twitter-team 01dbfee4c0 Open-sourcing Tweetypie
Tweetypie is the core Tweet service that handles the reading and writing of Tweet data.
2023-05-19 16:20:06 -05:00

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* This file contains definitions for transient, passthrough structured data.
* If you need to add structured data that Tweetypie accepts in a request
* and passes the data through to one or more backends (eg. EventBus), this
* is the place to put it. Tweetypie may or may not inspect the data and
* alter the behavior based on it, but it won't change it.
namespace java com.twitter.tweetypie.thriftjava
#@namespace scala com.twitter.tweetypie.thriftscala
#@namespace strato com.twitter.tweetypie
namespace py gen.twitter.tweetypie.transient_context
namespace rb TweetyPie
namespace go tweetypie
include "com/twitter/tweetypie/tweet.thrift"
enum BatchComposeMode {
* This is the first Tweet in a batch.
* This is any of the subsequent Tweets in a batch.
* Data supplied at Tweet creation time that is not served by Tweetypie, but
* is passed through to consumers of the tweet_events eventbus stream as part
* of TweetCreateEvent.
* This is different from additional_context in that Tweetypie
* inspects this data as well, and we prefer structs over strings.
* If adding a new field that will be passed through to eventbus, prefer this
* over additional_context.
struct TransientCreateContext {
* Indicates whether a Tweet was created using a batch composer, and if so
* position of a Tweet within the batch.
* A value of 'None' indicates that the tweet was not created in a batch.
* More info:
1: optional BatchComposeMode batch_compose
* Indicates if the tweet contains a live Periscope streaming video.
* This enables Periscope LiveFollow.
2: optional bool periscope_is_live
* Indicates the userId of the live Periscope streaming video.
* This enables Periscope LiveFollow.
3: optional i64 periscope_creator_id (personalDataType='UserId')
}(persisted='true', hasPersonalData='true')