
201 lines
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package com.twitter.tweetypie
package hydrator
import com.twitter.servo.util.ExceptionCounter
import com.twitter.stitch.Stitch
import com.twitter.tweetypie.core.EditState
import com.twitter.tweetypie.core.ValueState
import com.twitter.util.Try
* A ValueHydrator hydrates a value of type `A`, with a hydration context of type `C`,
* and produces a value of type ValueState[A] (ValueState encapsulates the value and
* its associated HydrationState).
* Because ValueHydrators take a value and produce a new value, they can easily be run
* in sequence, but not in parallel. To run hydrators in parallel, see [[EditHydrator]].
* A series of ValueHydrators of the same type may be run in sequence via
* `ValueHydrator.inSequence`.
class ValueHydrator[A, C] private (val run: (A, C) => Stitch[ValueState[A]]) {
* Apply this hydrator to a value, producing a ValueState.
def apply(a: A, ctx: C): Stitch[ValueState[A]] = run(a, ctx)
* Apply with an empty context: only used in tests.
def apply(a: A)(implicit ev: Unit <:< C): Stitch[ValueState[A]] =
apply(a, ev(()))
* Convert this ValueHydrator to the equivalent EditHydrator.
def toEditHydrator: EditHydrator[A, C] =
EditHydrator[A, C] { (a, ctx) =>, ctx).map(value => EditState(_ => value)) }
* Chains two ValueHydrators in sequence.
def andThen(next: ValueHydrator[A, C]): ValueHydrator[A, C] =
ValueHydrator[A, C] { (x0, ctx) =>
for {
r1 <- run(x0, ctx)
r2 <-, ctx)
} yield {
ValueState(r2.value, r1.state ++ r2.state)
* Executes this ValueHydrator conditionally based on a Gate.
def ifEnabled(gate: Gate[Unit]): ValueHydrator[A, C] =
onlyIf((_, _) => gate())
* Executes this ValueHydrator conditionally based on a boolean function.
def onlyIf(cond: (A, C) => Boolean): ValueHydrator[A, C] =
ValueHydrator { (a, c) =>
if (cond(a, c)) {
run(a, c)
} else {
* Converts a ValueHydrator of input type `A` to input type `Option[A]`.
def liftOption: ValueHydrator[Option[A], C] =
* Converts a ValueHydrator of input type `A` to input type `Option[A]` with a
* default input value.
def liftOption(default: A): ValueHydrator[Option[A], C] =
private def liftOption(default: Option[A]): ValueHydrator[Option[A], C] = {
val none = Stitch.value(ValueState.unit(None))
ValueHydrator[Option[A], C] { (a, ctx) =>
a.orElse(default) match {
case Some(a) =>, ctx).map(s =>
case None => none
* Converts a ValueHydrator of input type `A` to input type `Seq[A]`.
def liftSeq: ValueHydrator[Seq[A], C] =
ValueHydrator[Seq[A], C] { (as, ctx) =>
Stitch.traverse(as)(a => run(a, ctx)).map(rs => ValueState.sequence[A](rs))
* Produces a new ValueHydrator that collects stats on the hydration.
def observe(
stats: StatsReceiver,
mkExceptionCounter: (StatsReceiver, String) => ExceptionCounter = (stats, scope) =>
new ExceptionCounter(stats, scope)
): ValueHydrator[A, C] = {
val callCounter = stats.counter("calls")
val noopCounter = stats.counter("noop")
val modifiedCounter = stats.counter("modified")
val partialCounter = stats.counter("partial")
val completedCounter = stats.counter("completed")
val exceptionCounter = mkExceptionCounter(stats, "failures")
ValueHydrator[A, C] { (a, ctx) =>, ctx).respond {
case Return(ValueState(_, state)) =>
if (state.isEmpty) {
} else {
if (state.modified) modifiedCounter.incr()
if (state.failedFields.nonEmpty) partialCounter.incr()
if (state.completedHydrations.nonEmpty) completedCounter.incr()
case Throw(ex) =>
* Produces a new ValueHydrator that uses a lens to extract the value to hydrate,
* using this hydrator, and then to put the updated value back in the enclosing struct.
def lensed[B](lens: Lens[B, A]): ValueHydrator[B, C] =
ValueHydrator[B, C] { (b, ctx) =>, ctx).map {
case ValueState(value, state) =>
ValueState(lens.set(b, value), state)
object ValueHydrator {
* Create a ValueHydrator from a function that returns Stitch[ValueState[A]]
def apply[A, C](f: (A, C) => Stitch[ValueState[A]]): ValueHydrator[A, C] =
new ValueHydrator[A, C](f)
* Produces a ValueState instance with the given value and an empty HydrationState
def unit[A, C]: ValueHydrator[A, C] =
ValueHydrator { (a, _) => Stitch.value(ValueState.unit(a)) }
* Runs several ValueHydrators in sequence.
def inSequence[A, C](bs: ValueHydrator[A, C]*): ValueHydrator[A, C] =
bs match {
case Seq(b) => b
case Seq(b1, b2) => b1.andThen(b2)
case _ => bs.reduceLeft(_.andThen(_))
* Creates a `ValueHydrator` from a Mutation. If the mutation returns None (indicating
* no change) the hydrator will return an ValueState.unmodified with the input value;
* otherwise, it will return an ValueState.modified with the mutated value.
* If the mutation throws an exception, it will be caught and lifted to Stitch.exception.
def fromMutation[A, C](mutation: Mutation[A]): ValueHydrator[A, C] =
ValueHydrator[A, C] { (input, _) =>
Try {
mutation(input) match {
case None => ValueState.unmodified(input)
case Some(output) => ValueState.modified(output)
* Creates a Hydrator from a non-`Stitch` producing function. If the function throws
* an error it will be caught and converted to a Throw.
def map[A, C](f: (A, C) => ValueState[A]): ValueHydrator[A, C] =
ValueHydrator[A, C] { (a, ctx) => Stitch.const(Try(f(a, ctx))) }