twitter-team 01dbfee4c0 Open-sourcing Tweetypie
Tweetypie is the core Tweet service that handles the reading and writing of Tweet data.
2023-05-19 16:20:06 -05:00

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namespace java com.twitter.tweetypie.thriftjava
#@namespace scala com.twitter.tweetypie.thriftscala
namespace py gen.twitter.tweetypie
namespace rb TweetyPie
namespace go tweetypie
* Event that triggers deletion of the geo information on tweets created
* at timestamp_ms or earlier.
struct DeleteLocationData {
* The id of the user whose tweets should have their geo information
* removed.
1: required i64 user_id (personalDataType='UserId')
* The time at which this request was initiated. Tweets by this user
* whose snowflake ids contain timestamps less than or equal to this
* value will no longer be returned with geo information.
2: required i64 timestamp_ms
* The last time this user requested deletion of location data prior
* to this request. This value may be omitted, but should be included
* if available for implementation efficiency, since it eliminates the
* need to scan tweets older than this value for geo information.
3: optional i64 last_timestamp_ms
}(persisted='true', hasPersonalData='true')