, HighFrequencyTermPairs.createPair(token, token2), OmitNormTextField.TYPE_NOT_STORED)); } } } for (String phrase : hfPhrases) { // Tokens in the phrase set are not terms and have already been processed with // HighFrequencyTermPairs.createPhrasePair. luceneDocument.add(new Field(ImmutableSchema.HF_PHRASE_PAIRS_FIELD, phrase, OmitNormTextField.TYPE_NOT_STORED)); } return schema.getFacetsConfig().build(luceneDocument); } private void addLuceneFields(ThriftField field, Analyzer analyzer, Document doc, Set hfTerms, Set hfPhrases) throws IOException { Schema.FieldInfo fieldInfo = schema.getFieldInfo(field.getFieldConfigId(), field.getFieldConfigOverride()); if (fieldInfo == null) { // field not defined in schema - skip it return; } ThriftFieldData fieldData = field.getFieldData(); if (fieldInfo.getFieldType().getCsfType() != null) { addCSFField(doc, fieldInfo, fieldData); return; } // Checking which data type is set is not sufficient here. We also need to check schema to // see what the type the field is configured to be. See SEARCH-5173 for more details. // The problem is that Pig, while converting Tuples to Thrift, sets all primitive type // fields to 0. (i.e. the isSet calls will return true). IndexedNumericFieldSettings numericSettings = fieldInfo.getFieldType().getNumericFieldSettings(); if (fieldData.isSetTokenStreamValue()) { addTokenField(doc, hfTerms, hfPhrases, fieldInfo, fieldData); } else if (fieldData.isSetStringValue()) { addStringField(analyzer, doc, hfTerms, hfPhrases, fieldInfo, fieldData); } else if (fieldData.isSetBytesValue()) { addBytesField(doc, fieldInfo, fieldData); } else if (fieldData.isSetGeoCoordinate()) { addGeoField(doc, fieldInfo, fieldData); } else if (numericSettings != null) { // handle numeric fields. switch (numericSettings.getNumericType()) { case INT: Preconditions.checkState(fieldData.isSetIntValue(), "Int field does not have int value set. Field name: %s", fieldInfo.getName()); addIntField(doc, fieldInfo, fieldData); break; case LONG: Preconditions.checkState(fieldData.isSetLongValue(), "Long field does not have long value set. Field name: %s", fieldInfo.getName()); addLongField(doc, fieldInfo, fieldData); break; case FLOAT: Preconditions.checkState(fieldData.isSetFloatValue(), "Float field does not have float value set. Field name: %s ", fieldInfo.getName()); addFloatField(); break; case DOUBLE: Preconditions.checkState(fieldData.isSetDoubleValue(), "Double field does not have double value set. Field name: %s", fieldInfo.getName()); addDoubleFIeld(); break; default: throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Earlybird does not know how to handle field " + field.getFieldConfigId() + " " + field); } } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Earlybird does not know how to handle field " + field.getFieldConfigId() + " " + field); } } private void addCSFField(Document doc, Schema.FieldInfo fieldInfo, ThriftFieldData fieldData) { if (fieldInfo.getFieldType().getCsfFixedLengthNumValuesPerDoc() > 1) { // As an optimization, TBinaryProtocol stores a byte array field as a part of a larger byte // array field. Must call fieldData.getBytesValue(). fieldData.bytesValue.array() will // return extraneous data. See: SEARCH-3996 doc.add(new Field(fieldInfo.getName(), fieldData.getBytesValue(), fieldInfo.getFieldType())); } else { doc.add(new CSFField(fieldInfo.getName(), fieldInfo.getFieldType(), fieldData)); } } private void addTokenField( Document doc, Set hfTerms, Set hfPhrases, Schema.FieldInfo fieldInfo, ThriftFieldData fieldData) throws IOException { TwitterTokenStream twitterTokenStream = fieldInfo.getFieldType().getTokenStreamSerializer().deserialize( fieldData.getTokenStreamValue(), fieldData.getStringValue()); try { for (TokenStreamRewriter rewriter : tokenStreamRewriters) { twitterTokenStream = rewriter.rewrite(fieldInfo, twitterTokenStream); } expandStream(doc, fieldInfo, twitterTokenStream, hfTerms, hfPhrases); doc.add(new Field(fieldInfo.getName(), twitterTokenStream, fieldInfo.getFieldType())); } finally { twitterTokenStream.close(); } } private void addStringField(Analyzer analyzer, Document doc, Set hfTerms, Set hfPhrases, Schema.FieldInfo fieldInfo, ThriftFieldData fieldData) { doc.add(new Field(fieldInfo.getName(), fieldData.getStringValue(), fieldInfo.getFieldType())); if (fieldInfo.getFieldType().tokenized()) { try { TokenStream tokenStream = analyzer.tokenStream(fieldInfo.getName(), new StringReader(fieldData.getStringValue())); try { expandStream( doc, fieldInfo, tokenStream, hfTerms, hfPhrases); } finally { tokenStream.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("IOException expanding token stream", e); } } else { addFacetField(doc, fieldInfo, fieldData.getStringValue()); } } private void addBytesField(Document doc, Schema.FieldInfo fieldInfo, ThriftFieldData fieldData) { doc.add(new Field(fieldInfo.getName(), fieldData.getBytesValue(), fieldInfo.getFieldType())); } private void addIntField(Document doc, Schema.FieldInfo fieldInfo, ThriftFieldData fieldData) { int value = fieldData.getIntValue(); addFacetField(doc, fieldInfo, String.valueOf(value)); if (fieldInfo.getFieldType().getNumericFieldSettings() == null) { // No NumericFieldSettings. Even though the data is numeric, this field is not // really a numerical field. Just add as a string. doc.add(new Field(fieldInfo.getName(), String.valueOf(value), fieldInfo.getFieldType())); } else if (fieldInfo.getFieldType().getNumericFieldSettings().isUseTwitterFormat()) { addIntTermAttributeField(value, fieldInfo, doc); } else { // Use lucene style numerical fields doc.add(NumericField.newIntField(fieldInfo.getName(), value)); } } private void addIntTermAttributeField(int value, Schema.FieldInfo fieldInfo, Document doc) { SingleTokenStream singleToken = new SingleTokenStream(); IntTermAttribute termAtt = singleToken.addAttribute(IntTermAttribute.class); termAtt.setTerm(value); doc.add(new Field(fieldInfo.getName(), singleToken, fieldInfo.getFieldType())); } private void addLongField(Document doc, Schema.FieldInfo fieldInfo, ThriftFieldData fieldData) { long value = fieldData.getLongValue(); addFacetField(doc, fieldInfo, String.valueOf(value)); if (fieldInfo.getFieldType().getNumericFieldSettings() == null) { // No NumericFieldSettings. Even though the data is numeric, this field is not // really a numerical field. Just add as a string. doc.add(new Field(fieldInfo.getName(), String.valueOf(value), fieldInfo.getFieldType())); } else if (fieldInfo.getFieldType().getNumericFieldSettings().isUseTwitterFormat()) { // Twitter style numerical field: use LongTermAttribute addLongTermAttributeField(value, fieldInfo, doc); } else { // Use lucene style numerical fields doc.add(NumericField.newLongField(fieldInfo.getName(), value)); } } private void addLongTermAttributeField(long value, Schema.FieldInfo fieldInfo, Document doc) { SingleTokenStream singleToken = new SingleTokenStream(); boolean useSortableEncoding = fieldInfo.getFieldType().getNumericFieldSettings().isUseSortableEncoding(); if (useSortableEncoding) { SortableLongTermAttribute termAtt = singleToken.addAttribute(SortableLongTermAttribute.class); termAtt.setTerm(value); } else { LongTermAttribute termAtt = singleToken.addAttribute(LongTermAttribute.class); termAtt.setTerm(value); } doc.add(new Field(fieldInfo.getName(), singleToken, fieldInfo.getFieldType())); } private void addFloatField() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Earlybird does not support float values yet."); } private void addDoubleFIeld() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Earlybird does not support double values yet."); } private void addGeoField(Document doc, Schema.FieldInfo fieldInfo, ThriftFieldData fieldData) { ThriftGeoCoordinate coord = fieldData.getGeoCoordinate(); if (GeoUtil.validateGeoCoordinates(coord.getLat(), coord.getLon())) { GeoUtil.fillGeoFields(doc, fieldInfo.getName(), coord.getLat(), coord.getLon(), coord.getAccuracy()); } } private void addFacetField(Document doc, Schema.FieldInfo fieldInfo, String value) { Preconditions.checkArgument(doc != null); Preconditions.checkArgument(fieldInfo != null); Preconditions.checkArgument(value != null); if (fieldInfo.getFieldType().getFacetName() != null) { doc.add(new SortedSetDocValuesFacetField(fieldInfo.getFieldType().getFacetName(), value)); } } private String getTerm(TermToBytesRefAttribute attr) { if (attr instanceof CharTermAttribute) { return ((CharTermAttribute) attr).toString(); } else if (attr instanceof IntTermAttribute) { return String.valueOf(((IntTermAttribute) attr).getTerm()); } else if (attr instanceof LongTermAttribute) { return String.valueOf(((LongTermAttribute) attr).getTerm()); } else { return attr.getBytesRef().utf8ToString(); } } /** * Expand the TwitterTokenStream and populate high-frequency terms, phrases and/or facet category paths. */ private void expandStream( Document doc, Schema.FieldInfo fieldInfo, TokenStream stream, Set hfTerms, Set hfPhrases) throws IOException { // Checkstyle does not allow assignment to parameters. Set facetHfTerms = hfTerms; Set facetHfPhrases = hfPhrases; if (!(HighFrequencyTermPairs.INDEX_HF_TERM_PAIRS && fieldInfo.getFieldType().isIndexHFTermPairs())) { // high-frequency terms and phrases are not needed if (fieldInfo.getFieldType().getFacetName() == null) { // Facets are not needed either, simply return, would do nothing otherwise return; } facetHfTerms = null; facetHfPhrases = null; } final TermToBytesRefAttribute attr = stream.getAttribute(TermToBytesRefAttribute.class); stream.reset(); String lastHFTerm = null; while (stream.incrementToken()) { String term = getTerm(attr); if (fieldInfo.getFieldType().getFacetName() != null) { addFacetField(doc, fieldInfo, term); } if (HighFrequencyTermPairs.HF_TERM_SET.contains(term)) { if (facetHfTerms != null) { facetHfTerms.add(term); } if (lastHFTerm != null) { if (facetHfPhrases != null) { facetHfPhrases.add(HighFrequencyTermPairs.createPhrasePair(lastHFTerm, term)); } } lastHFTerm = term; } else { lastHFTerm = null; } } } public static final class CSFField extends Field { /** * Create a CSFField with the given fieldType, containing the given field data. */ public CSFField(String name, EarlybirdFieldType fieldType, ThriftFieldData data) { super(name, fieldType); if (fieldType.isCsfVariableLength()) { fieldsData = new BytesRef(data.getBytesValue()); } else { switch (fieldType.getCsfType()) { case BYTE: fieldsData = Long.valueOf(data.getByteValue()); break; case INT: fieldsData = Long.valueOf(data.getIntValue()); break; case LONG: fieldsData = Long.valueOf(data.getLongValue()); break; case FLOAT: fieldsData = Long.valueOf(Float.floatToRawIntBits((float) data.getFloatValue())); break; case DOUBLE: fieldsData = Long.valueOf(Double.doubleToRawLongBits(data.getDoubleValue())); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown csf type: " + fieldType.getCsfType()); } } } } public interface TokenStreamRewriter { /** * Rewrite the token stream. */ TwitterTokenStream rewrite(Schema.FieldInfo fieldInfo, TwitterTokenStream stream); } }