twitter-team 01dbfee4c0 Open-sourcing Tweetypie
Tweetypie is the core Tweet service that handles the reading and writing of Tweet data.
2023-05-19 16:20:06 -05:00

136 lines
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namespace java com.twitter.tweetypie.thriftjava
#@namespace scala com.twitter.tweetypie.thriftscala
#@namespace strato com.twitter.tweetypie
namespace py gen.twitter.tweetypie.media_entity
namespace rb TweetyPie.media_entity
namespace go tweetypie.media_entity
include "com/twitter/mediaservices/commons/MediaInformation.thrift"
include "com/twitter/mediaservices/commons/MediaCommon.thrift"
include "com/twitter/mediaservices/commons/TweetMedia.thrift"
* An RGB color.
* Each i8 should be interpreted as unsigned, ranging in value from 0 to
* 255. Borrowed from gizmoduck/user.thrift.
* The way in which we use ColorValue here is as metadata for a media file,
* so it needs to be annotated as having personal data. Fields that are of
* structured types cannot be annotated, so we have to put the annotation
* on the structure itself's fields even though it's more confusing to do so
* and could introduce issues if someone else reuses ColorValue outside of
* the context of a media file.
struct ColorValue {
1: i8 red (personalDataType = 'MediaFile')
2: i8 green (personalDataType = 'MediaFile')
3: i8 blue (personalDataType = 'MediaFile')
}(persisted = 'true', hasPersonalData = 'true')
struct MediaEntity {
1: i16 from_index (personalDataType = 'MediaFile')
2: i16 to_index (personalDataType = 'MediaFile')
* The shortened url found in the tweet text.
3: string url (personalDataType = 'ShortUrl')
* The text to display in place of the shortened url.
4: string display_url (personalDataType = 'LongUrl')
* The url to the media asset (a preview image in the case of a video).
5: string media_url (personalDataType = 'LongUrl')
* The https version of media_url.
6: string media_url_https (personalDataType = 'LongUrl')
* The expanded media permalink.
7: string expanded_url (personalDataType = 'LongUrl')
8: MediaCommon.MediaId media_id ( = "Media", = "media", personalDataType = 'MediaId')
9: bool nsfw
10: set<TweetMedia.MediaSize> sizes
11: string media_path
12: optional bool is_protected
* The tweet that this MediaEntity was originally attached to. This value will be set if this
* MediaEntity is either on a retweet or a tweet with pasted-pic.
13: optional i64 source_status_id ( = "Tweet", = "sourceStatus", personalDataType = 'TweetId')
* The user to attribute views of the media to.
* This field should be set when the media's attributableUserId field does not match the current
* Tweet's owner. Retweets of a Tweet with media and "managed media" are some reasons this may
* occur. When the value is None any views should be attributed to the tweet's owner.
14: optional i64 source_user_id ( = "User", = "sourceUser", personalDataType = 'UserId')
* Additional information specific to the media type.
* This field is optional with images (as the image information is in the
* previous fields), but required for animated GIF and native video (as, in
* this case, the previous fields only describe the preview image).
15: optional TweetMedia.MediaInfo media_info
* The dominant color for the entire image (or keyframe for video or GIF).
* This can be used for placeholders while the media downloads (either a
* solid color or a gradient using the grid).
16: optional ColorValue dominant_color_overall
* Dominant color of each quadrant of the image (keyframe for video or GIF).
* If present this list should have 4 elements, corresponding to
* [top_left, top_right, bottom_left, bottom_right]
17: optional list<ColorValue> dominant_color_grid
// obsolete 18: optional map<string, binary> extensions
* Stratostore extension points data encoded as a Strato record.
19: optional binary extensions_reply
* Holds metadata defined by the user for the tweet-asset relationship.
20: optional MediaInformation.UserDefinedProductMetadata metadata
* Media key used to interact with the media systems.
21: optional MediaCommon.MediaKey media_key
* Flexible structure for additional media metadata. This field is only
* included in a read-path request if specifically requested. It will
* always be included, when applicable, in write-path responses.
22: optional MediaInformation.AdditionalMetadata additional_metadata
}(persisted='true', hasPersonalData = 'true')