twitter-team ef4c5eb65e Twitter Recommendation Algorithm
Please note we have force-pushed a new initial commit in order to remove some publicly-available Twitter user information. Note that this process may be required in the future.
2023-03-31 17:36:31 -05:00
AnnLoadTest.scala Twitter Recommendation Algorithm 2023-03-31 17:36:31 -05:00
AnnLoadTestMain.scala Twitter Recommendation Algorithm 2023-03-31 17:36:31 -05:00
AnnLoadTestWorker.scala Twitter Recommendation Algorithm 2023-03-31 17:36:31 -05:00
BUILD Twitter Recommendation Algorithm 2023-03-31 17:36:31 -05:00
EmbeddingIndexer.scala Twitter Recommendation Algorithm 2023-03-31 17:36:31 -05:00
LoadTestRecorder.scala Twitter Recommendation Algorithm 2023-03-31 17:36:31 -05:00
LoadTestUtils.scala Twitter Recommendation Algorithm 2023-03-31 17:36:31 -05:00 Twitter Recommendation Algorithm 2023-03-31 17:36:31 -05:00

Loadtest ANN query service with random embeddings

An ANN query service can be load-tested with random embeddings as queries, generated automatically by loadtest tool. Example script to load test a ANN query service with random embeddings:

$ aurora job create smf1/<role>/staging/ann-loadtest-service ann/src/main/aurora/loadtest/loadtest.aurora \ \
  --bind=profile.role=<role> \
  --bind=profile.duration_sec=10 \
  --bind=profile.number_of_neighbors=10 \
  --bind=profile.qps=200 \
  --bind=profile.algo=hnsw \
  --bind=profile.metric=Cosine \
  --bind=profile.index_id_type=int \
  --bind=profile.hnsw_ef=400,600,800 \
  --bind=profile.embedding_dimension=3 \
  --bind=profile.concurrency_level=8 \
  --bind=profile.loadtest_type=remote \
  --bind=profile.service_destination=/srv#/staging/local/apoorvs/ann-server-test \
  --bind=profile.with_random_queries=True \
  --bind=profile.random_queries_count=50000 \
  --bind=profile.random_embedding_min_value=-10.0 \

It will run the loadtest with 50000 random embeddings, where each embedding value will be range bounded between random_embedding_min_value and random_embedding_max_value. In the above the case it will be bounded between -10.0 and 10.0. If random_embedding_min_value and random_embedding_max_value are not supplied default value of -1.0 and 1.0 will be used.


Load test results will be printed to stdout of an aurora job.

Loadtest ANN query service with query set

An ANN query service can be load-tested with sample queries drawn from the embeddings dataset. For creating sample queries i.e query_set refer this section.

Test is run with live version of loadtest binary that is already available in packer. Example script to load test a ANN query service:

$ aurora job create smf1/<role>/staging/ann-loadtest-service ann/src/main/aurora/loadtest/loadtest.aurora \ \
  --bind=profile.role=<role> \
  --bind=profile.duration_sec=10 \
  --bind=profile.query_set_dir=hdfs:///user/cortex/ann_example/dataset/search/query_knn/query_set \
  --bind=profile.number_of_neighbors=10 \
  --bind=profile.qps=200 \
  --bind=profile.algo=hnsw \
  --bind=profile.query_id_type=string \
  --bind=profile.index_id_type=string \
  --bind=profile.metric=Cosine \
  --bind=profile.hnsw_ef=400,600,800 \
  --bind=profile.embedding_dimension=100 \
  --bind=profile.concurrency_level=8 \
  --bind=profile.loadtest_type=remote \

In-Memory based loadtest for measuring recall

Load test can be with the above created dataset in memory. For running in in-memory mode, index is created in memory, and for that you need query_set/index_set/truth_set. For creating this dataset refer this section.

Test is run with live version loadtest binary that is already available in packer. Example script In-Memory index building and benchmarking:

$ aurora job create smf1/<role>/staging/ann-loadtest ann/src/main/aurora/loadtest/loadtest.aurora \ \
  --bind=profile.role=<role> \
  --bind=profile.duration_sec=10 \
  --bind=profile.truth_set_dir=hdfs:///user/cortex/ann_example/dataset/search/query_knn/true_knn \
  --bind=profile.query_set_dir=hdfs:///user/cortex/ann_example/dataset/search/query_knn/query_set \
  --bind=profile.index_set_dir=hdfs:///user/cortex/ann_example/dataset/search/query_knn/index_set \
  --bind=profile.number_of_neighbors=10 \
  --bind=profile.qps=200 \
  --bind=profile.algo=hnsw \
  --bind=profile.query_id_type=string \
  --bind=profile.index_id_type=string \
  --bind=profile.metric=Cosine \
  --bind=profile.hnsw_ef_construction=15 \
  --bind=profile.hnsw_max_m=10 \
  --bind=profile.hnsw_ef=400,600,800 \
  --bind=profile.embedding_dimension=100 \
  --bind=profile.concurrency_level=8 \

Loadtest faiss

$ aurora job create smf1/<role>/staging/ann-loadtest-service ann/src/main/aurora/loadtest/loadtest.aurora \ \
  --bind=profile.role=<role> \
  --bind=profile.duration_sec=10 \
  --bind=profile.number_of_neighbors=10 \
  --bind=profile.qps=200 \
  --bind=profile.algo=faiss \ # Changed to faiss
  --bind=profile.faiss_nprobe=1,3,9,27,81,128,256,512 \ # Added
  --bind=profile.faiss_quantizerKfactorRF=1,2 \ # Pass a list to do grid search
  --bind=profile.faiss_quantizerNprobe=128 \ # Added
  --bind=profile.metric=Cosine \
  --bind=profile.index_id_type=int \
  --bind=profile.embedding_dimension=3 \
  --bind=profile.concurrency_level=8 \
  --bind=profile.loadtest_type=remote \
  --bind=profile.service_destination=/srv#/staging/local/apoorvs/ann-server-test \
  --bind=profile.with_random_queries=True \
  --bind=profile.random_queries_count=50000 \
  --bind=profile.random_embedding_min_value=-10.0 \

Full list of faiss specific parameters. Exact definition of all available parameters. Please reach out if you need to use parameters which aren't shown below

faiss_nprobe                = Default(String, '1')
faiss_quantizerEf           = Default(String, '0')
faiss_quantizerKfactorRF    = Default(String, '0')
faiss_quantizerNprobe       = Default(String, '0')
faiss_ht                    = Default(String, '0')

Query Set Generator

Sample queries can be generated from the embeddings dataset and can be used directly with load test in tab format. To generate sample queries EmbeddingSamplingJob can be used as follows.

$ ./bazel bundle cortex-core/entity-embeddings/src/scala/main/com/twitter/scalding/util/EmbeddingFormat:embeddingformat-deploy

$ export INPUT_PATH=/user/cortex/embeddings/user/tfwproducersg/embedding_datarecords_on_data/2018/05/01
$ export ENTITY_KIND=user
$ export EMBEDDING_INPUT_FORMAT=usertensor
$ export OUTPUT_PATH=/user/$USER/sample_embeddings
$ export SAMPLE_PERCENT=0.1

$ oscar hdfs \
    --screen --tee log.txt \
    --hadoop-client-memory 6000 \
    --hadoop-properties ";'-Xmx7500m';;'-Xmx6000m';mapreduce.reduce.memory.mb=7500;mapred.task.timeout=36000000;" \
    --min-split-size 284217728 \
    --bundle embeddingformat-deploy \
    --host \
    --tool com.twitter.scalding.entityembeddings.util.EmbeddingFormat.EmbeddingSamplingJob -- \
    --entity_kind $ENTITY_KIND \
    --input.embedding_path $INPUT_PATH \
    --input.embedding_format $EMBEDDING_INPUT_FORMAT \
    --output.embedding_path $OUTPUT_PATH \
    --output.embedding_format tab \
    --sample_percent $SAMPLE_PERCENT

It will sample 0.1% of embeddings and store them in tab format to hdfs that can be direcly used as query_set for loadtest.

Knn Truth Set Generator

To use load test framework to benchmark recall, you need to split your data set into index_set, query_set and knn_truth

  • index_set: data that will be indexed for ann
  • query_set: data that will be used for queries
  • truth_set: the real nearest neighbor used as truth to compute recall

And also you need to figure out the dimension for your embedding vectors.

KnnTruthSetGenerator can help to prepare data sets:

$ ./bazel bundle ann/src/main/scala/com/twitter/ann/scalding/offline:ann-offline-deploy

$ export QUERY_EMBEDDINGS_PATH=/user/cortex-mlx/official_examples/ann/non_pii_random_user_embeddings_tab_format
$ export INDEX_EMBEDDINGS_PATH=/user/cortex-mlx/official_examples/ann/non_pii_random_user_embeddings_tab_format
$ export TRUTH_SET_PATH=/user/$USER/truth_set
$ export INDEX_SET_PATH=/user/$USER/index_set
$ export QUERY_SET_PATH=/user/$USER/query_set
$ export METRIC=InnerProduct
$ export QUERY_ENTITY_KIND=user
$ export INDEX_ENTITY_KIND=user
$ export NEIGHBOURS=10

$ oscar hdfs \
  --screen --tee log.txt \
  --hadoop-client-memory 6000 \
  --hadoop-properties ";'-Xmx7500m';;'-Xmx6000m';mapreduce.reduce.memory.mb=7500;mapred.task.timeout=36000000;" \
  --bundle ann-offline-deploy \
  --min-split-size 284217728 \
  --host \
  --tool com.twitter.ann.scalding.offline.KnnTruthSetGenerator -- \
  --neighbors $NEIGHBOURS \
  --metric $METRIC \
  --query_entity_kind $QUERY_ENTITY_KIND \
  --query.embedding_path $QUERY_EMBEDDINGS_PATH \
  --query.embedding_format tab \
  --query_sample_percent 50.0 \
  --index_entity_kind $INDEX_ENTITY_KIND \
  --index.embedding_path $INDEX_EMBEDDINGS_PATH \
  --index.embedding_format tab \
  --index_sample_percent 90.0 \
  --query_set_output.embedding_path $QUERY_SET_PATH \
  --query_set_output.embedding_format tab \
  --index_set_output.embedding_path $INDEX_SET_PATH \
  --index_set_output.embedding_format tab \
  --truth_set_output_path $TRUTH_SET_PATH \
  --reducers 100

It will sample 90% of index set embeddings and 50% of query embeddings from total and then it will generate 3 datasets from the same that are index set, query set and true nearest neighbours from query to index in the tab format. Note: The reason for using high sample percent is due to the fact the sample embeddings dataset is small. For real use cases query set should be really small. Set --reducers according to the embeddings dataset size.


There are multiple type of query_id_type and index_id_type that can be used. Some native types like string/int/long or related to entity embeddings like tweet/word/user/url... for more info: Link