
148 lines
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package com.twitter.tweetypie
package repository
import com.twitter.spam.rtf.thriftscala.SafetyLevel
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
object TweetQuery {
* Parent trait that indicates what triggered the tweet query.
sealed trait Cause {
import Cause._
* Is the tweet query hydrating the specified tweet for the purposes of a write?
def writing(tweetId: TweetId): Boolean =
this match {
case w: Write if w.tweetId == tweetId => true
case _ => false
* Is the tweet query performing a regular read for any tweet? If the cause is
* a write on a different tweet, then any other tweet that is read in support of the write
* is considered a normal read, and is subject to read-path hydration.
def reading(tweetId: TweetId): Boolean =
* Are we performing an insert after create on the specified tweet? An undelete operation
* performs an insert, but is not considered an initial insert.
def initialInsert(tweetId: TweetId): Boolean =
this match {
case Insert(`tweetId`) => true
case _ => false
object Cause {
case object Read extends Cause
trait Write extends Cause {
val tweetId: TweetId
case class Insert(tweetId: TweetId) extends Write
case class Undelete(tweetId: TweetId) extends Write
* Options for TweetQuery.
* @param include indicates which optionally hydrated fields on each tweet should be
* hydrated and included.
* @param enforceVisibilityFiltering whether Tweetypie visibility hydrators should be run to
* filter protected tweets, blocked quote tweets, contributor data, etc. This does not affect
* Visibility Library (http://go/vf) based filtering.
* @param cause indicates what triggered the read: a normal read, or a write operation.
* @param forExternalConsumption when true, the tweet is being read for rendering to an external
* client such as the iPhone Twitter app and is subject to being Dropped to prevent serving
* "bad" text to clients that might crash their OS. When false, the tweet is being read for internal
* non-client purposes and should never be Dropped.
* @param isInnerQuotedTweet Set by [[com.twitter.tweetypie.hydrator.QuotedTweetHydrator]],
* to be used by [[com.twitter.visibility.interfaces.tweets.TweetVisibilityLibrary]]
* so VisibilityFiltering library can execute Interstitial logic on inner quoted tweets.
* @param fetchStoredTweets Set by GetStoredTweetsHandler. If set to true, the Manhattan storage
* layer will fetch and construct Tweets regardless of what state they're in.
case class Options(
include: TweetQuery.Include,
cacheControl: CacheControl = CacheControl.ReadWriteCache,
cardsPlatformKey: Option[String] = None,
excludeReported: Boolean = false,
enforceVisibilityFiltering: Boolean = false,
safetyLevel: SafetyLevel = SafetyLevel.FilterNone,
forUserId: Option[UserId] = None,
languageTag: String = "en",
extensionsArgs: Option[ByteBuffer] = None,
cause: Cause = Cause.Read,
scrubUnrequestedFields: Boolean = true,
requireSourceTweet: Boolean = true,
forExternalConsumption: Boolean = false,
simpleQuotedTweet: Boolean = false,
isInnerQuotedTweet: Boolean = false,
fetchStoredTweets: Boolean = false,
isSourceTweet: Boolean = false,
enableEditControlHydration: Boolean = true)
case class Include(
tweetFields: Set[FieldId] = Set.empty,
countsFields: Set[FieldId] = Set.empty,
mediaFields: Set[FieldId] = Set.empty,
quotedTweet: Boolean = false,
pastedMedia: Boolean = false) {
* Accumulates additional (rather than replaces) field ids.
def also(
tweetFields: Traversable[FieldId] = Nil,
countsFields: Traversable[FieldId] = Nil,
mediaFields: Traversable[FieldId] = Nil,
quotedTweet: Option[Boolean] = None,
pastedMedia: Option[Boolean] = None
): Include =
tweetFields = this.tweetFields ++ tweetFields,
countsFields = this.countsFields ++ countsFields,
mediaFields = this.mediaFields ++ mediaFields,
quotedTweet = quotedTweet.getOrElse(this.quotedTweet),
pastedMedia = pastedMedia.getOrElse(this.pastedMedia)
* Removes field ids.
def exclude(
tweetFields: Traversable[FieldId] = Nil,
countsFields: Traversable[FieldId] = Nil,
mediaFields: Traversable[FieldId] = Nil
): Include =
tweetFields = this.tweetFields -- tweetFields,
countsFields = this.countsFields -- countsFields,
mediaFields = this.mediaFields -- mediaFields
def ++(that: Include): Include =
tweetFields = this.tweetFields ++ that.tweetFields,
countsFields = this.countsFields ++ that.countsFields,
mediaFields = this.mediaFields ++ that.mediaFields,
quotedTweet = this.quotedTweet || that.quotedTweet,
pastedMedia = this.pastedMedia || that.pastedMedia
sealed case class CacheControl(writeToCache: Boolean, readFromCache: Boolean)
object CacheControl {
val NoCache: CacheControl = CacheControl(false, false)
val ReadOnlyCache: CacheControl = CacheControl(false, true)
val ReadWriteCache: CacheControl = CacheControl(true, true)