twitter-team ef4c5eb65e Twitter Recommendation Algorithm
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2023-03-31 17:36:31 -05:00

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package com.twitter.product_mixer.component_library.selector
import com.twitter.product_mixer.core.functional_component.common.CandidateScope
import com.twitter.product_mixer.core.functional_component.common.SpecificPipeline
import com.twitter.product_mixer.core.functional_component.common.SpecificPipelines
import com.twitter.product_mixer.core.functional_component.selector.Selector
import com.twitter.product_mixer.core.functional_component.selector.SelectorResult
import com.twitter.product_mixer.core.model.common.identifier.CandidatePipelineIdentifier
import com.twitter.product_mixer.core.model.common.presentation.CandidateWithDetails
import com.twitter.product_mixer.core.pipeline.PipelineQuery
import scala.collection.mutable
object InsertAppendWeaveResults {
def apply[Query <: PipelineQuery, Bucket](
candidatePipelines: Set[CandidatePipelineIdentifier],
bucketer: Bucketer[Bucket],
): InsertAppendWeaveResults[Query, Bucket] =
new InsertAppendWeaveResults(SpecificPipelines(candidatePipelines), bucketer)
def apply[Query <: PipelineQuery, Bucket](
candidatePipeline: CandidatePipelineIdentifier,
bucketer: Bucketer[Bucket],
): InsertAppendWeaveResults[Query, Bucket] =
new InsertAppendWeaveResults(SpecificPipeline(candidatePipeline), bucketer)
* Select candidates weave them together according to their [[Bucket]].
* Candidates are grouped according to [[Bucket]] and one candidate is added from each group until
* no candidates belonging to any group are left.
* Functionally similar to [[InsertAppendPatternResults]]. [[InsertAppendPatternResults]] is useful
* if you have more complex ordering requirements but it requires you to know all the buckets in
* advance.
* @note The order in which candidates are weaved together depends on the order in which the buckets
* were first seen on candidates.
* @example If the candidates are Seq(Tweet(10), Tweet(8), Tweet(3), Tweet(13)) and they are bucketed
* using an IsEven bucketing function, then the resulting buckets would be:
* - Seq(Tweet(10), Tweet(8))
* - Seq(Tweet(3), Tweet(13))
* The selector would then loop through these buckets and produce:
* - Tweet(10)
* - Tweet(3)
* - Tweet(8)
* - Tweet(13)
* Note that first bucket encountered was the 'even' bucket so weaving proceeds first with
* the even bucket then the odd bucket. Tweet(3) had been first then the opposite would be
* true.
case class InsertAppendWeaveResults[-Query <: PipelineQuery, Bucket](
override val pipelineScope: CandidateScope,
bucketer: Bucketer[Bucket])
extends Selector[Query] {
override def apply(
query: Query,
remainingCandidates: Seq[CandidateWithDetails],
result: Seq[CandidateWithDetails]
): SelectorResult = {
val (bucketableCandidates, otherCandidates) =
val groupedCandidates = groupByBucket(bucketableCandidates)
val candidateBucketQueues: mutable.Queue[mutable.Queue[CandidateWithDetails]] =
mutable.Queue() ++= groupedCandidates
val newResult = mutable.ArrayBuffer[CandidateWithDetails]()
// Take the next group of candidates from the queue and attempt to add the first candidate from
// that group into the result. The loop will terminate when every queue is empty.
while (candidateBucketQueues.nonEmpty) {
val nextCandidateQueue = candidateBucketQueues.dequeue()
if (nextCandidateQueue.nonEmpty) {
newResult += nextCandidateQueue.dequeue()
// Re-queue this bucket of candidates if it's still non-empty
if (nextCandidateQueue.nonEmpty) {
SelectorResult(remainingCandidates = otherCandidates, result = result ++ newResult)
* Similar to `groupBy` but respect the order in which individual bucket values are first seen.
* This is useful when the candidates have already been sorted prior to the selector running.
private def groupByBucket(
candidates: Seq[CandidateWithDetails]
): mutable.ArrayBuffer[mutable.Queue[CandidateWithDetails]] = {
val bucketToCandidateGroupIndex = mutable.Map.empty[Bucket, Int]
val candidateGroups = mutable.ArrayBuffer[mutable.Queue[CandidateWithDetails]]()
candidates.foreach { candidate =>
val bucket = bucketer(candidate)
// Index points to the specific sub-group in candidateGroups where we want to insert the next
// candidate. If a bucket has already been seen then this value is known, otherwise we need
// to add a new entry for it.
if (!bucketToCandidateGroupIndex.contains(bucket)) {
bucketToCandidateGroupIndex.put(bucket, candidateGroups.length - 1)