twitter-team ef4c5eb65e Twitter Recommendation Algorithm
Please note we have force-pushed a new initial commit in order to remove some publicly-available Twitter user information. Note that this process may be required in the future.
2023-03-31 17:36:31 -05:00

127 lines
4.9 KiB

package com.twitter.recosinjector.util
import com.twitter.frigate.common.base.TweetUtil
import com.twitter.gizmoduck.thriftscala.User
import com.twitter.recos.util.Action.Action
import com.twitter.tweetypie.thriftscala.Tweet
* This is used to store information about a newly created tweet
* @param validEntityUserIds For users mentioned or mediatagged in the tweet, these follow the
* engage user and only they are are considered valid
* @param sourceTweetDetails For Reply, Quote, or RT, source tweet is the tweet being actioned on
case class TweetCreateEventDetails(
userTweetEngagement: UserTweetEngagement,
validEntityUserIds: Seq[Long],
sourceTweetDetails: Option[TweetDetails]) {
// A mention is only valid if the mentioned user follows the source user
val validMentionUserIds: Option[Seq[Long]] = {
// A mediatag is only valid if the mediatagged user follows the source user
val validMediatagUserIds: Option[Seq[Long]] = {
* Stores information about a favorite/unfav engagement.
* NOTE: This could either be Likes, or UNLIKEs (i.e. when user cancels the Like)
* @param userTweetEngagement the engagement details
case class TweetFavoriteEventDetails(
userTweetEngagement: UserTweetEngagement)
* Stores information about a unified user action engagement.
* @param userTweetEngagement the engagement details
case class UuaEngagementEventDetails(
userTweetEngagement: UserTweetEngagement)
* Details about a user-tweet engagement, like when a user tweeted/liked a tweet
* @param engageUserId User that engaged with the tweet
* @param action The action the user took on the tweet
* @param tweetId The type of engagement the user took on the tweet
case class UserTweetEngagement(
engageUserId: Long,
engageUser: Option[User],
action: Action,
engagementTimeMillis: Option[Long],
tweetId: Long,
tweetDetails: Option[TweetDetails])
* Helper class that decomposes a tweet object and provides related details about this tweet
case class TweetDetails(tweet: Tweet) {
val authorId: Option[Long] =
val urls: Option[Seq[String]] =
val mediaUrls: Option[Seq[String]] =
val hashtags: Option[Seq[String]] =
// mentionUserIds include reply user ids at the beginning of a tweet
val mentionUserIds: Option[Seq[Long]] =
val mediatagUserIds: Option[Seq[Long]] = {
_.tagMap.flatMap {
case (_, mediaTag) => mediaTag.flatMap(_.userId)
val replySourceId: Option[Long] = tweet.coreData.flatMap(_.reply.flatMap(_.inReplyToStatusId))
val replyUserId: Option[Long] = tweet.coreData.flatMap(
val retweetSourceId: Option[Long] = tweet.coreData.flatMap(
val retweetUserId: Option[Long] = tweet.coreData.flatMap(
val quoteSourceId: Option[Long] =
val quoteUserId: Option[Long] =
val quoteTweetUrl: Option[String] = tweet.quotedTweet.flatMap(
//If the tweet is retweet/reply/quote, this is the tweet that the new tweet responds to
val (sourceTweetId, sourceTweetUserId) = {
(replySourceId, retweetSourceId, quoteSourceId) match {
case (Some(replyId), _, _) =>
(Some(replyId), replyUserId)
case (_, Some(retweetId), _) =>
(Some(retweetId), retweetUserId)
case (_, _, Some(quoteId)) =>
(Some(quoteId), quoteUserId)
case _ =>
(None, None)
// Boolean information
val hasPhoto: Boolean = TweetUtil.containsPhotoTweet(tweet)
val hasVideo: Boolean = TweetUtil.containsVideoTweet(tweet)
// TweetyPie does not populate url fields in a quote tweet create event, even though we
// consider quote tweets as url tweets. This boolean helps make up for it.
// Details:
val hasQuoteTweetUrl: Boolean = tweet.quotedTweet.exists(_.permalink.isDefined)
val hasUrl: Boolean = this.urls.exists(_.nonEmpty) || hasQuoteTweetUrl
val hasHashtag: Boolean = this.hashtags.exists(_.nonEmpty)
val isCard: Boolean = hasUrl | hasPhoto | hasVideo
implicit def bool2Long(b: Boolean): Long = if (b) 1L else 0L
// Return a hashed long that contains card type information of the tweet
val cardInfo: Long = isCard | (hasUrl << 1) | (hasPhoto << 2) | (hasVideo << 3)
// nullcast tweet is one that is purposefully not broadcast to followers, ex. an ad tweet.
val isNullCastTweet: Boolean = tweet.coreData.exists(_.nullcast)