twitter-team 617c8c787d Open-sourcing Unified User Actions
Unified User Action (UUA) is a centralized, real-time stream of user actions on Twitter, consumed by various product, ML, and marketing teams. UUA makes sure all internal teams consume the uniformed user actions data in an accurate and fast way.
2023-04-14 16:45:37 -05:00

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namespace java com.twitter.unified_user_actions.thriftjava
#@namespace scala com.twitter.unified_user_actions.thriftscala
#@namespace strato com.twitter.unified_user_actions
include "com/twitter/clientapp/gen/client_app.thrift"
include "com/twitter/reportflow/report_flow_logs.thrift"
include "com/twitter/socialgraph/social_graph_service_write_log.thrift"
include "com/twitter/gizmoduck/user_service.thrift"
* ActionType is typically a three part enum consisting of
* [Origin][Item Type][Action Name]
* [Origin] is usually "client" or "server" to indicate how the action was derived.
* [Item Type] is singular and refers to the shorthand version of the type of
* Item (e.g. Tweet, Profile, Notification instead of TweetInfo, ProfileInfo, NotificationInfo)
* the action occurred on. Action types and item types should be 1:1, and when an action can be
* performed on multiple types of items, consider granular action types.
* [Action Name] is the descriptive name of the user action (e.g. favorite, render impression);
* action names should correspond to UI actions / ML labels (which are typically based on user
* behavior from UI actions)
* Below are guidelines around naming of action types:
* a) When an action is coupled to a product surface, be concise in naming such that the
* combination of item type and action name captures the user behavior for the action in the UI. For example,
* for an open on a Notification in the PushNotification product surface that is parsed from client events,
* consider ClientNotificationOpen because the item Notification and the action name Open concisely represent
* the action, and the product surface PushNotification can be identified independently.
* b) It is OK to use generic names like Click if needed to distinguish from another action OR
* it is the best way to characterize an action concisely without confusion.
* For example, for ClientTweetClickReply, this refers to actually clicking on the Reply button but not
* Replying, and it is OK to include Click. Another example is Click on a Tweet anywhere (other than the fav,
* reply, etc. buttons), which leads to the TweetDetails page. Avoid generic action names like Click if
* there is a more specific UI aspect to reference and Click is implied, e.g. ClientTweetReport is
* preferred over ClientTweetClickReport and ClientTweetReportClick.
* c) Rely on versioning found in the origin when it is present for action names. For example,
* a "V2Impression" is named as such because in behavioral client events, there is
* a "v2Impress" field. See go/bce-v2impress for more details.
* d) There is a distinction between "UndoAction" and "Un{Action}" action types.
* An "UndoAction" is fired when a user clicks on the explicit "Undo" button, after they perform an action
* This "Undo" button is a UI element that may be temporary, e.g.,
* - the user waited too long to click the button, the button disappears from the UI (e.g., Undo for Mute, Block)
* - the button does not disappear due to timeout, but becomes unavailable after the user closes a tab
* (e.g, Undo for NotInterestedIn, NotAboutTopic)
* Examples:
- ClientProfileUndoMute: a user clicks the "Undo" button after muting a Profile
- ClientTweetUndoNotInterestedIn: a users clicks the "Undo" button
after clicking "Not interested in this Tweet" button in the caret menu of a Tweet
* An "Un{Action}" is fired when a user reverses a previous action, not by explicitly clicking an "Undo" button,
* but through some other action that allows them to revert.
* Examples:
* - ClientProfileUnmute: a user clicks the "Unmute" button from the caret menu of the Profile they previously muted
* - ClientTweetUnfav: a user unlikes a tweet by clicking on like button again
* Examples: ServerTweetFav, ClientTweetRenderImpression, ClientNotificationSeeLessOften
* See go/uua-action-type for more details.
enum ActionType {
// 0 - 999 used for actions derived from Server-side sources (e.g. Timelineservice, Tweetypie)
// NOTE: Please match values for corresponding server / client enum members (with offset 1000).
ServerTweetFav = 0
ServerTweetUnfav = 1
// Reserve 2 and 3 for ServerTweetLingerImpression and ServerTweetRenderImpression
ServerTweetCreate = 4
ServerTweetReply = 5
ServerTweetQuote = 6
ServerTweetRetweet = 7
// skip 8-10 since there are no server equivalents for ClickCreate, ClickReply, ClickQuote
// reserve 11-16 for server video engagements
ServerTweetDelete = 17 // User deletes a default tweet
ServerTweetUnreply = 18 // User deletes a reply tweet
ServerTweetUnquote = 19 // User deletes a quote tweet
ServerTweetUnretweet = 20 // User removes an existing retweet
// User edits a tweet. Edit will create a new tweet with editedTweetId = id of the original tweet
// The original tweet or the new tweet from edit can only be a default or quote tweet.
// A user can edit a default tweet to become a quote tweet (by adding the link to another Tweet),
// or edit a quote tweet to remove the quote and make it a default tweet.
// Both the initial tweet and the new tweet created from the edit can be edited, and each time the
// new edit will create a new tweet. All subsequent edits would have the same initial tweet id
// as the TweetInfo.editedTweetId.
// e.g. create Tweet A, edit Tweet A -> Tweet B, edit Tweet B -> Tweet C
// initial tweet id for both Tweet B anc Tweet C would be Tweet A
ServerTweetEdit = 21
// skip 22 for delete an edit if we want to add it in the future
// reserve 30-40 for server topic actions
// 41-70 reserved for all negative engagements and the related positive engagements
// For example, Follow and Unfollow, Mute and Unmute
// This is fired when a user click "Submit" at the end of a "Report Tweet" flow
// ClientTweetReport = 1041 is scribed by HealthClient team, on the client side
// This is scribed by spamacaw, on the server side
// They can be joined on reportFlowId
// See
ServerTweetReport = 41
// reserve 42 for ServerTweetNotInterestedIn
// reserve 43 for ServerTweetUndoNotInterestedIn
// reserve 44 for ServerTweetNotAboutTopic
// reserve 45 for ServerTweetUndoNotAboutTopic
ServerProfileFollow = 50 // User follows a Profile
ServerProfileUnfollow = 51 // User unfollows a Profile
ServerProfileBlock = 52 // User blocks a Profile
ServerProfileUnblock = 53 // User unblocks a Profile
ServerProfileMute = 54 // User mutes a Profile
ServerProfileUnmute = 55 // User unmutes a Profile
// User reports a Profile as Spam / Abuse
// This user action type includes ProfileReportAsSpam and ProfileReportAsAbuse
ServerProfileReport = 56
// reserve 57 for ServerProfileUnReport
// reserve 56-70 for server social graph actions
// 71-90 reserved for click-based events
// reserve 71 for ServerTweetClick
// 1000 - 1999 used for actions derived from Client-side sources (e.g. Client Events, BCE)
// NOTE: Please match values for corresponding server / client enum members (with offset 1000).
// 1000 - 1499 used for legacy client events
ClientTweetFav = 1000
ClientTweetUnfav = 1001
ClientTweetLingerImpression = 1002
// Please note that: Render impression for quoted Tweets would emit 2 events:
// 1 for the quoting Tweet and 1 for the original Tweet!!!
ClientTweetRenderImpression = 1003
// 1004 reserved for ClientTweetCreate
// This is "Send Reply" event to indicate publishing of a reply Tweet as opposed to clicking
// on the reply button to initiate a reply Tweet (captured in ClientTweetClickReply).
// The differences between this and the ServerTweetReply are:
// 1) ServerTweetReply already has the new Tweet Id 2) A sent reply may be lost during transfer
// over the wire and thus may not end up with a follow-up ServerTweetReply.
ClientTweetReply = 1005
// This is the "send quote" event to indicate publishing of a quote tweet as opposed to clicking
// on the quote button to initiate a quote tweet (captured in ClientTweetClickQuote).
// The differences between this and the ServerTweetQuote are:
// 1) ServerTweetQuote already has the new Tweet Id 2) A sent quote may be lost during transfer
// over the wire and thus may not end up with a follow-up ServerTweetQuote.
ClientTweetQuote = 1006
// This is the "retweet" event to indicate publishing of a retweet.
ClientTweetRetweet = 1007
// 1008 reserved for ClientTweetClickCreate
// This is user clicking on the Reply button not actually sending a reply Tweet,
// thus the name ClickReply
ClientTweetClickReply = 1009
// This is user clicking the Quote/RetweetWithComment button not actually sending the quote,
// thus the name ClickQuote
ClientTweetClickQuote = 1010
// 1011 - 1016: Refer to go/cme-scribing and go/interaction-event-spec for details
// This is fired when playback reaches 25% of total track duration. Not valid for live videos.
// For looping playback, this is only fired once and does not reset at loop boundaries.
ClientTweetVideoPlayback25 = 1011
// This is fired when playback reaches 50% of total track duration. Not valid for live videos.
// For looping playback, this is only fired once and does not reset at loop boundaries.
ClientTweetVideoPlayback50 = 1012
// This is fired when playback reaches 75% of total track duration. Not valid for live videos.
// For looping playback, this is only fired once and does not reset at loop boundaries.
ClientTweetVideoPlayback75 = 1013
// This is fired when playback reaches 95% of total track duration. Not valid for live videos.
// For looping playback, this is only fired once and does not reset at loop boundaries.
ClientTweetVideoPlayback95 = 1014
// This if fired when the video has been played in non-preview
// (i.e. not autoplaying in the timeline) mode, and was not started via auto-advance.
// For looping playback, this is only fired once and does not reset at loop boundaries.
ClientTweetVideoPlayFromTap = 1015
// This is fired when 50% of the video has been on-screen and playing for 10 consecutive seconds
// or 95% of the video duration, whichever comes first.
// For looping playback, this is only fired once and does not reset at loop boundaries.
ClientTweetVideoQualityView = 1016
// Fired when either view_threshold or play_from_tap is fired.
// For looping playback, this is only fired once and does not reset at loop boundaries.
ClientTweetVideoView = 1109
// Fired when 50% of the video has been on-screen and playing for 2 consecutive seconds,
// regardless of video duration.
// For looping playback, this is only fired once and does not reset at loop boundaries.
ClientTweetVideoMrcView = 1110
// Fired when the video is:
// - Playing for 3 cumulative (not necessarily consecutive) seconds with 100% in view for looping video.
// - Playing for 3 cumulative (not necessarily consecutive) seconds or the video duration, whichever comes first, with 100% in view for non-looping video.
// For looping playback, this is only fired once and does not reset at loop boundaries.
ClientTweetVideoViewThreshold = 1111
// Fired when the user clicks a generic visit url call to action.
ClientTweetVideoCtaUrlClick = 1112
// Fired when the user clicks a watch now call to action.
ClientTweetVideoCtaWatchClick = 1113
// 1017 reserved for ClientTweetDelete
// 1018-1019 for Client delete a reply and delete a quote if we want to add them in the future
// This is fired when a user clicks on "Undo retweet" after re-tweeting a tweet
ClientTweetUnretweet = 1020
// 1021 reserved for ClientTweetEdit
// 1022 reserved for Client delete an edit if we want to add it in the future
// This is fired when a user clicks on a photo within a tweet and the photo expands to fit
// the screen.
ClientTweetPhotoExpand = 1023
// This is fired when a user clicks on a profile mention inside a tweet.
ClientTweetClickMentionScreenName = 1024
// 1030 - 1035 for topic actions
// There are multiple cases:
// 1. Follow from the Topic page (or so-called landing page)
// 2. Click on Tweet's caret menu of "Follow (the topic)", it needs to be:
// 1) user follows the Topic already (otherwise there is no "Follow" menu by default),
// 2) and clicked on the "Unfollow Topic" first.
ClientTopicFollow = 1030
// There are multiple cases:
// 1. Unfollow from the Topic page (or so-called landing page)
// 2. Click on Tweet's caret menu of "Unfollow (the topic)" if the user has already followed
// the topic.
ClientTopicUnfollow = 1031
// This is fired when the user clicks the "x" icon next to the topic on their timeline,
// and clicks "Not interested in {TOPIC}" in the pop-up prompt
// Alternatively, they can also click "See more" button to visit the topic page, and click "Not interested" there.
ClientTopicNotInterestedIn = 1032
// This is fired when the user clicks the "Undo" button after clicking "x" or "Not interested" on a Topic
// which is captured in ClientTopicNotInterestedIn
ClientTopicUndoNotInterestedIn = 1033
// 1036-1070 reserved for all negative engagements and the related positive engagements
// For example, Follow and Unfollow, Mute and Unmute
// This is fired when a user clicks on "This Tweet's not helpful" flow in the caret menu
// of a Tweet result on the Search Results Page
ClientTweetNotHelpful = 1036
// This is fired when a user clicks Undo after clicking on
// "This Tweet's not helpful" flow in the caret menu of a Tweet result on the Search Results Page
ClientTweetUndoNotHelpful = 1037
// This is fired when a user starts and/or completes the "Report Tweet" flow in the caret menu of a Tweet
ClientTweetReport = 1041
* 1042-1045 refers to actions that are related to the
* "Not Interested In" button in the caret menu of a Tweet.
* ClientTweetNotInterestedIn is fired when a user clicks the
* "Not interested in this Tweet" button in the caret menu of a Tweet.
* A user can undo the ClientTweetNotInterestedIn action by clicking the
* "Undo" button that appears as a prompt in the caret menu, resulting
* in ClientTweetUndoNotInterestedIn being fired.
* If a user chooses to not undo and proceed, they are given multiple choices
* in a prompt to better document why they are not interested in a Tweet.
* For example, if a Tweet is not about a Topic, a user can click
* "This Tweet is not about {TOPIC}" in the provided prompt, resulting in
* in ClientTweetNotAboutTopic being fired.
* A user can undo the ClientTweetNotAboutTopic action by clicking the "Undo"
* button that appears as a subsequent prompt in the caret menu. Undoing this action
* results in the previous UI state, where the user had only marked "Not Interested In" and
* can still undo the original ClientTweetNotInterestedIn action.
* Similarly a user can select "This Tweet isn't recent" action resulting in ClientTweetNotRecent
* and he could undo this action immediately which results in ClientTweetUndoNotRecent
* Similarly a user can select "Show fewer tweets from" action resulting in ClientTweetSeeFewer
* and he could undo this action immediately which results in ClientTweetUndoSeeFewer
ClientTweetNotInterestedIn = 1042
ClientTweetUndoNotInterestedIn = 1043
ClientTweetNotAboutTopic = 1044
ClientTweetUndoNotAboutTopic = 1045
ClientTweetNotRecent = 1046
ClientTweetUndoNotRecent = 1047
ClientTweetSeeFewer = 1048
ClientTweetUndoSeeFewer = 1049
// This is fired when a user follows a profile from the
// profile page header / people module and people tab on the Search Results Page / sidebar on the Home page
// A Profile can also be followed when a user clicks follow in the caret menu of a Tweet
// or follow button on hovering on profile avatar, which is captured in ClientTweetFollowAuthor = 1060
ClientProfileFollow = 1050
// reserve 1050/1051 for client side Follow/Unfollow
// This is fired when a user clicks Block in a Profile page
// A Profile can also be blocked when a user clicks Block in the caret menu of a Tweet,
// which is captured in ClientTweetBlockAuthor = 1062
ClientProfileBlock = 1052
// This is fired when a user clicks unblock in a pop-up prompt right after blocking a profile
// in the profile page or clicks unblock in a drop-down menu in the profile page.
ClientProfileUnblock = 1053
// This is fired when a user clicks Mute in a Profile page
// A Profile can also be muted when a user clicks Mute in the caret menu of a Tweet, which is captured in ClientTweetMuteAuthor = 1064
ClientProfileMute = 1054
// reserve 1055 for client side Unmute
// This is fired when a user clicks "Report User" action from user profile page
ClientProfileReport = 1056
// reserve 1057 for ClientProfileUnreport
// This is fired when a user clicks on a profile from all modules except tweets
// (eg: People Search / people module in Top tab in Search Result Page
// For tweets, the click is captured in ClientTweetClickProfile
ClientProfileClick = 1058
// reserve 1059-1070 for client social graph actions
// This is fired when a user clicks Follow in the caret menu of a Tweet or hovers on the avatar of the tweet
// author and clicks on the Follow button. A profile can also be followed by clicking the Follow button on the
// Profile page and confirm, which is captured in ClientProfileFollow. The event emits two items, one of user type
// and another of tweet type, since the default implementation of BaseClientEvent only looks for Tweet type,
// the other item is dropped which is the expected behaviour
ClientTweetFollowAuthor = 1060
// This is fired when a user clicks Unfollow in the caret menu of a Tweet or hovers on the avatar of the tweet
// author and clicks on the Unfollow button. A profile can also be unfollowed by clicking the Unfollow button on the
// Profile page and confirm, which will be captured in ClientProfileUnfollow. The event emits two items, one of user type
// and another of tweet type, since the default implementation of BaseClientEvent only looks for Tweet type,
// the other item is dropped which is the expected behaviour
ClientTweetUnfollowAuthor = 1061
// This is fired when a user clicks Block in the menu of a Tweet to block the Profile that
// authored this Tweet. A Profile can also be blocked in the Profile page, which is captured
// in ClientProfileBlock = 1052
ClientTweetBlockAuthor = 1062
// This is fired when a user clicks unblock in a pop-up prompt right after blocking an author
// in the drop-down menu of a tweet
ClientTweetUnblockAuthor = 1063
// This is fired when a user clicks Mute in the menu of a Tweet to block the Profile that
// authored this Tweet. A Profile can also be muted in the Profile page, which is captured in ClientProfileMute = 1054
ClientTweetMuteAuthor = 1064
// reserve 1065 for ClientTweetUnmuteAuthor
// 1071-1090 reserved for click-based events
// click-based events are defined as clicks on a UI container (e.g., tweet, profile, etc.), as opposed to clearly named
// button or menu (e.g., follow, block, report, etc.), which requires a specific action name than "click".
// This is fired when a user clicks on a Tweet to open the Tweet details page. Note that for
// Tweets in the Notification Tab product surface, a click can be registered differently
// depending on whether the Tweet is a rendered Tweet (a click results in ClientTweetClick)
// or a wrapper Notification (a click results in ClientNotificationClick).
ClientTweetClick = 1071
// This is fired when a user clicks to view the profile page of a user from a tweet
// Contains a TweetInfo of this tweet
ClientTweetClickProfile = 1072
// This is fired when a user clicks on the "share" icon on a Tweet to open the share menu.
// The user may or may not proceed and finish sharing the Tweet.
ClientTweetClickShare = 1073
// This is fired when a user clicks "Copy link to Tweet" in a menu appeared after hitting
// the "share" icon on a Tweet OR when a user selects share_via -> copy_link after long-click
// a link inside a tweet on a mobile device
ClientTweetShareViaCopyLink = 1074
// This is fired when a user clicks "Send via Direct Message" after
// clicking on the "share" icon on a Tweet to open the share menu.
// The user may or may not proceed and finish Sending the DM.
ClientTweetClickSendViaDirectMessage = 1075
// This is fired when a user clicks "Bookmark" after
// clicking on the "share" icon on a Tweet to open the share menu.
ClientTweetShareViaBookmark = 1076
// This is fired when a user clicks "Remove Tweet from Bookmarks" after
// clicking on the "share" icon on a Tweet to open the share menu.
ClientTweetUnbookmark = 1077
// This is fired when a user clicks on the hashtag in a Tweet.
// The click on hashtag in "What's happening" section gives you other scribe '*:*:sidebar:*:trend:search'
// Currenly we are only filtering for itemType=Tweet. There are other items present in the event where itemType = user
// but those items are in dual-events (events with multiple itemTypes) and happen when you click on a hashtag in a Tweet from someone's profile,
// hence we are ignoring those itemType and only keeping itemType=Tweet.
ClientTweetClickHashtag = 1078
// This is fired when a user clicks "Bookmark" after clicking on the "share" icon on a Tweet to open the share menu, or
// when a user clicks on the 'bookmark' icon on a Tweet (bookmark icon is available to ios only as of March 2023).
// TweetBookmark and TweetShareByBookmark log the same events but serve for individual use cases.
ClientTweetBookmark = 1079
// 1078 - 1089 for all Share related actions.
// This is fired when a user clicks on a link in a tweet.
// The link could be displayed as a URL or embedded in a component such as an image or a card in a tweet.
ClientTweetOpenLink = 1090
// This is fired when a user takes screenshot.
// This is available for mobile clients only.
ClientTweetTakeScreenshot = 1091
// 1100 - 1101: Refer to go/cme-scribing and go/interaction-event-spec for details
// Fired on the first tick of a track regardless of where in the video it is playing.
// For looping playback, this is only fired once and does not reset at loop boundaries.
ClientTweetVideoPlaybackStart = 1100
// Fired when playback reaches 100% of total track duration.
// Not valid for live videos.
// For looping playback, this is only fired once and does not reset at loop boundaries.
ClientTweetVideoPlaybackComplete = 1101
// A user can select "This Tweet isn't relevant" action resulting in ClientTweetNotRelevant
// and they could undo this action immediately which results in ClientTweetUndoNotRelevant
ClientTweetNotRelevant = 1102
ClientTweetUndoNotRelevant = 1103
// A generic action type to submit feedback for different modules / items ( Tweets / Search Results )
ClientFeedbackPromptSubmit = 1104
// This is fired when a user profile is open in a Profile page
ClientProfileShow = 1105
* This is triggered when a user exits the Twitter platform. The amount of the time spent on the
* platform is recorded in ms that can be used to compute the User Active Seconds (UAS).
ClientAppExit = 1106
* For "card" related actions
ClientCardClick = 1107
ClientCardOpenApp = 1108
ClientCardAppInstallAttempt = 1114
ClientPollCardVote = 1115
* The impressions 1121-1123 together with the ClientTweetRenderImpression 1003 are used by ViewCount
* and UnifiedEngagementCounts as EngagementType.Displayed and EngagementType.Details.
* For definitions, please refer to
ClientTweetGalleryImpression = 1121
ClientTweetDetailsImpression = 1122
* This is fired when a user is logged out and follows a profile from the
* profile page / people module from web.
* One can only try to follow from web because iOS and Android do not support logged out browsing as of Jan 2023.
ClientProfileFollowAttempt = 1200
* This is fired when a user is logged out and favourite a tweet from web.
* One can only try to favourite from web, iOS and Android do not support logged out browsing
ClientTweetFavoriteAttempt = 1201
* This is fired when a user is logged out and Retweet a tweet from web.
* One can only try to favourite from web, iOS and Android do not support logged out browsing
ClientTweetRetweetAttempt = 1202
* This is fired when a user is logged out and reply on tweet from web.
* One can only try to favourite from web, iOS and Android do not support logged out browsing
ClientTweetReplyAttempt = 1203
* This is fired when a user is logged out and clicks on login button.
* Currently seem to be generated only on [m5, LiteNativeWrapper]
ClientCTALoginClick = 1204
* This is fired when a user is logged out and login window is shown.
ClientCTALoginStart = 1205
* This is fired when a user is logged out and login is successful.
ClientCTALoginSuccess = 1206
* This is fired when a user is logged out and clicks on signup button.
ClientCTASignupClick = 1207
* This is fired when a user is logged out and signup is successful.
ClientCTASignupSuccess = 1208
// 1400 - 1499 for product surface specific actions
// This is fired when a user opens a Push Notification
ClientNotificationOpen = 1400
// This is fired when a user clicks on a Notification in the Notification Tab
ClientNotificationClick = 1401
// This is fired when a user taps the "See Less Often" caret menu item of a Notification in the Notification Tab
ClientNotificationSeeLessOften = 1402
// This is fired when a user closes or swipes away a Push Notification
ClientNotificationDismiss = 1403
// 1420 - 1439 is reserved for Search Results Page related actions
// 1440 - 1449 is reserved for Typeahead related actions
// This is fired when a user clicks on a typeahead suggestion(queries, events, topics, users)
// in a drop-down menu of a search box or a tweet compose box.
ClientTypeaheadClick = 1440
// 1500 - 1999 used for behavioral client events
// Tweet related impressions
ClientTweetV2Impression = 1500
/* Fullscreen impressions
* Android client will always log fullscreen_video impressions, regardless of the media type
* i.e. video, image, MM will all be logged as fullscreen_video
* iOS clients will log fullscreen_video or fullscreen_image depending on the media type
* on display when the user exits fullscreen. i.e.
* - image tweet => fullscreen_image
* - video tweet => fullscreen_video
* - MM tweet => fullscreen_video if user exits fullscreen from the video
* => fullscreen_image if user exits fullscreen from the image
* Web clients will always log fullscreen_image impressions, regardless of the media type
* References
ClientTweetVideoFullscreenV2Impression = 1501
ClientTweetImageFullscreenV2Impression = 1502
// Profile related impressions
ClientProfileV2Impression = 1600
* Email Notifications: These are actions taken by the user in response to Your Highlights email
* ClientTweetEmailClick refers to the action NotificationType.Click
ClientTweetEmailClick = 5001
* User create via Gizmoduck
ServerUserCreate = 6000
ServerUserUpdate = 6001
* Ads callback engagements
* This engagement is generated when a user Favs a promoted Tweet.
ServerPromotedTweetFav = 7000
* This engagement is generated when a user Unfavs a promoted Tweet that they previously Faved.
ServerPromotedTweetUnfav = 7001
ServerPromotedTweetReply = 7002
ServerPromotedTweetRetweet = 7004
* The block could be performed from the promoted tweet or on the promoted tweet's author's profile
* ads_spend_event data shows majority (~97%) of blocks have an associated promoted tweet id
* So for now we assume the blocks are largely performed from the tweet and following naming convention of ClientTweetBlockAuthor
ServerPromotedTweetBlockAuthor = 7006
ServerPromotedTweetUnblockAuthor = 7007
* This is when a user clicks on the Conversational Card in the Promoted Tweet which
* leads to the Tweet Compose page. The user may or may not send the new Tweet.
ServerPromotedTweetComposeTweet = 7008
* This is when a user clicks on the Promoted Tweet to view its details/replies.
ServerPromotedTweetClick = 7009
* The video ads engagements are divided into two sets: VIDEO_CONTENT_* and VIDEO_AD_*. These engagements
* have similar definitions. VIDEO_CONTENT_* engagements are fired for videos that are part of
* a Tweet. VIDEO_AD_* engagements are fired for a preroll ad. A preroll ad can play on a promoted
* Tweet or on an organic Tweet. go/preroll-matching for more information.
* 7011-7013: A Promoted Event is fired when playback reaches 25%, 50%, 75% of total track duration.
* This is for the video on a promoted Tweet.
* Not valid for live videos. Refer go/avscribing.
* For a video that has a preroll ad played before it, the metadata will contain information about
* the preroll ad as well as the video itself. There will be no preroll metadata if there was no
* preroll ad played.
ServerPromotedTweetVideoPlayback25 = 7011
ServerPromotedTweetVideoPlayback50 = 7012
ServerPromotedTweetVideoPlayback75 = 7013
* This is when a user successfully completes the Report flow on a Promoted Tweet.
* It covers reports for all policies from Client Event.
ServerPromotedTweetReport = 7041
* Follow from Ads data stream, it could be from both Tweet or other places
ServerPromotedProfileFollow = 7060
* Follow from Ads data stream, it could be from both Tweet or other places
ServerPromotedProfileUnfollow = 7061
* This is when a user clicks on the mute promoted tweet's author option from the menu.
ServerPromotedTweetMuteAuthor = 7064
* This is fired when a user clicks on the profile image, screen name, or the user name of the
* author of the Promoted Tweet which leads to the author's profile page.
ServerPromotedTweetClickProfile = 7072
* This is fired when a user clicks on a hashtag in the Promoted Tweet.
ServerPromotedTweetClickHashtag = 7078
* This is fired when a user opens link by clicking on a URL in the Promoted Tweet.
ServerPromotedTweetOpenLink = 7079
* This is fired when a user swipes to the next element of the carousel in the Promoted Tweet.
ServerPromotedTweetCarouselSwipeNext = 7091
* This is fired when a user swipes to the previous element of the carousel in the Promoted Tweet.
ServerPromotedTweetCarouselSwipePrevious = 7092
* This event is only for the Promoted Tweets with a web URL.
* It is fired after exiting a WebView from a Promoted Tweet if the user was on the WebView for
* at least 1 second.
* See for more details.
ServerPromotedTweetLingerImpressionShort = 7093
* This event is only for the Promoted Tweets with a web URL.
* It is fired after exiting a WebView from a Promoted Tweet if the user was on the WebView for
* at least 2 seconds.
* See for more details.
ServerPromotedTweetLingerImpressionMedium = 7094
* This event is only for the Promoted Tweets with a web URL.
* It is fired after exiting a WebView from a Promoted Tweet if the user was on the WebView for
* at least 10 seconds.
* See for more details.
ServerPromotedTweetLingerImpressionLong = 7095
* This is fired when a user navigates to explorer page (taps search magnifying glass on Home page)
* and a Promoted Trend is present and taps ON the promoted spotlight - a video/gif/image in the
* "hero" position (top of the explorer page).
ServerPromotedTweetClickSpotlight = 7096
* This is fired when a user navigates to explorer page (taps search magnifying glass on Home page)
* and a Promoted Trend is present.
ServerPromotedTweetViewSpotlight = 7097
* 7098-7099: Promoted Trends appear in the first or second slots of the “Trends for you” section
* in the Explore tab and “Whats Happening” module on For more information, check go/ads-takeover.
* 7099: This is fired when a user views a promoted Trend. It should be considered as an impression.
ServerPromotedTrendView = 7098
* 7099: This is fired when a user clicks a promoted Trend. It should be considered as an engagment.
ServerPromotedTrendClick = 7099
* 7131-7133: A Promoted Event fired when playback reaches 25%, 50%, 75% of total track duration.
* This is for the preroll ad that plays before a video on a promoted Tweet.
* Not valid for live videos. Refer go/avscribing.
* This will only contain metadata for the preroll ad.
ServerPromotedTweetVideoAdPlayback25 = 7131
ServerPromotedTweetVideoAdPlayback50 = 7132
ServerPromotedTweetVideoAdPlayback75 = 7133
* 7151-7153: A Promoted Event fired when playback reaches 25%, 50%, 75% of total track duration.
* This is for the preroll ad that plays before a video on an organic Tweet.
* Not valid for live videos. Refer go/avscribing.
* This will only contain metadata for the preroll ad.
ServerTweetVideoAdPlayback25 = 7151
ServerTweetVideoAdPlayback50 = 7152
ServerTweetVideoAdPlayback75 = 7153
ServerPromotedTweetDismissWithoutReason = 7180
ServerPromotedTweetDismissUninteresting = 7181
ServerPromotedTweetDismissRepetitive = 7182
ServerPromotedTweetDismissSpam = 7183
* For FavoriteArchival Events
ServerTweetArchiveFavorite = 8000
ServerTweetUnarchiveFavorite = 8001
* For RetweetArchival Events
ServerTweetArchiveRetweet = 8002
ServerTweetUnarchiveRetweet = 8003
}(persisted='true', hasPersonalData='false')
* This union will be updated when we have a particular
* action that has attributes unique to that particular action
* (e.g. linger impressions have start/end times) and not common
* to all tweet actions.
* Naming convention for TweetActionInfo should be consistent with
* ActionType. For example, `ClientTweetLingerImpression` ActionType enum
* should correspond to `ClientTweetLingerImpression` TweetActionInfo union arm.
* We typically preserve 1:1 mapping between ActionType and TweetActionInfo. However, we make
* exceptions when optimizing for customer requirements. For example, multiple 'ClientTweetVideo*'
* ActionType enums correspond to a single `TweetVideoWatch` TweetActionInfo union arm because
* customers want individual action labels but common information across those labels.
union TweetActionInfo {
// 41 matches enum index ServerTweetReport in ActionType
41: ServerTweetReport serverTweetReport
// 1002 matches enum index ClientTweetLingerImpression in ActionType
1002: ClientTweetLingerImpression clientTweetLingerImpression
// Common metadata for
// 1. "ClientTweetVideo*" ActionTypes with enum indices 1011-1016 and 1100-1101
// 2. "ServerPromotedTweetVideo*" ActionTypes with enum indices 7011-7013 and 7131-7133
// 3. "ServerTweetVideo*" ActionTypes with enum indices 7151-7153
// This is because:
// 1. all the above listed ActionTypes share common metadata
// 2. more modular code as the same struct can be reused
// 3. reduces chance of error while populating and parsing the metadata
// 4. consumers can easily process the metadata
1011: TweetVideoWatch tweetVideoWatch
// 1012: skip
// 1013: skip
// 1014: skip
// 1015: skip
// 1016: skip
// 1024 matches enum index ClientTweetClickMentionScreenName in ActionType
1024: ClientTweetClickMentionScreenName clientTweetClickMentionScreenName
// 1041 matches enum index ClientTweetReport in ActionType
1041: ClientTweetReport clientTweetReport
// 1060 matches enum index ClientTweetFollowAuthor in ActionType
1060: ClientTweetFollowAuthor clientTweetFollowAuthor
// 1061 matches enum index ClientTweetUnfollowAuthor in ActionType
1061: ClientTweetUnfollowAuthor clientTweetUnfollowAuthor
// 1078 matches enum index ClientTweetClickHashtag in ActionType
1078: ClientTweetClickHashtag clientTweetClickHashtag
// 1090 matches enum index ClientTweetOpenLink in ActionType
1090: ClientTweetOpenLink clientTweetOpenLink
// 1091 matches enum index ClientTweetTakeScreenshot in ActionType
1091: ClientTweetTakeScreenshot clientTweetTakeScreenshot
// 1500 matches enum index ClientTweetV2Impression in ActionType
1500: ClientTweetV2Impression clientTweetV2Impression
// 7079 matches enum index ServerPromotedTweetOpenLink in ActionType
7079: ServerPromotedTweetOpenLink serverPromotedTweetOpenLink
}(persisted='true', hasPersonalData='true')
struct ClientTweetOpenLink {
//Url which was clicked.
1: optional string url(personalDataType = 'RawUrlPath')
}(persisted='true', hasPersonalData='true')
struct ServerPromotedTweetOpenLink {
//Url which was clicked.
1: optional string url(personalDataType = 'RawUrlPath')
}(persisted='true', hasPersonalData='true')
struct ClientTweetClickHashtag {
/* Hashtag string which was clicked. The PDP annotation is SearchQuery,
* because clicking on the hashtag triggers a search with the hashtag
1: optional string hashtag(personalDataType = 'SearchQuery')
}(persisted='true', hasPersonalData='true')
struct ClientTweetTakeScreenshot {
//percentage visible height.
1: optional i32 percentVisibleHeight100k
}(persisted='true', hasPersonalData='false')
* See go/ioslingerimpressionbehaviors and go/lingerandroidfaq
* for ios and android client definitions of a linger respectively.
struct ClientTweetLingerImpression {
/* Milliseconds since epoch when the tweet became more than 50% visible. */
1: required i64 lingerStartTimestampMs(personalDataType = 'ImpressionMetadata')
/* Milliseconds since epoch when the tweet became less than 50% visible. */
2: required i64 lingerEndTimestampMs(personalDataType = 'ImpressionMetadata')
}(persisted='true', hasPersonalData='true')
* See go/behavioral-client-events for general behavioral client event (BCE) information
* and go/bce-v2impress for detailed information about BCE impression events.
* Unlike ClientTweetLingerImpression, there is no lower bound on the amount of time
* necessary for the impress event to occur. There is also no visibility requirement for a impress
* event to occur.
struct ClientTweetV2Impression {
/* Milliseconds since epoch when the tweet became visible. */
1: required i64 impressStartTimestampMs(personalDataType = 'ImpressionMetadata')
/* Milliseconds since epoch when the tweet became visible. */
2: required i64 impressEndTimestampMs(personalDataType = 'ImpressionMetadata')
* The UI component that hosted this tweet where the impress event happened.
* For example, sourceComponent = "tweet" if the impress event happened on a tweet displayed amongst
* a collection of tweets, or sourceComponent = "tweet_details" if the impress event happened on
* a tweet detail UI component.
3: required string sourceComponent(personalDataType = 'WebsitePage')
}(persisted='true', hasPersonalData='true')
* Refer to go/cme-scribing and go/interaction-event-spec for details
struct TweetVideoWatch {
* Type of video included in the Tweet
1: optional client_app.MediaType mediaType(personalDataType = 'MediaFile')
* Whether the video content is "monetizable", i.e.,
* if a preroll ad may be served dynamically when the video plays
2: optional bool isMonetizable(personalDataType = 'MediaFile')
* The owner of the video, provided by playlist.
* For ad engagements related to a preroll ad (VIDEO_AD_*),
* this will be the owner of the preroll ad and same as the prerollOwnerId.
* For ad engagements related to a regular video (VIDEO_CONTENT_*), this will be the owner of the
* video and not the preroll ad.
3: optional i64 videoOwnerId(personalDataType = 'UserId')
* Identifies the video associated with a card.
* For ad Engagements, in the case of engagements related to a preroll ad (VIDEO_AD_*),
* this will be the id of the preroll ad and same as the prerollUuid.
* For ad engagements related to a regular video (VIDEO_CONTENT_*), this will be id of the video
* and not the preroll ad.
4: optional string videoUuid(personalDataType = 'MediaId')
* Id of the preroll ad shown before the video
5: optional string prerollUuid(personalDataType = 'MediaId')
* Advertiser id of the preroll ad
6: optional i64 prerollOwnerId(personalDataType = 'UserId')
* for amplify_flayer events, indicates whether preroll or the main video is being played
7: optional string videoType(personalDataType = 'MediaFile')
}(persisted='true', hasPersonalData='true')
struct ClientTweetClickMentionScreenName {
/* Id for the profile (user_id) that was actioned on */
1: required i64 actionProfileId(personalDataType = 'UserId')
/* The handle/screenName of the user. This can't be changed. */
2: required string handle(personalDataType = 'UserName')
}(persisted='true', hasPersonalData='true')
struct ClientTweetReport {
* Whether the "Report Tweet" flow was successfully completed.
* `true` if the flow was completed successfully, `false` otherwise.
1: required bool isReportTweetDone
* report-flow-id is included in Client Event when the "Report Tweet" flow was initiated
* See go/report-flow-ids and
2: optional string reportFlowId
}(persisted='true', hasPersonalData='true')
enum TweetAuthorFollowClickSource {
struct ClientTweetFollowAuthor {
* Where did the user click the Follow button on the tweet - from the caret menu("CARET_MENU")
* or via hovering over the profile and clicking on Follow ("PROFILE_IMAGE") - only applicable for web clients
* "UNKNOWN" if the scribe do not match the expected namespace for the above
1: required TweetAuthorFollowClickSource followClickSource
}(persisted='true', hasPersonalData='false')
enum TweetAuthorUnfollowClickSource {
struct ClientTweetUnfollowAuthor {
* Where did the user click the Unfollow button on the tweet - from the caret menu("CARET_MENU")
* or via hovering over the profile and clicking on Unfollow ("PROFILE_IMAGE") - only applicable for web clients
* "UNKNOWN" if the scribe do not match the expected namespace for the above
1: required TweetAuthorUnfollowClickSource unfollowClickSource
}(persisted='true', hasPersonalData='false')
struct ServerTweetReport {
* ReportDetails will be populated when the tweet report was scribed by spamacaw (server side)
* Only for the action submit, all the fields under ReportDetails will be available.
* This is because only after successful submission, we will know the report_type and report_flow_name.
* Reference:
1: optional string reportFlowId
2: optional report_flow_logs.ReportType reportType
}(persisted='true', hasPersonalData='false')
* This union will be updated when we have a particular
* action that has attributes unique to that particular action
* (e.g. linger impressions have start/end times) and not common
* to other profile actions.
* Naming convention for ProfileActionInfo should be consistent with
* ActionType. For example, `ClientProfileV2Impression` ActionType enum
* should correspond to `ClientProfileV2Impression` ProfileActionInfo union arm.
union ProfileActionInfo {
// 56 matches enum index ServerProfileReport in ActionType
56: ServerProfileReport serverProfileReport
// 1600 matches enum index ClientProfileV2Impression in ActionType
1600: ClientProfileV2Impression clientProfileV2Impression
// 6001 matches enum index ServerUserUpdate in ActionType
6001: ServerUserUpdate serverUserUpdate
}(persisted='true', hasPersonalData='true')
* See go/behavioral-client-events for general behavioral client event (BCE) information
* and
* for detailed information about BCE impression event.
* Unlike ClientTweetLingerImpression, there is no lower bound on the amount of time
* necessary for the impress event to occur. There is also no visibility requirement for a impress
* event to occur.
struct ClientProfileV2Impression {
/* Milliseconds since epoch when the profile page became visible. */
1: required i64 impressStartTimestampMs(personalDataType = 'ImpressionMetadata')
/* Milliseconds since epoch when the profile page became visible. */
2: required i64 impressEndTimestampMs(personalDataType = 'ImpressionMetadata')
* The UI component that hosted this profile where the impress event happened.
* For example, sourceComponent = "profile" if the impress event happened on a profile page
3: required string sourceComponent(personalDataType = 'WebsitePage')
}(persisted='true', hasPersonalData='true')
struct ServerProfileReport {
1: required social_graph_service_write_log.Action reportType(personalDataType = 'ReportType')
}(persisted='true', hasPersonalData='true')
struct ServerUserUpdate {
1: required list<user_service.UpdateDiffItem> updates
2: optional bool success (personalDataType = 'AuditMessage')
}(persisted='true', hasPersonalData='true')