twitter-team ef4c5eb65e Twitter Recommendation Algorithm
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2023-03-31 17:36:31 -05:00

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package com.twitter.product_mixer.component_library.selector
import com.twitter.product_mixer.core.functional_component.common.CandidateScope
import com.twitter.product_mixer.core.functional_component.common.SpecificPipelines
import com.twitter.product_mixer.core.functional_component.selector.Selector
import com.twitter.product_mixer.core.functional_component.selector.SelectorResult
import com.twitter.product_mixer.core.model.common.identifier.CandidatePipelineIdentifier
import com.twitter.product_mixer.core.model.common.presentation.CandidateWithDetails
import com.twitter.product_mixer.core.pipeline.PipelineQuery
import scala.collection.mutable
* Select candidates and add them according to the `pattern`.
* The pattern is repeated until all candidates contained in the pattern are added to the `result`.
* If the candidates for a specific [[Bucket]] in the pattern are exhausted, that [[Bucket]] will be
* skipped on subsequent iterations.
* If a candidate has a [[Bucket]] that isn't in the pattern it is added to the end of the `result`.
* The end result is all candidates from all [[candidatePipelines]]s provided will end up in the result.
* @example If there are no more candidates from a given `CandidatePipeline` then it is skipped, so
* with the pattern `Seq(A, A, B, C)`, if there are no more candidates from `B` then it is
* effectively the same as `Seq(A, A, C)`. The `result` will contain all candidates from all
* `CandidatePipeline`s who's `Bucket` is in the `pattern`.
* @example If the pattern is `Seq(A, A, B, C)` and the remaining candidates
* from the provided `candidatePipelines` are:
* - 5 `A`s
* - 2 `B`s
* - 1 `C`
* - 1 `D`s
* then the resulting output for each iteration over the pattern is
* - `Seq(A, A, B, C)`
* - `Seq(A, A, B)` since there's no more `C`s
* - `Seq(A)` since there are no more `B`s or `C`s
* - `Seq(D)` since it wasn't in the pattern but is from one of the provided
* `candidatePipelines`, it's appended at the end
* so the `result` that's returned would be `Seq(A, A, B, C, A, A, B, A, D)`
case class InsertAppendPatternResults[-Query <: PipelineQuery, Bucket](
candidatePipelines: Set[CandidatePipelineIdentifier],
bucketer: Bucketer[Bucket],
pattern: Seq[Bucket])
extends Selector[Query] {
require(pattern.nonEmpty, "`pattern` must be non-empty")
override val pipelineScope: CandidateScope = SpecificPipelines(candidatePipelines)
private sealed trait PatternResult
private case object NotASelectedCandidatePipeline extends PatternResult
private case object NotABucketInThePattern extends PatternResult
private case class Bucketed(bucket: Bucket) extends PatternResult
private val allBucketsInPattern = pattern.toSet
override def apply(
query: Query,
remainingCandidates: Seq[CandidateWithDetails],
result: Seq[CandidateWithDetails]
): SelectorResult = {
val groupedCandidates: Map[PatternResult, Seq[CandidateWithDetails]] =
remainingCandidates.groupBy { candidateWithDetails =>
if (pipelineScope.contains(candidateWithDetails)) {
// if a candidate's Bucket doesnt appear in the pattern it's backfilled at the end
val bucket = bucketer(candidateWithDetails)
if (allBucketsInPattern.contains(bucket)) {
} else {
} else {
val otherCandidates =
groupedCandidates.getOrElse(NotASelectedCandidatePipeline, Seq.empty)
val notABucketInThePattern =
groupedCandidates.getOrElse(NotABucketInThePattern, Seq.empty)
// mutable so we can remove finished iterators to optimize when looping for large patterns
val groupedBucketsIterators = mutable.HashMap(groupedCandidates.collect {
case (Bucketed(bucket), candidatesWithDetails) => (bucket, candidatesWithDetails.iterator)
}.toSeq: _*)
val patternIterator = Iterator.continually(pattern).flatten
val newResult = new mutable.ArrayBuffer[CandidateWithDetails]()
while (groupedBucketsIterators.nonEmpty) {
val bucket =
groupedBucketsIterators.get(bucket) match {
case Some(iterator) if iterator.nonEmpty => newResult +=
case Some(_) => groupedBucketsIterators.remove(bucket)
case None =>
remainingCandidates = otherCandidates,
result = result ++ newResult ++ notABucketInThePattern)