twitter-team ef4c5eb65e Twitter Recommendation Algorithm
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2023-03-31 17:36:31 -05:00

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""" Importing the pyton op wrappers """
import os
# Import from twitter.deepbird
from twitter.deepbird.logging.log_level import set_logging_level # noqa: F401
from twitter.deepbird.sparse import SparseTensor # noqa: F401
from twitter.deepbird.sparse import sparse_dense_matmul # noqa: F401
from .util import dynamic_partition, feature_id, limit_bits, limit_sparse_tensor_size # noqa: F401
from .util import write_file, fixed_length_tensor, setup_tf_logging_formatter # noqa: F401
from .array import Array # noqa: F401
# Module to parse feature patterns and match them from data_spec.json
from .feature_config import FeatureConfig, FeatureConfigBuilder # noqa: F401
# Data record streaming, reading, writing, and parsing.
from .dataset import * # noqa: T400
from .readers import * # noqa: T400
from .block_format_writer import * # noqa: T400
# Graph output functions
from .export_output_fns import * # noqa: T400
# Input parsers
from .parsers import * # noqa: T400
# Input functions
from .input_fns import * # noqa: T400
# Feature filter functions
from .filters import * # noqa: T400
# Custom argparser for Trainer
from .argument_parser import * # noqa: T400
from . import constants # noqa: F401
from . import errors # noqa: F401
from . import layers # noqa: F401
from . import lookup # noqa: F401
from . import readers # noqa: F401
from . import summary # noqa: F401
from . import tensorboard # noqa: F401
import tensorflow.compat.v1 as tf # noqa: F402
# TODO: Figure out a better way to deal with this.
if 'OMP_NUM_THREADS' not in os.environ and 'MKL_NUM_THREADS' not in os.environ:
os.environ["OMP_NUM_THREADS"] = '1'
# Import all custom C++ ops
from libtwml import add1, partition_sparse_tensor, CLIB # noqa: F401
# Configure logging levels to info for various frameworks
from . import contrib # noqa: F401
from . import hooks # noqa: F401
from . import trainers # noqa: F401
from . import metrics # noqa: F401