twitter-team ef4c5eb65e Twitter Recommendation Algorithm
Please note we have force-pushed a new initial commit in order to remove some publicly-available Twitter user information. Note that this process may be required in the future.
2023-03-31 17:36:31 -05:00

74 lines
2.6 KiB

package com.twitter.graph_feature_service.common
import com.twitter.conversions.DurationOps._
import com.twitter.util.Duration
import com.twitter.util.Time
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import scala.util.hashing.MurmurHash3
object Configs {
// NOTE: notify #recos-platform slack room, if you want to change this.
// This SHOULD be updated together with NUM_SHARDS in worker.aurora
final val NumGraphShards: Int = 40
final val TopKRealGraph: Int = 512
final val BaseHdfsPath: String = "/user/cassowary/processed/gfs/constant_db/"
// whether or not to write in_value and out_value graphs. Used in the scalding job.
final val EnableValueGraphs: Boolean = true
// whether or not to write in_key and out_key graphs. Used in the scalding job.
final val EnableKeyGraphs: Boolean = false
final val FollowOutValPath: String = "follow_out_val/"
final val FollowOutKeyPath: String = "follow_out_key/"
final val FollowInValPath: String = "follow_in_val/"
final val FollowInKeyPath: String = "follow_in_key/"
final val MutualFollowValPath: String = "mutual_follow_val/"
final val MutualFollowKeyPath: String = "mutual_follow_key/"
final val FavoriteOutValPath: String = "favorite_out_val/"
final val FavoriteInValPath: String = "favorite_in_val/"
final val FavoriteOutKeyPath: String = "favorite_out_key/"
final val FavoriteInKeyPath: String = "favorite_in_key/"
final val RetweetOutValPath: String = "retweet_out_val/"
final val RetweetInValPath: String = "retweet_in_val/"
final val RetweetOutKeyPath: String = "retweet_out_key/"
final val RetweetInKeyPath: String = "retweet_in_key/"
final val MentionOutValPath: String = "mention_out_val/"
final val MentionInValPath: String = "mention_in_val/"
final val MentionOutKeyPath: String = "mention_out_key/"
final val MentionInKeyPath: String = "mention_in_key/"
final val MemCacheTTL: Duration = 8.hours
final val RandomSeed: Int = 39582942
def getTimedHdfsShardPath(shardId: Int, path: String, time: Time): String = {
val timeStr = time.format("yyyy/MM/dd")
def getHdfsPath(path: String, overrideBaseHdfsPath: Option[String] = None): String = {
val basePath = overrideBaseHdfsPath.getOrElse(BaseHdfsPath)
private def hash(kArr: Array[Byte], seed: Int): Int = {
MurmurHash3.bytesHash(kArr, seed) & 0x7fffffff // keep positive
private def hashLong(l: Long, seed: Int): Int = {
hash(ByteBuffer.allocate(8).putLong(l).array(), seed)
def shardForUser(userId: Long): Int = {
hashLong(userId, RandomSeed) % NumGraphShards