twitter-team ef4c5eb65e Twitter Recommendation Algorithm
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2023-03-31 17:36:31 -05:00

329 lines
12 KiB

import java.util.List;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReader;
import org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReaderContext;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import com.twitter.common.util.Clock;
* A TwitterCollector containing the most common early termination logic based on
* timeout, cost, and max hits. This class does not do any actual hit collection---this class
* is abstract and cannot be instantiated.
* If a Collector and all its subclasses need early termination, it should extend this class.
* However, if one just wants to add EarlyTermination to any single collector, he can just
* use {@link DelegatingEarlyTerminationCollector}
* as a wrapper.
public abstract class TwitterEarlyTerminationCollector
extends TwitterCollector implements LeafCollector {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TwitterEarlyTerminationCollector.class);
private static final SearchCounter NEGATIVE_TIME_PER_SEGMENT =
private static final SearchRateCounter QUERY_TIMEOUT_ENFORCED =
protected int curDocId = -1;
protected Scorable scorer = null;
private LeafReader curReader = null;
private final long maxHitsToProcess;
private long numHitsProcessed = 0;
private int lastEarlyTerminationCheckDocId = -1;
private final Clock clock;
private final QueryCostProvider queryCostProvider;
private final TerminationTracker terminationTracker;
// This determines how often the expensive early termination check is performed.
// If set to be negative, expensive early termination check only performed at segment boundaries.
// If set to a positive number X, this check is performed every X docs processed.
private int numDocsBetweenTimeoutChecks;
// Number of segments searched so far.
// This is used to predicatively early terminate.
// Expensive early termination checks may not happen often enough. Sometimes the request
// times out in between the termination checks.
// After finishing searching a segment, we estimate how much time is needed to search one
// segment on average. If searching the next segment would cause a timeout, we early terminate.
private int numSearchedSegments = 0;
* Creates a new TwitterEarlyTerminationCollector instance.
* @param collectorParams the parameters needed to guide early termination.
* @param terminationTracker If null is passed in, a new TerminationTrack is created. Otherwise,
* the one passed in is used.
* @param numDocsBetweenTimeoutChecks TerminationTracker based check are performed upon a hit
* every numDocsBetweenTimeoutChecks docs. If a non-positive number is passed
* in, TerminationTracker based checks are disabled.
* If collectorParams specifies a value as well, that value is used.
public TwitterEarlyTerminationCollector(
CollectorParams collectorParams,
TerminationTracker terminationTracker,
@Nullable QueryCostProvider queryCostProvider,
int numDocsBetweenTimeoutChecks,
Clock clock) {
CollectorTerminationParams terminationParams = collectorParams.getTerminationParams();
if (terminationParams == null) {
terminationParams = new CollectorTerminationParams()
if (!terminationParams.isSetMaxHitsToProcess() || terminationParams.getMaxHitsToProcess() < 0) {
maxHitsToProcess = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
} else {
maxHitsToProcess = terminationParams.getMaxHitsToProcess();
if (terminationParams.isSetNumDocsBetweenTimeoutChecks()) {
this.numDocsBetweenTimeoutChecks = terminationParams.getNumDocsBetweenTimeoutChecks();
} else {
this.numDocsBetweenTimeoutChecks = numDocsBetweenTimeoutChecks;
this.terminationTracker = Preconditions.checkNotNull(terminationTracker);
this.queryCostProvider = queryCostProvider;
this.clock = clock;
public final LeafCollector getLeafCollector(LeafReaderContext context) throws IOException {
return this;
* Sub-classes may override this to add more collection logic.
protected abstract void doCollect() throws IOException;
* Sub-classes may override this to add more segment completion logic.
* @param lastSearchedDocID is the last docid searched before termination,
* or NO_MORE_DOCS if there was no early termination. This doc may not be a hit!
protected abstract void doFinishSegment(int lastSearchedDocID) throws IOException;
* sub classes can override this to perform more early termination checks.
public EarlyTerminationState innerShouldCollectMore() throws IOException {
return EarlyTerminationState.COLLECTING;
* After early termination, this method can be used to retrieve early termination reason.
public final EarlyTerminationState getEarlyTerminationState() {
return terminationTracker.getEarlyTerminationState();
protected final EarlyTerminationState setEarlyTerminationState(
EarlyTerminationState newEarlyTerminationState) {
return newEarlyTerminationState;
public final boolean isTerminated() throws IOException {
EarlyTerminationState earlyTerminationState = getEarlyTerminationState();
if (earlyTerminationState.isTerminated()) {
return true;
if (getNumHitsProcessed() >= getMaxHitsToProcess()) {
if (shouldTerminate()) {
return setEarlyTerminationState(EarlyTerminationState.TERMINATED_MAX_HITS_EXCEEDED)
} else {
return false;
return innerShouldCollectMore().isTerminated();
* Note: subclasses overriding this method are expected to call "super.setNextReader"
* in their setNextReader().
* @deprecated Remove this methods in favor of {@link #getLeafCollector(LeafReaderContext)}
public void setNextReader(LeafReaderContext context) throws IOException {
if (!terminationTracker.useLastSearchedDocIdOnTimeout()) {
// Reset curDocId for next segment
curDocId = -1;
lastEarlyTerminationCheckDocId = -1;
curReader = context.reader();
* Sub-classes overriding this method are expected to call super.setScorer()
public void setScorer(Scorable scorer) throws IOException {
this.scorer = scorer;
public final void collect(int doc) throws IOException {
curDocId = doc;
if (numDocsBetweenTimeoutChecks > 0
&& (curDocId - lastEarlyTerminationCheckDocId) >= numDocsBetweenTimeoutChecks) {
lastEarlyTerminationCheckDocId = curDocId;
if (!terminationTracker.useLastSearchedDocIdOnTimeout()) {
* Accounting for a segment searched.
* @param lastSearchedDocID is the last docid searched before termination,
* or NO_MORE_DOCS if there was no early termination. This doc may not be a hit!
protected final void trackCompleteSegment(int lastSearchedDocID) throws IOException {
public final void finishSegment(int lastSearchedDocID) throws IOException {
// finished searching a segment. Computer average time needed to search a segment.
Preconditions.checkState(curReader != null, "Did subclass call super.setNextReader()?");
long totalTime = clock.nowMillis() - terminationTracker.getLocalStartTimeMillis();
if (totalTime >= Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
String msg = String.format(
"%s: A query runs for %d that is longer than Integer.MAX_VALUE ms. lastSearchedDocID: %d",
getClass().getSimpleName(), totalTime, lastSearchedDocID
throw new IllegalStateException(msg);
int timePerSegment = ((int) totalTime) / numSearchedSegments;
if (timePerSegment < 0) {
timePerSegment = 0;
// If we're enforcing timeout via the last searched doc ID, we don't need to add this buffer,
// since we'll detect the timeout right away.
if (!terminationTracker.useLastSearchedDocIdOnTimeout()) {
// Check whether we timed out and are checking for timeout at the leaves. If so, we should use
// the captured lastSearchedDocId from the tracker instead, which is the most up-to-date amongst
// the query nodes.
if (terminationTracker.useLastSearchedDocIdOnTimeout()
&& EarlyTerminationState.TERMINATED_TIME_OUT_EXCEEDED.equals(
terminationTracker.getEarlyTerminationState())) {
} else {
// We finished a segment, so clear out the DocIdTrackers. The next segment will register its
// own trackers, and we don't need to keep the trackers from the current segment.
curDocId = -1;
curReader = null;
scorer = null;
* More expensive Early Termination checks, which are not called every hit.
* This sets EarlyTerminationState if it decides that early termination should kick in.
* See: SEARCH-29723.
private void expensiveEarlyTerminationCheck() {
if (queryCostProvider != null) {
double totalQueryCost = queryCostProvider.getTotalCost();
double maxQueryCost = terminationTracker.getMaxQueryCost();
if (totalQueryCost >= maxQueryCost) {
final long nowMillis = clock.nowMillis();
if (nowMillis >= terminationTracker.getTimeoutEndTimeWithReservation()) {
public long getMaxHitsToProcess() {
return maxHitsToProcess;
public final void setNumHitsProcessed(long numHitsProcessed) {
this.numHitsProcessed = numHitsProcessed;
protected final long getNumHitsProcessed() {
return numHitsProcessed;
protected final int getNumSearchedSegments() {
return numSearchedSegments;
protected final Clock getClock() {
return clock;
protected final TerminationTracker getTerminationTracker() {
return this.terminationTracker;
protected void collectedEnoughResults() throws IOException {
protected boolean shouldTerminate() {
return true;
* Debug info collected during execution.
public abstract List<String> getDebugInfo();