namespace java com.twitter.recos.recos_common.thriftjava namespace py gen.twitter.recos.recos_common #@namespace scala com.twitter.recos.recos_common.thriftscala #@namespace strato com.twitter.recos.recos_common namespace rb Recos // Social proof types for user moment recommendations enum MomentSocialProofType { PUBLISH = 0 LIKE = 1 CAPSULE_OPEN = 2 } // Social proof types for tweet/entity recommendations enum SocialProofType { CLICK = 0 FAVORITE = 1 RETWEET = 2 REPLY = 3 TWEET = 4 IS_MENTIONED = 5 IS_MEDIATAGGED = 6 QUOTE = 7 } struct SocialProof { 1: required i64 userId 2: optional i64 metadata } // Social proof types for user recommendations enum UserSocialProofType { FOLLOW = 0 MENTION = 1 MEDIATAG = 2 } struct GetRecentEdgesRequest { 1: required i64 requestId // the node to query from 2: optional i32 maxNumEdges // the max number of recent edges } struct RecentEdge { 1: required i64 nodeId // the connecting node id 2: required SocialProofType engagementType // the engagement type of the edge } struct GetRecentEdgesResponse { 1: required list edges // the _ most recent edges from the query node } struct NodeInfo { 1: required list edges }