namespace java com.twitter.simclusters_v2.thriftjava namespace py gen.twitter.simclusters_v2.entity #@namespace scala com.twitter.simclusters_v2.thriftscala #@namespace strato com.twitter.simclusters_v2 include "com/twitter/algebird_internal/algebird.thrift" /** * Penguin text entity. All fields are required as this is used as a part of a memcache key. **/ struct PenguinKey { 1: required string textEntity }(hasPersonalData = 'false') /** * NER text entity. All fields are required as this is used as a part of a memcache key. **/ struct NerKey { 1: required string textEntity 2: required i32 wholeEntityType }(hasPersonalData = 'false') /** * Semantic Core text entity. All fields are required as this is used as a part of a memcache key. **/ struct SemanticCoreKey { 1: required i64 entityId(personalDataType = 'SemanticcoreClassification') }(hasPersonalData = 'true') /** * Represents an entity extracted from a tweet. **/ union TweetTextEntity { 1: string hashtag 2: PenguinKey penguin 3: NerKey ner 4: SemanticCoreKey semanticCore }(hasPersonalData = 'true') struct SpaceId { 1: string id }(hasPersonalData = 'true') /** * All possible entities that simclusters are associated with. **/ union SimClusterEntity { 1: i64 tweetId(personalDataType = 'TweetId') 2: TweetTextEntity tweetEntity 3: SpaceId spaceId }(hasPersonalData = 'true')