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2023-03-31 17:36:31 -05:00

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This module implements tools for pruning neural networks.
In particular, it provides tools for dealing with masks:
features = apply_mask(features)
The function `apply_mask` applies a binary mask to the channels of a given tensor. Consider the
following loss:
logits = tf.matmul(features, weights)
loss = tf.losses.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy(labels, logits)
Each mask has a corresponding pruning signal. The function `update_pruning_signals` will update and
return these signals:
signals = update_pruning_signals(loss)
The pruning operation will zero out the mask entry with the smallest corresponding pruning signal:
The following function allows us to estimate the computational cost of a graph (number of FLOPs):
cost = computational_cost(loss)
To compute the cost of each feature per data point, we can do:
costs = tf.gradients(cost / batch_size, masks)
The current implementation of `computational_cost` is designed to work with standard feed-forward
and convolutional network architectures only, but may fail with more complicated architectures.
import numpy as np
import tensorflow.compat.v1 as tf
MASK_COLLECTION = 'pruning/masks'
MASK_EXTENDED_COLLECTION = 'pruning/masks_extended'
OP_COLLECTION = 'pruning/ops'
def apply_mask(tensor, name='pruning'):
Point-wise multiplies a tensor with a binary mask.
During training, pruning is simulated by setting entries of the mask to zero.
tensor: tf.Tensor
A tensor where the last dimension represents channels which will be masked
`tf.Tensor` with same shape as `tensor`
tensor_shape = tensor.shape
with tf.variable_scope(name, reuse=True):
# allocate masks and corresponding pruning signals
mask = tf.Variable(tf.ones(tensor.shape.as_list()[-1]), trainable=False, name='mask')
pruning_signal = tf.Variable(tf.zeros_like(mask), trainable=False, name='signal')
# extending masks is a trick to get a separate gradient for each data point
mask_extended = extend_mask(mask, tensor)
# store extended mask, pruning signal, and other vars for easy access later
mask.extended = mask_extended
mask.pruning_signal = pruning_signal
mask.tensor = tensor
# mask tensor
tensor = tf.multiply(tensor, mask_extended)
tensor._mask = mask
tf.add_to_collection(MASK_COLLECTION, mask)
tf.add_to_collection(MASK_EXTENDED_COLLECTION, mask.extended)
tf.add_to_collection(OP_COLLECTION, tensor.op)
return tensor
def extend_mask(mask, tensor):
Repeats the mask for each data point stored in a tensor.
If `tensor` is AxBxC dimensional and `mask` is C dimensional, returns an Ax1xC dimensional
tensor with A copies or `mask`.
mask: tf.Tensor
The mask which will be extended
tensor: tf.Tensor
The tensor to which the extended mask will be applied
The extended mask
batch_size = tf.shape(tensor)[:1]
ones = tf.ones([tf.rank(tensor) - 1], dtype=batch_size.dtype)
multiples = tf.concat([batch_size, ones], 0)
mask_shape = tf.concat([ones, [-1]], 0)
return tf.tile(tf.reshape(mask, mask_shape), multiples)
def find_input_mask(tensor):
Find ancestral mask affecting the number of pruned channels of a tensor.
tensor: tf.Tensor
Tensor for which to identify relevant mask
A `tf.Tensor` or `None`
if hasattr(tensor, '_mask'):
return tensor._mask
if tensor.op.type in ['MatMul', 'Conv1D', 'Conv2D', 'Conv3D', 'Transpose']:
# op produces a new number of channels, preceding mask therefore irrelevant
return None
if not tensor.op.inputs:
return None
for input in tensor.op.inputs:
mask = find_input_mask(input)
if mask is not None:
return mask
def find_output_mask(tensor):
Find mask applied to the tensor or one of its descendants if it affects the tensor's pruned shape.
tensor: tf.Tensor or tf.Variable
Tensor for which to identify relevant mask
A `tf.Tensor` or `None`
if isinstance(tensor, tf.Variable):
return find_output_mask(tensor.op.outputs[0])
if hasattr(tensor, '_mask'):
return tensor._mask
for op in tensor.consumers():
if len(op.outputs) != 1:
if op.type in ['MatMul', 'Conv1D', 'Conv2D', 'Conv3D']:
# masks of descendants are only relevant if tensor is right-multiplied
if tensor == op.inputs[1]:
return find_output_mask(op.outputs[0])
return None
mask = find_output_mask(op.outputs[0])
if mask is not None:
return mask
def find_mask(tensor):
Returns masks indicating channels of the tensor that are effectively removed from the graph.
tensor: tf.Tensor
Tensor for which to compute a mask
A `tf.Tensor` with binary entries indicating disabled channels
input_mask = find_input_mask(tensor)
output_mask = find_output_mask(tensor)
if input_mask is None:
return output_mask
if output_mask is None:
return input_mask
if input_mask is output_mask:
return input_mask
return input_mask * output_mask
def pruned_shape(tensor):
Computes the shape of a tensor after taking into account pruning of channels.
Note that the shape will only differ in the last dimension, even if other dimensions are also
effectively disabled by pruning masks.
tensor: tf.Tensor
Tensor for which to compute a pruned shape
A `tf.Tensor[tf.float32]` representing the pruned shape
mask = find_mask(tensor)
if mask is None:
return tf.cast(tf.shape(tensor), tf.float32)
return tf.concat([
tf.cast(tf.shape(tensor)[:-1], mask.dtype),
tf.reduce_sum(mask, keepdims=True)], 0)
def computational_cost(op_or_tensor, _observed=None):
Estimates the computational complexity of a pruned graph (number of floating point operations).
This function currently only supports sequential graphs such as those of MLPs and
simple CNNs with 2D convolutions in NHWC format.
Note that the computational cost returned by this function is proportional to batch size.
op_or_tensor: tf.Tensor or tf.Operation
Root node of graph for which to compute computational cost
A `tf.Tensor` representing a number of floating point operations
cost = tf.constant(0.)
# exclude cost of computing extended pruning masks
masks_extended = [mask.extended for mask in tf.get_collection(MASK_COLLECTION)]
if op_or_tensor in masks_extended:
return cost
# convert tensor to op
op = op_or_tensor.op if isinstance(op_or_tensor, (tf.Tensor, tf.Variable)) else op_or_tensor
# make sure cost of op will not be counted twice
if _observed is None:
_observed = []
elif op in _observed:
return cost
# compute cost of computing inputs
for tensor in op.inputs:
cost = cost + computational_cost(tensor, _observed)
# add cost of operation
if op.op_def is None or op in tf.get_collection(OP_COLLECTION):
# exclude cost of undefined ops and pruning ops
return cost
elif == 'MatMul':
shape_a = pruned_shape(op.inputs[0])
shape_b = pruned_shape(op.inputs[1])
return cost + shape_a[0] * shape_b[1] * (2. * shape_a[1] - 1.)
elif in ['Add', 'Mul', 'BiasAdd']:
return cost + tf.cond(
tf.size(op.inputs[0]) > tf.size(op.inputs[1]),
lambda: tf.reduce_prod(pruned_shape(op.inputs[0])),
lambda: tf.reduce_prod(pruned_shape(op.inputs[1])))
elif in ['Conv2D']:
output_shape = pruned_shape(op.outputs[0])
input_shape = pruned_shape(op.inputs[0])
kernel_shape = pruned_shape(op.inputs[1])
inner_prod_cost = (tf.reduce_prod(kernel_shape[:2]) * input_shape[-1] * 2. - 1.)
return cost + tf.reduce_prod(output_shape) * inner_prod_cost
return cost
def update_pruning_signals(loss, decay=.96, masks=None, method='Fisher'):
For each mask, computes corresponding pruning signals indicating the importance of a feature.
loss: tf.Tensor
Any cross-entropy loss
decay: float
Controls exponential moving average of pruning signals
method: str
Method used to compute pruning signal (currently only supports 'Fisher')
A `list[tf.Tensor]` of pruning signals corresponding to masks
* Theis et al., Faster gaze prediction with dense networks and Fisher pruning, 2018
if masks is None:
masks = tf.get_collection(MASK_COLLECTION)
if method not in ['Fisher']:
raise ValueError('Pruning method \'{0}\' not supported.'.format(method))
if not masks:
return []
with tf.variable_scope('pruning_opt', reuse=True):
# compute gradients of extended masks (yields separate gradient for each data point)
grads = tf.gradients(loss, [m.extended for m in masks])
# estimate Fisher pruning signals from batch
signals_batch = [tf.squeeze(tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(g), 0)) for g in grads]
# update pruning signals
signals = [m.pruning_signal for m in masks]
signals = [tf.assign(s, decay * s + (1. - decay) * f, use_locking=True)
for s, f in zip(signals, signals_batch)]
return signals
def prune(signals, masks=None):
Prunes a single feature by zeroing the mask entry with the smallest pruning signal.
signals: list[tf.Tensor]
A list of pruning signals
masks: list[tf.Tensor]
A list of corresponding masks, defaults to `tf.get_collection(MASK_COLLECTION)`
A `tf.Operation` which updates masks
if masks is None:
masks = tf.get_collection(MASK_COLLECTION)
with tf.variable_scope('pruning_opt', reuse=True):
# make sure we don't select already pruned units
signals = [tf.where(m > .5, s, tf.zeros_like(s) + np.inf) for m, s in zip(masks, signals)]
# find units with smallest pruning signal in each layer
min_idx = [tf.argmin(s) for s in signals]
min_signals = [s[i] for s, i in zip(signals, min_idx)]
# find layer with smallest pruning signal
l = tf.argmin(min_signals)
# construct pruning operations, one for each mask
updates = []
for k, i in enumerate(min_idx):
# set mask of layer l to 0 where pruning signal is smallest
tf.equal(l, k),
lambda: tf.scatter_update(
masks[k], tf.Print(i, [i], message="Pruning layer [{0}] at index ".format(k)), 0.),
lambda: masks[k]))
updates =, name='prune')
return updates