import bisect import os import random as python_random import subprocess import numpy as np from sklearn.metrics import precision_recall_curve from toxicity_ml_pipeline.settings.default_settings_tox import LOCAL_DIR try: import tensorflow as tf except ModuleNotFoundError: pass def upload_model(full_gcs_model_path): folder_name = full_gcs_model_path if folder_name[:5] != "gs://": folder_name = "gs://" + folder_name dirname = os.path.dirname(folder_name) epoch = os.path.basename(folder_name) model_dir = os.path.join(LOCAL_DIR, "models") cmd = f"mkdir {model_dir}" try: execute_command(cmd) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: pass model_dir = os.path.join(model_dir, os.path.basename(dirname)) cmd = f"mkdir {model_dir}" try: execute_command(cmd) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: pass try: _ = int(epoch) except ValueError: cmd = f"gsutil rsync -r '{folder_name}' {model_dir}" weights_dir = model_dir else: cmd = f"gsutil cp '{dirname}/checkpoint' {model_dir}/" execute_command(cmd) cmd = f"gsutil cp '{os.path.join(dirname, epoch)}*' {model_dir}/" weights_dir = f"{model_dir}/{epoch}" execute_command(cmd) return weights_dir def compute_precision_fixed_recall(labels, preds, fixed_recall): precision_values, recall_values, thresholds = precision_recall_curve( y_true=labels, probas_pred=preds ) index_recall = bisect.bisect_left(-recall_values, -1 * fixed_recall) result = precision_values[index_recall - 1] print(f"Precision at {recall_values[index_recall-1]} recall: {result}") return result, thresholds[index_recall - 1] def load_inference_func(model_folder): model = tf.saved_model.load(model_folder, ["serve"]) inference_func = model.signatures["serving_default"] return inference_func def execute_query(client, query): job = client.query(query) df = job.result().to_dataframe() return df def execute_command(cmd, print_=True): s =, shell=True, capture_output=print_, check=True) if print_: print(s.stderr.decode("utf-8")) print(s.stdout.decode("utf-8")) def check_gpu(): try: execute_command("nvidia-smi") except subprocess.CalledProcessError: print("There is no GPU when there should be one.") raise AttributeError l = tf.config.list_physical_devices("GPU") if len(l) == 0: raise ModuleNotFoundError( "Tensorflow has not found the GPU. Check your installation" ) print(l) def set_seeds(seed): np.random.seed(seed) python_random.seed(seed) tf.random.set_seed(seed)