package com.twitter.tweetypie package hydrator import com.twitter.stitch.NotFound import com.twitter.stitch.Stitch import com.twitter.tco_util.DisplayUrl import com.twitter.tco_util.InvalidUrlException import com.twitter.tco_util.TcoSlug import com.twitter.tweetypie.core._ import com.twitter.tweetypie.repository._ import com.twitter.tweetypie.thriftscala._ import scala.util.control.NonFatal object UrlEntitiesHydrator { type Type = ValueHydrator[Seq[UrlEntity], TweetCtx] def once(h: ValueHydrator[UrlEntity, TweetCtx]): Type = TweetHydration.completeOnlyOnce( queryFilter = queryFilter, hydrationType = HydrationType.Urls, hydrator = h.liftSeq ) def queryFilter(opts: TweetQuery.Options): Boolean = opts.include.tweetFields.contains( } /** * Hydrates UrlEntities. If there is a failure to hydrate an entity, the entity is left * unhydrated, so that we can try again later. The PartialEntityCleaner will remove * the partial entity before returning to clients. */ object UrlEntityHydrator { /** * a function type that takes a shorten-url and an expanded-url, and generates a * "display url" (which isn't really a url). this may fail if the expanded-url * can't be parsed as a valid url, in which case None is returned. */ type Truncator = (String, String) => Option[String] val hydratedField: FieldByPath = fieldByPath(Tweet.UrlsField) val log: Logger = Logger(getClass) def apply(repo: UrlRepository.Type, stats: StatsReceiver): ValueHydrator[UrlEntity, TweetCtx] = { val toDisplayUrl = truncator(stats) ValueHydrator[UrlEntity, TweetCtx] { (curr, _) => val slug = getTcoSlug(curr) val result: Stitch[Option[Try[ExpandedUrl]]] = Stitch.collect( { case Some(Return(expandedUrl)) => ValueState.modified(update(curr, expandedUrl, toDisplayUrl)) case None => ValueState.unmodified(curr) case Some(Throw(NotFound)) => // If the UrlEntity contains an invalid slug that can't be resolved, // leave the entity unhydrated, to be removed later by the PartialEntityCleaner. // We don't consider this a partial because the input is invalid and is not // expected to succeed. ValueState.unmodified(curr) case Some(Throw(_)) => // On failure, use the link as the expanded url so that it is still clickable, // but also still flag the failure ValueState.partial( update(curr, ExpandedUrl(curr.url), toDisplayUrl), hydratedField ) } }.onlyIf((curr, ctx) => !ctx.isRetweet && isUnhydrated(curr)) } /** * a UrlEntity needs hydration if the expanded url is either unset or set to the * shortened url . */ def isUnhydrated(entity: UrlEntity): Boolean = entity.expanded.isEmpty || hydrationFailed(entity) /** * Did the hydration of this URL entity fail? */ def hydrationFailed(entity: UrlEntity): Boolean = entity.expanded.contains(entity.url) def update(entity: UrlEntity, expandedUrl: ExpandedUrl, toDisplayUrl: Truncator): UrlEntity = entity.copy( expanded = Some(expandedUrl.text), display = toDisplayUrl(entity.url, expandedUrl.text) ) def getTcoSlug(entity: UrlEntity): Option[UrlSlug] = TcoSlug.unapply(entity.url).map(UrlSlug(_)) def truncator(stats: StatsReceiver): Truncator = { val truncationStats = stats.scope("truncations") val truncationsCounter = truncationStats.counter("count") val truncationExceptionsCounter = truncationStats.counter("exceptions") (shortUrl, expandedUrl) => try { truncationsCounter.incr() Some(DisplayUrl(shortUrl, Some(expandedUrl), true)) } catch { case NonFatal(ex) => truncationExceptionsCounter.incr() truncationStats.counter(ex.getClass.getName).incr() ex match { case InvalidUrlException(_) => log.warn(s"failed to truncate: `$shortUrl` / `$expandedUrl`") case _ => log.warn(s"failed to truncate: `$shortUrl` / `$expandedUrl`", ex) } None } } }