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package com.twitter.tweetypie
package hydrator
import com.twitter.mediaservices.commons.thriftscala.MediaKey
import com.twitter.mediaservices.media_util.GenericMediaKey
import com.twitter.spam.rtf.thriftscala.SafetyLevel
import com.twitter.stitch.Stitch
import com.twitter.tweetypie.core.ValueState
import com.twitter.tweetypie.thriftscala.MediaEntity
import com.twitter.tweetypie.thriftscala.UrlEntity
import com.twitter.tweetypie.repository.TweetQuery
import com.twitter.tweetypie.repository.TweetRepository
import com.twitter.tweetypie.thriftscala.FieldByPath
* MediaRefsHydrator hydrates the Tweet.mediaRefs field based on stored media keys
* and pasted media. Media keys are available in three ways:
* 1. (For old Tweets): in the stored MediaEntity
* 2. (For 2016+ Tweets): in the mediaKeys field
* 3. From other Tweets using pasted media
* This hydrator combines these three sources into a single field, providing the
* media key and source Tweet information for pasted media.
* Long-term we will move this logic to the write path and backfill the field for old Tweets.
object MediaRefsHydrator {
type Type = ValueHydrator[Option[Seq[MediaRef]], Ctx]
case class Ctx(
media: Seq[MediaEntity],
mediaKeys: Seq[MediaKey],
urlEntities: Seq[UrlEntity],
underlyingTweetCtx: TweetCtx)
extends TweetCtx.Proxy {
def includePastedMedia: Boolean = opts.include.pastedMedia
val hydratedField: FieldByPath = fieldByPath(Tweet.MediaRefsField)
def mediaKeyToMediaRef(mediaKey: MediaKey): MediaRef =
genericMediaKey = GenericMediaKey(mediaKey).toStringKey()
// Convert a pasted Tweet into a Seq of MediaRef from that Tweet with the correct sourceTweetId and sourceUserId
def pastedTweetToMediaRefs(
tweet: Tweet
): Seq[MediaRef] =
tweet.mediaRefs.toSeq.flatMap { mediaRefs =>
sourceTweetId = Some(,
sourceUserId = Some(getUserId(tweet))
// Fetch MediaRefs from pasted media Tweet URLs in the Tweet text
def getPastedMediaRefs(
repo: TweetRepository.Optional,
ctx: Ctx,
includePastedMedia: Gate[Unit]
): Stitch[Seq[MediaRef]] = {
if (includePastedMedia() && ctx.includePastedMedia) {
// Extract Tweet ids from pasted media permalinks in the Tweet text
val pastedMediaTweetIds: Seq[TweetId] =
PastedMediaHydrator.pastedIdsAndEntities(ctx.tweetId, ctx.urlEntities).map(_._1)
val opts = TweetQuery.Options(
include = TweetQuery.Include(
tweetFields = Set(,,
pastedMedia = false // don't recursively load pasted media refs
// Load a Seq of Tweets with pasted media, ignoring any returned with NotFound or a FilteredState
val pastedTweets: Stitch[Seq[Tweet]] = Stitch
.traverse(pastedMediaTweetIds) { id =>
repo(id, opts)
} else {
// Make empty Seq None and non-empty Seq Some(Seq(...)) to comply with the thrift field type
def optionalizeSeq(mediaRefs: Seq[MediaRef]): Option[Seq[MediaRef]] =
def apply(
repo: TweetRepository.Optional,
includePastedMedia: Gate[Unit]
): Type = {
ValueHydrator[Option[Seq[MediaRef]], Ctx] { (curr, ctx) =>
// Fetch mediaRefs from Tweet media
val storedMediaRefs: Seq[MediaRef] = { mediaEntity =>
// Use MediaKeyHydrator.infer to determine the media key from the media entity
val mediaKey = MediaKeyHydrator.infer(Some(ctx.mediaKeys), mediaEntity)
// Fetch mediaRefs from pasted media
getPastedMediaRefs(repo, ctx, includePastedMedia) {
case Return(pastedMediaRefs) =>
// Combine the refs from the Tweet's own media and those from pasted media, then limit
// to MaxMediaEntitiesPerTweet.
val limitedRefs =
(storedMediaRefs ++ pastedMediaRefs).take(PastedMediaHydrator.MaxMediaEntitiesPerTweet), optionalizeSeq(limitedRefs))
case Throw(_) =>
ValueState.partial(optionalizeSeq(storedMediaRefs), hydratedField)
}.onlyIf { (_, ctx) =>
ctx.tweetFieldRequested(Tweet.MediaRefsField) ||
ctx.opts.safetyLevel != SafetyLevel.FilterNone