twitter-team ef4c5eb65e Twitter Recommendation Algorithm
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2023-03-31 17:36:31 -05:00

38 lines
1.2 KiB

package com.twitter.ann.common
import com.twitter.util.Return
import com.twitter.util.Throw
import com.twitter.util.Try
import com.twitter.util.logging.Logging
// Memoization with a twist
// New epoch reuse K:V pairs from previous and recycle everything else
class MemoizedInEpochs[K, V](f: K => Try[V]) extends Logging {
private var memoizedCalls: Map[K, V] = Map.empty
def epoch(keys: Seq[K]): Seq[V] = {
val newSet = keys.toSet
val keysToBeComputed = newSet.diff(memoizedCalls.keySet)
val computedKeysAndValues = { key =>
info(s"Memoize ${key}")
(key, f(key))
val keysAndValuesAfterFilteringFailures = computedKeysAndValues
.flatMap {
case (key, Return(value)) => Some((key, value))
case (key, Throw(e)) =>
warn(s"Calling f for ${key} has failed", e)
val keysReusedFromLastEpoch = memoizedCalls.filterKeys(newSet.contains)
memoizedCalls = keysReusedFromLastEpoch ++ keysAndValuesAfterFilteringFailures
debug(s"Final memoization is ${memoizedCalls.keys.mkString(", ")}")
def currentEpochKeys: Set[K] = memoizedCalls.keySet